There are over 2601 complaints on file for Comerica. Dated between 2019-11-29 and 2011-12-13.
Scottsdale, AZ
Company closed your account
Complaint: I closed my checking account with this Bank on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX this Bank sent me a letter that there is an overdraw balance made on XXXX for the amount of {$55.00} which is incorrect and threated to claim the overdrawn amount with a collection agency.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Columbus, OH
Charged for a purchase or transfer you did not make with the card
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Yeagertown, PA
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Complaint: I receive SSI. On XXXX XXXX, I received it as usual. I paid bills that XXXX. I went to XXXX to purchase a few items in the evening and found that {$900.00} had been withdrawn from my Direct Express account in an " IVR transfer ''. No name of who took the money. I was shocked and panicky. I contacted Direct Express and they are investigating via their fraud department and issued me a new card. Also I have contacted an attorney. Mysteriously, the funds reappeared in my account the following week, XXXX XXXX to be exact under the heading " credit adjustment ''. The woman I spoke to in the fraud department stated that my funds would not be returned until after the investigation so where did the money come from? Any way you can assist me with this will be helpful as this money is crucial to my survival and I ca n't afford this to happen again. Thank you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Vernon Hill, VA
Confusing or misleading advertising about the card
Complaint: DirectExpress Debit MasterCard XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX TX XXXX Trying to steal your Social Security or other Federal Benefits. XXXX If you call their " Customer Service '' number, you are automatically signed up to have them sent your Social Security, or other federal, benefits. You then have to pay to use the funds. <P/>It says they have the US Department of Treasury, Financial Management Service " permission '' to use the mumbo jumbo. <P/>Thieves. Scammers. Semitic Smile on the female dog that is on their misleading flyer. Texans. <P/>The stress of thinking I could lose my money this way, fear of having to pay to use my money, deserves damages compensation. <P/>{$10000.00} due me, in full, Immediately. <P/>XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, VA XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Las Vegas, NV
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Finksburg, MD
Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
Complaint: I am a retiree, receive Social Security Retirement of {$820.00} per month. I have had a Debit card issued by Direct Express for 5 years and use it for necessities : rent, utilities, etc. I have been extremely careful with my card. All has been fine for 5 years. Recently ( details below ) according to Direct Express, my account was hacked. They said they sent me a new card, which came, but that was 'hacked ' as well. They have sent me another card, which is due today. They have charged my account for two cards at {$4.00} each and one 2-day XXXX delivery. I objected to the expense. I find it very suspicious that my account was hacked twice in one week, necessitating the issuance of two cards. The cost of producing these cards is about XXXX cents. Why are they charging {$4.00}? I wonder if millions of seniors ' accounts have been 'hacked ', 'necessitating the issuance of new cards ', and Direct Express pocketing the difference between XXXX cents and {$4.00} -- which is {$3.00} per card. If this happens to XXXX XXXX seniors, Direct Express is profiting over XXXX XXXX. PLEASE CHECK INTO THIS!! I AM GLAD TO HELP!! I have already contacted my Congressman. The details : XXXX XXXX 2017, Sunday I tried to purchase some groceries at the local XXXX grocery store, and the purchase would not complete. I had cash, so purchased the groceries, came home and called the Direct Express ( DE ) folks. The DE phone system connected me with a live person, who said that someone tried to hack my account and that DE had de-activated my card. I would have to fax them two forms of ID for them to issue a new card, which I did within an hour or so. I confirmed my address and all other info they required. <P/>XXXX XXXX 2017 My new DE/ SSA debit card was delivered by XXXX at about XXXX. I called the number on the debit card sticker to activate but a message said to wait two days. <P/>XXXX XXXX 2017 ( spoke w/ XXXX at Direct Express ) I called the activation number and would still not activate. The system connected me with a live person ( XXXX ) who said the address they had on file was in Florida. I asked why would they issue me a new debit card to my XXXX, MD address if they had a Florida address for me. I have never lived in Florida. No answer except that it seemed that my account was again hacked twice in five days. The young man again corrected my account and ordered a second new debit card for me. However, when he was speaking, I displayed my account on the website, and my account showed charges for 2 cards @ {$4.00} each and shipping of {$13.00}. <P/>I objected to the charges- in a nice way -- saying that the hacking and protections from hacking are the contractors responsibilitythat I had done nothing to violate my account, nor gave anyone permission to. I have always been careful to keep all info private. The young man said that he would look into it. I would not have minded once, but when they charged me twice, this suggests that the contractor is trying to get as much as possible from us retirees. <P/>XXXX XXXX 2017 Received a letter via USPS from Direct Express ( DE ) Fraud Prevention Team ( XXXX XXXX ), dated XXXX XXXX 2017 and saying that they tried to call me, but couldnt reach memy cell phone has no record of their calland that a temporary restriction was placed on my accountplease call them to discuss at XXXX. I closely examined the letter- which had some markings that suggested it might be a proper letter from DE, so I called the number at XXXX. Spoke with XXXX. Gave my info. XXXX said that a new card was sent to my XXXX, MD address- two business day delivery I reminded XXXX that this was the second incident in one week on my account. One piece of info that suggested this was a good number and contact is that XXXX knew the balance on my account. <P/>PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS -- OTHER SENIORS MAY BE SUFFERING AND DONT KNOW ABOUT YOUR GREAT WORK.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Beyersville, TX
Problem using the card to withdraw money from an ATM
Complaint: On Friday XXXX XXXX,2017 around XXXX I XXXX XXXX attempted to withdraw the amount of {$400.00}. from an atm located within the local XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Texas the withdrawl was made by the use of my Direct Express Card a product of Comerica Bank the first attempt failed I felt that the pin # could have been entered wrongly A second attempt was A successful I recived the {$400.00} amount another attempt to withdraw another {$400.00}. failed the machine indicated that there was insufficient funds in my account to withdraw this amount I called the Direct Express customer service # XXXX the automated vice provided information indicating that my funds had been credited with the first {$400.00}. I then proceeded to speak with a live attendant who took all my account information I was told that I was being transferred to level 2 the transfer was made after about the automated annoucment advises that Direct Express was experiencing high call volume and I was cut off this situation existed for the high call volume.I spoke with the mgr. of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX advised him of the problem I had. On Sat XXXX XXXX 2017 I called Direct Express and learned through the automated service that my account had been credited with the proper funds. On wed XX/XX/XXXX around XXXX attempted to make another wihtdrawl this at the atm located at ther XXXX XXXX drive inn located at XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Texas.The first attempt to withdraw {$200.00}. failed another attempt fails And I received A receipt indicated that the machine was having technical problems A copy of this receipt is attached to and made part of this complaint.I called Direct Express around XXXX XXXX then and there out side the XXXX XXXX. after listening to the Direct Express service I learned that my account had been credited with a {$200.00}. withdrawl I transferred to a live agent who took all my account information and was told tha I was to hold because I was being transferred to level 2 .while on hold the automated service advises me of the high call volume and I was cut off this sequence of events was present until around XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX 2017.On XXXX XXXX,2017 at around XXXX XXXX I placed another call to Direct Express customer service again I was put on hold and transferred to level 2 after about five minutes I was able to speak to speak with a female female agent I explained to her what took place on XXXX,2017 and on XXXX XXXX2017 I explained to her what happened on XXXX 2017 I told that my account had been debited with a {$200.00} withdraw and I did no get I explained my situation over and over she said she did not understand at which time I told her she was being taped. She told me tht she had to stop the call she was at my account she could see everything I was telling her after being cutoff I called back to Direct Express spoke with toi speak with alive agent asked to speak with a supervisor I waited to speak with supervisor after about 15 minutes iu was able to do so I told him about what at level 2 and how I had been cut off and why he did give his name he just told me tha he would put me through to level 2 after about 10miin of being put hold automated services advises me of the large call volume and cut me off I made At least 8 calls that and could not get pass the automated service. On Friday XX/XX/XXXX called Direct Express and afte about sis 6 attempts I was able speak with a live agent who told me that they were sending me to level 2 I was on hold for more than twenty minn alive agent comes on and comes on and ask me for my information he then ask for my information I gave it to him he then told me that I needed level2 I told him that I was on hold more than twenty minutes waiting for level 2 and he came up he then said that he would get me to level 2 I asked for his name and he said XXXX, I asked XXXX who and he said that company p [ olicy did allow him to reveal his full name. I made many other calls and was always told of the large call volume and the phone would hang up.Let me just sress that Direct Express its customers such informs its customers that they may be taped, they get vital information from customers dob ssa numbers and verify it how ever customers can not get their employee number or full name.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Philadelphia, PA
Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
Complaint: Direct Express says i am dead and suspended my Social security account. I have been trying for over 2 weeks to get someone from direct express or social security to help me. I have called both DE and SS many times and have been to my local SS office 1 time so far, I plan to try again tomorrow. I am almost out of money and i really need some help.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Houston, TX
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Sebring, FL
Charged for a purchase or transfer you did not make with the card
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
East Orange, NJ
Card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase or transfer
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Fresno, CA
Account opened as a result of fraud
Complaint: XXXX from Direct Express Debit XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, valid thur XX/XX/XXXX. ) send me a debit card. I call their customer service XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, at XXXX, that I never apply for the card. All the customer service ask and repeated for my social security number only and then they hang up. I did a little research on the web that this is a fraud and now I do n't know what to do now that they had my social security number. The debit card as comerica bank on top right of the card.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ernul, NC
Complaint: on XX/XX/XXXX i woke to a low balance issue with my Drrtect Express card issued from Comerica.. I had been defrauded out of XXXX. in charges and International fees that evidently are a percentage of the charge. The Company refused to STOP the pending charges and allowed them to go through. I then spent 24 hours trying to reach their Tier 2 department which is only supervisors to start a claim. so they actually told me that i did not make my claim till tuesday when in fact i called the first time before XXXX XXXX on Monday.. I was then told i had to wait for their claims form to reach me in the mail and fill it out. They did not tell me when i asked for a rush on my card that the funds would not be refunded to my card. so they charged me XXXX in shipping fees and another XXXX dollars for a card I had not lost.. It was still in my wallet. but because its their policy to end the card and start a new one. I got charged .. This brought my account balance to XXXX cents. I had no food for my service dog and advised them of this. and they refuse to credit my account. I had no food for Myself and they refused to credit my account. I received the bank statements in the mail on Saturday XX/XX/XXXX today is the XX/XX/XXXX and still no claim form.. I was told that if I did not return the forms to them before the XX/XX/XXXX I would receive no credit at all. I was also told on the XXXX the only way to get forms back was mail and they would stop the charges. These were lies. I called the company on Monday and told XXXX that i still had not gotten the claim forms could i just circle the charges on the paper and sent them back with a note. he said Yes and i was worried about the deadline. so He gave me the fax number for the company information that could have given me the previous Tuesday because of my issues. I then called them back Monday and was advised they received the complaint documents i needed to give them and i should wait 24 to 48 hours. yesterday i had to take my XXXX XXXX to the vet for a routine procedure that is covered by his medical plan. However i was advised he had health issues that would affect his ability to work and do his job if left untreated he would go XXXX as it was XXXX XXXX. His nails were too long. again I called them and told them that i needed my funds they had all the paperwork they needed to issue at least a provisional credit which I had been told could happen as soon as i got the paperwork in. I had to pay to fax the forms again borrowed money from my friends. another XXXX dollars this fiasco has cost me. the tier two person again REFUSED TO ASSIST me claiming now the only people that could fix the credit was the inspection department. and I would Have to wait another 7 days for that Provisional credit IF I QUALIFIED if I did not they would hold off returning funds for another 10 to 90 days. this has cost me sleep cost me mental and physical anguish it affected My XXXX XXXX ... Now i get there is a process .. yet the charges could have been stopped as they were only pending. they could have e-mailed their investigation department with the special circumstances. I jumped through their hoops I was lied to told different stories at every turn. I think this company is defrauding clients and keeping the money for themselves.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Barnesville, GA
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Charged for a purchase or transfer you did not make with the card
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Citrus Heights, CA
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hilltop Mall, CA
Banking errors
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
Complaint: Comerica Bank on XXXX XXXX in XXXX Texas took my Identification and disposed of it without contacting me and when I called to fix problem, they sent me on a wild goose chase for a week. They would not accept my check for deposit after they disposed of identification and would never call me back to take care of issue. This is a very serious matter in which I want resolved. This is the worst experience ever with a financial institution I have ever had. I can not open another account without the identification. I 'm in limbo until then. I 'm beyond upset and feel they should be liable for all fees incurred when attaining a new ID IS as well and any pumitative damages.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Dayton, OH
Card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase or transfer
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
La Tuna Canyon, CA
Charged for a purchase or transfer you did not make with the card
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Waimanalo, HI
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Millville, CA
Trouble getting, activating, or registering a card
Complaint: Borrower is in the middle of a purchase transaction and we have been trying to ge t two mo nths stateme nts. 3 weeks later we still do not have the statem ents. Borrower w ill be loosing his lock and possible the home. Need statement faxed to emailed as soon as possible.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Trouble getting, activating, or registering a card
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Phelan, CA
Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
Company Response: Closed with explanation