There are over 6379 complaints on file for UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Dated between 2019-12-06 and 2011-12-02.
San Gabriel, CA
Complaint: USAA Bank is taking my XXXX wife 's Social Security be'tnefits to cure a debt they claim she owes from an account she held individually. the benefits the are attaching are direct deposited to an account she ca n't touch, I, her husband am her Repersentative Payee, the title of the account is XXXX XXXX, Representative Payee for XXXX XXXX. so not only is USAA unwilling to listen when I tell them they can not attach social security benefits to cure the debt they say she owes, they are also taking from an account that was designed to protect the finances of a person unable to manage their own, which is my case. My wife can not handle her own money, I pay her obligations and allocate funds to her so she cant get herselfin trouble. USAA 's resolution executives refuse to listen when they are informed they can not take her benefits that are direct deposited to her representative payee account to cure a debt from her individual account, please help?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Newington, NH
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Keller, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Finksburg, MD
Complaint: I was in the process of reviewing my bank statements when I was preparing my taxes and noticed that in XXXX a check that I wrote to a cleaning company posted twice to my account it was the exact same check with the exact same date and the exact same amount and the same check numberwhen I noticed the clerical error I notified my bank they researched and admitted that they incorrectly paid out the XXXX and they would look to resolve the issue 30 days later I have not had a resolution and I am being told that I can not receive the funds back in my account until they have received the funds back from the bank in which they had paid out multiple times. They do not have a date for a resolution and stated I would never receive my funds if the bank they had paid out to never returned it back to them
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Junction City, KS
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Kalaeloa, HI
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Colo Spgs, CO
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX 2015, we applied for an auto loan with USAA ... which was immediately approved. Intent was to be pre-approved before looking for a new car. USAA gave us XXXX days to execute the loan, offer ending on XXXX XXXX 2015. Two weeks later, on XXXX XXXX 2015, we found and purchased a vehicle using the USAA pre-approval check provided. The following week on XXXX XXXX 2015, USAA sent us an addendum to the loan documents showing the loan start date of XXXX XXXX 2015 ... the original pre-approval date, not the actual purchase date of XXXX XXXX 2015. We contacted USAA and spoke to a Customer Service Representative ( CSR ), who researched the sale and spoke to a supervisor. The CSR informed us that though the Loan date would be shown as XXXX XXXX, interest would not start until the sale date of XXXX XXXX 2015. We then sent a written request via email requesting that this information be provided in writing. We received a email reply the following day XXXX XXXX 2015, from XXXX XXXX at USAA. She stated that the information provided was incorrect, and that we were in fact being charged interest on the auto loan effective the approval date of XXXX XXXX 2015.
We requested that USAA review the legality of this practice, and answer we received was that this is the way we always do it. We realize that this is a minimal financial issue per loan. By my calculation, it cost us approximately {$25.00} in this transaction. However, if this is a legal and allowed practice, then this is being done to a lot of unsuspecting consumers. In searching the loan documents, there is no disclosure indicating that this is a condition. I ca n't imagine having been charged interest on my mortgage approval pending the completion of the house, nor being charged interest on my credit cards based on the limit instead of the balance. So, is this legal? To start charging interest on a loan as soon as it is approved, not when it 's actually used?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Arlington, VA
Complaint: I tried to move my personal residence to my revocable trust. However, USAA does not allow that. Yet, they do prepare trusts and from what I learned, if the trust uses USAA as the trustee ; then it is possible ; but otherwise, it is not permitted. This seems unfair. I 'd further note that their website even recommends moving property to a trust - again, apparently if they are hired as the trustee only. From below, I clicked on making payments some loan servicing is listed under that section.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I made some purchases using XXXX and still had some old account information listed for an account that I thought I had closed after my divorce since it still has my ex-husband 's name on it. There were many purchases made over a short period of time and as soon as I was notified of the problem, I updated my payment information on XXXX to remedy the problem. I did not realize that my USAA savings account ( which has had zero activity in over 18 months aside from a total of XXXX cents paid in interest which has kept the account from going dormant ) was even still open so did not worry until I received a notice from the bank that my account was overdrawn approximately {$340.00}. I immediately called the bank to fix the problem and they nicely removed {$110.00}, or XXXX, of the NSF fees I had been charged and the representative told me that was all she could remove in XXXX day and to call back tomorrow to see if I could continue to have more fees removed from my account. When I called the next day I was told that this was inaccurate information and that they can only remove XXXX fees per 12 month period. I asked to speak with a manager, who basically told me the same thing and when I asked to speak with her manager, I was hung-up on. So I called back and tried to explain how this account was supposed to be closed and that I 'm happy to pay for the items I purchased that they paid for including the overdraft charges for those XXXX items. The next " manager '' said he could find no documentation that I had requested to have the account closed but he also could not find any of the information about the other XXXX checking accounts that I had closed and that I had for years and essentially said I was lying. I tried a few more times to get some information and talk to some other people and was asked to get a letter from XXXX outlining the items that were being submitted and returned and that if I presented this letter I would have better luck in getting XXXX more NSF returned ( there were a total of XXXX NSF fees that I do n't think I should have to pay and XXXX overdraft fees that I am more than willing to pay ). I offered each time to give my account information to pay for the outstanding items the bank covered, along with their corresponding overdraft charges and every time I was denied, given different information ( basically a runaround ), and insulted to the point that I will be moving my auto/renters insurance to another company, which they do n't seem to care about either. The icing on the cake happened today with yet another manager called at my request so I could follow up about the requested XXXX letter. She decided to bring up the issue of the bankruptcy that was filed almost 2 years ago that resulted after my husband 's failed business and also ended us in divorce. She said they will absolutely not forgive anything because I left them with {$40000.00} of debt and because it 's not their fault that I 'm " negligent with my finances '' and that I 'm supposed to monitor my accounts. Had I known this account was still open, I would have indeed closed it. I am willing to fight this company any way I can because of the way they have treated me. I have worked very hard to rebuild my credit and am appalled they had the nerve to bring up my bankruptcy case when this is a right we have in this country and not something I ever WANTED to have happen. My credit score is almost XXXX and I have NEVER had an overdraft or NSF at my current banking institution. If this ends up in collections, I will also be fighting it there to maintain the credit score I have worked so diligently to rebuild. The conclusion from the manager today was that she felt USAA was being " more than generous. ''
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Vienna, NC
Company Response: Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint Closed with explanation
Littleton, CO
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Federal Way, WA
Complaint: I am a victim of IDENTITY THEFT. On XXXX XXXX XX/XX/2014, I was notified by XXXX that someone had attempted to open a bank account with USAA Bank with my Name/SS # /Date of Birth. My issue with USAA Bank is that they will not respond to my requests to obtain the records relating to the fraud. The Fair Credit reporting act, 609 ( e ), allows me to obtain these records without subpoenaincluding : Account applications made on paper, online or by phone Account statements or invoices Records of payments or charge slips Delivery addresses associated with the account [ s ] All records of phone numbers used to activate or access the account [ s ] Investigator 's report All other documents associated with the account [ s ] I have sent USAA bank a copy of the police report, proof of identity, and an Identity theft report registered mail. USAA Bank have ignored all requests for me to obtain this data ; and after numerous phone calls ; they are not responsive. They always say they will call me back, but never do. USAA has not provided me any information regarding this Identity theft. I need help! Thanks.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Antonio, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Norfolk, VA
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with explanation
Columbus, GA
Complaint: My husband and I contacted USAA on XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/2015 to apply for a VA Mortgage Loan. After a series of long hold and providing information to the representative. We were advised that we were not approved at this time for a mortgage loan and that we would receive a letter in the mail to explain, in detail, why we were not approved. After a week had gone by, I contacted the company to find out if the letter had been sent, they advised " system had not generated the letter yet ''. Again after 3 weeks, I still had not received a letter and I contacted the company to find out why. I asked to speak to a manager and the representative proceeded to advised me that she could help and that we were not approved because my husband 's credit score was below XXXX. I do believe discussing credit scores and denial reasons over the phone is a violation. I still have yet to receive a letter of explanation even though it has been well over a month since applying for the loan.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Complaint: I opened a checking, savings, secured credit card, investments, and ROTH IRA with USAA bank. From hearing from friends and family of how happy they were with the service, that is what prompted me to open accounts with them. So far I have been extremely happy, until XXXX XXXX, 2015 when I tried logging on to the internet to view my account balances. I receive a message stating " Due to past difficulties, we can no longer offer you access to If you feel that we have restricted your access in error, please call toll-free XXXX. ( XXXX ) '' I immediately contacted the bank and was informed that they will be closing my accounts due to a criminal record that was discovered. At no point in time before, during or after was I informed of a criminal record check, nor did I ever authorize for my records of any sort to be accessed. After reviewing their account opening agreement, and other disclosures, nowhere does it state that a criminal record search maybe conducted and/or may bar you from an account.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Warren, RI
Complaint: I asked the USAA rewards XXXX XXXX XXXX to lower my interest rate from 17.9 % to something lower. To my surprise they told me that thanks to President Obama 's new credit card rules that they COULD NO LONGER LOWER ANY INTEREST ( APR ) on any existing cards. I find that hard to believe. I checked with my banking institution and they were not aware of this. USAA is telling their customers that the law prohibits the reducing of APR on any active credit card. Is this the truth, I really doubt it?
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I have a credit card through USAA and the Master Card payment can be done online. I made a payment and I was charged XXXX thus leaving me with a {$1900.00} and change credit which subsequently created an overdraft because I also have pulled {$6700.00} out to buy a truck. I have been speaking to several respresenatives XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and a few others I can not remeber and still can not seem to get a hold of anyone who can give me a straight answer with realistic expectations. I 've ask to speak with management and was then transferred to USAA 's Executive Resolution Team who still couldn'y help. I asked to just speak with a manager and was told that was a 24 hour wait time, I suppose because at my point I 'm extremely irratated. I believe if USAA has the ability to accept an electronic payment or take money out of your account under their direct payment options, yet they claim they can not reverse the payment. So if an error is made regardless of the facts or situation, the customer will have to wait XXXX to 10 business days to be refunded the money. So fortunately I have savings, but what happens to the individual who gets this error and they do n't have money in the bank? {$1900.00} is many families two week take home pay check and USAA believes families can just skip a pay check! Worse during this process USAA has called " today '' and told me the card was compromised and has been locked so I can not even use the card to get the credit off the card. Lastly my bank charged me an over draft fee.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Fort Wayne, IN
Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint Closed with explanation
Northside, NC
Complaint: SUBJECT : DEPENDENT IDENTITY THEFTI 'm writing to you immediately because this could be a bigger problem than most people realize. My previous employment was as an XXXX, so I am still concerned even though I 'm XXXX now about CYBER IDENTITY THEFT. I am a member of USAA Federal Credit Union. One of the benefits is giving your dependentsa savings account. Which I opened for my granddaughter so I could transfer funds to her while she is in college at XXXX University, XXXX XXXX, XXXX. The bank obviously new they were talking to a " minor, '' but up until XXXX when she turned XXXXI could access her account. This happened in XXXX, so How did I automatically become responsible for the debt?
Due to my training I think that her using the free WI-FI she was hacked when she put in her account and pin from her mobile device Below is the excerpt from the E-MAIL I sent to USAA as yet I have n't received any response : Could you make me understand how the fraud department came to the conclusion of an investigation and anotheraccount holder pays for it. My granddaughter 's account was compromised, she reported the card lost in XXXX.
Whoever, got hold to the card was also able to gain access to her mobile account and make large amounts ofdeposits and withdrawal totaling over {$10000.00}. Somehow after you allowed XXXX to go through you caught it and there was a {$4900.00} overdraftleft on her account which only had {$60.00} in it. So when I got my letter and contacted your representative I was told you could n't give me information because I was n't the registered account holder. When I contacted my granddaughter, in XXXX, she informed me she had already called USAA and that her account was blocked and she could n't get her {$60.00} to eat at school at XXXX University, XXXX. I informed her that I could see the transactions online but USAA refused to tell me what kind of investigation they were doing. No one confirmed that she was in Indiana, I 'm in XXXX and all the transactions were made from different ATM 's in XXXX, XXXX. I learned that just from looking at the statement. So your decision was to take my XXXX and Social Security check from my checking and savings account. You emptied my adopted daughters savings account, and my mothers. savings account. Then you 've started overdrawing my accounts for all the automatic payments that are bouncing at {$29.00} each. So can you explain this to me. I do have a XXXX from XXXX but not to the extent that I do n't comprehend.
Can you tell me why you just put my family in financial ruin for XXXX and the XXXX XXXX?
Please explain it to me. On your website for reporting fraud it distinctly says : USAA Bank XXXX XXXX a lost or stolen ATM/debit card on or your USAA Mobile App.
A replacement ATM/debit card can be shipped to you the next day. ( Charges may apply. ) Report unrecognized transactions on your ATM/debit card by calling XXXX, day or night. After you make your report, USAA will immediately provide information on how the investigation and the compromised funds are being handled. " I want all my monies returned to include fees and overdrafts, I want the hold on my accounts transfer ability restored and my granddaughters account restored and active!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Portland, OR
Complaint: Previous lender ( XXXX ) offered mortgage rate reduction service for a fee % of outstanding balance with a maximum of {$1500.00}. I wanted to open my new mortgage with USAA because I liked them for banking however I would only switch if this service were offered. When I started the process of buying a new house this summer I confirmed with my USAA processor that USAA offered a similar service to that of my previous lender. Because of this I opened a loan with USAAIn XXXX of XX/XX/2014 seeing that rates dropped I contacted USAA mortgage department to reduce my rate. XXXX XXXX said that this was not a service which USAA offers but they could handle it through the loss mitigation department. I talked to several people in the loss mitigation department because I thought this was the wrong department. Every person I talked to said that loss mitigation was the correct department, even though I was not at risk of defaulting. They said I just had to fill out the paperwork and jump through the hoops and I would be able to reduce my rate. After submitting all the paperwork, on the final step of my processing, my loss mitigation processor XXXX told me that a loss mitigation was the incorrect service for my situation. He sent me to XXXX XXXX who I talked with and we decided the best solution would be for me to do a mortgage refinance and have USAA cover/offset some of the costs. I was forwarded to XXXX XXXX, of USAA Mortgage to handle this, who then sent me back to loss mitigation who then sent me back to XXXX at USAA Mortgage. Each department will not handle my rate reduction and says the other department is responsible. They will just send me back and forth with no resolution.
This is very unethical because I was offered and purchased a service ( mortgage rate reduction for & lt ; {$1500.00} ) which USAA will now not provide. = XXXX
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation
Complaint: My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX and I am an XXXX XXXX, XXXX ; I have recently been a victim of fraud. Someone is depositing checks into my account ( means unknown ) and withdrawing the funds from various ATM 's and XXXX in XXXX, XXXX. The checks are of course faulty ( labeled XXXX XXXX, which no longer exists ) and put my account negative {$40000.00}, plus the {$2100.00} I had in their before the activity began. I reported suspicious activity as soon as I noticed the issue, changed all of my info, reported it to the USAA fraud department, placed fraud alerts with all XXXX credit bureaus, filed police reports with the XXXX ( CID will NOT take the case ; told me to try contacting XXXX PD ), etc. USAA is holding me liable for the negative balance on the account and are exercising their right NOT to do business with me. USAA was unable to explain why I was not notified of fraudulent activity ( I am signed up for fraud alerts ) although activity is taking place in XXXX, and I 'm XXXX XXXX. When I asked why they would allow the account to get so bad, they responded with, " We allowed the funds to be immediately available because you have been a valued customer for so long. '' I was never notified of activity taking place across the US, I never called USAA to make them aware that I was going to be in XXXX, etc. I am married to an veteran as well, and together we have an XXXX yr old daughter. This has put us in a financial bind because XXXX of my XXXX paychecks was directly deposited into the negative-standing account because I was unable to change it in time. I am past due on multiple bills, etc. The ultimate solution I am looking for is to NOT be held liable for the negative balance of {$40000.00}, and to receive my {$2100.00}, which was garnished in the account. If USAA chooses not to continue business with me afterwards, I am ok with that. Any assistance you can provide me would be great. I have also contacted Congressman XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX of XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Complaint: I received a letter from USAA indicating that my credit cards are being closed due to 'unacceptable behavior or activity '. I called USAA and they will not explain the behavior or activity that was 'unacceptable ' to them, nor will they reconsider opening the accounts. This is significantly detrimental to my credit history as this was XXXX of the XXXX credit cards I opened over 10 years ago.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Pompano Beach, FL
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cane Creek, AR
Complaint: I deposited my refund check from the IRS. My bank, USAA, put an 8 day hold on it with no notice. I set up auto-payments for rent, bills, etc based on receiving my refund. Now all of my bills will bounce and I will incur NSF fees, despite having over {$1500.00} in that account. I now have a {$0.00} available balance, despite the money from the IRS being in my account. I have been a customer for over 17 years.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief