Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 305


Mount Chase, ME

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Durham, OR

Late fee

Credit card:

Complaint: My wife always pays the bills online and at least XXXX month inadvance. lets just start in XX/XX/XXXX. This was already paid onXX/XX/XXXX, then XXXX was paid on XX/XX/XXXX, then XXXX waspaid on XX/XX/XXXX, Then XXXX was paid on XX/XX/XXXX, then XX/XX/XXXXwas paid on XX/XX/XXXX, and finally XXXX was paid XX/XX/XXXX. Then XXXXI received a bill with a due date of XXXX XXXX that included a late feefee for XX/XX/XXXX of {$25.00}. As you can see, this charge should'NEVER ' have been applied because my wife was not just XXXX ahead of payments but several months. I dounderstand that sometimes computer billing systems maynot understand payments made in advance so I calledcustomer service and asked to speak to a supervisor andwas handled by XXXX. She saw the advanced paymentsyet she said she would not remove the late fee. This fee isactually a fee for paying early!! ABSURD!!! I want this XXXX not " waived as a courtesy '' as smugly as XXXX stated, but I want it removed because a fee for early paymentshould never happen. XXXX calls it a late fee, I call it beingpunished for paying early. XXXX also claims that a '' courtesy '' waiver '' was already issued on the very XXXXpayment. This should never have happened either. XXXX Jewelers said we would be billed in XXXX days butinstead we were billed immediately. When my wife noticedshe may be late if she paid online because it was alreadythe day of the due date, she went directly to XXXX XXXX and paipaid it with assurance that your firm would be called and the billbill be posted as paid on time. My wife listened XXXX on thephone to make sure things were taken care of. XXXX is nowstating that this constituted a " waiver '' for a late payment. Once again this was paid on time, albeit the same day due, but every payment since then was paid in advance!! At notime was our account EVER late!!! I want this {$25.00} fee takenoff of my bill, not as a courtesy but because it does n't belongthere in the XXXX place and neither was the XXXX incident. I alsowant XXXX taken aside and retrained in handling customers. She ended the call with a 'smug ' " Is there anything ELSE Ican help you with ''? XXXX did n't help me at all. She alsowould n't give me her bosses name or number in order for meto climb up the chain of command. XXXX stated that shehad the last word. Does XXXX run your firm or does sheanswer to someone else? If she does answer to someoneelse which I know she does, she needs to be made aware ofthis. Customers are owed satisfaction not insults!! Rescindthis late fee immediately or I will take further legal action. A very dissatisfied customer!!!
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Empire State, NY

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Fort Pierce, FL

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: FHA mortgage

Complaint: My husband passed away XXXX XXXX, 2014. Since that time, TD Bank has refused to talk to me. My husband 's death constituted a hardship, and I have been unable to work on a loan modification, request Florida 's Hardest Hit Funds, or appeal to any other kind of avenue to prevent a default of the loan. Despite not being on the Note, I am an owner of the home and should have been serviced. Up to this day I have not yet been serviced - the loan has been forwarded to a foreclosure department of TD Bank, and that is all they have spoken to me about. Per CFPB rules, as a successor in interest, I should have been serviced. There was a negligible default on the property of {$540.00}, which has ballooned into {$6000.00}. It continues to snowball. This is a problem that could have easily been fixed had I only been serviced. As a result of the default I can not even refinance. I have equity in the home and am perfectly able of catching up - I would also qualify for the hardest hit program with a simple assumption of the loan.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Capitol Heights, MD

Problems when you are unable to pay

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Ardsley, PA

Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: TD Bank put a hold on my debit card because they said I was not in state where acct was opened. Had to call them then they said it can take up to XXXX for card to start working again. Lady at TD Bank said I needed to call them every time I would leave the state, like they were my travel agent or probation officer and not my bank. The bank dis n't call me to verify transactions or anything they just turn off my card which is illegal to do with out contacting me XXXX. I want bank fined to the maximum extent of the law for each violation
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bohemia, NY

Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Credit card

Debt resulted from identity theft
Complaint: unarthorized charges were made to my XXXX account and was under investigation. Upon the TD Bank merge my case was misplaced and overlooked, until I received debt colecting calls several years later. Since I never opened a TD, I went to a branch to speak with a branch manager for more reliable information. I then paid the branch the amount supposedly owed and was told by both TD Bank and the collection agency this issue was resolved. Now almost 3 years later, the collections agency called my family members and told them I owe XXXX more than the last time. After threatening me, and saying they will hack into my bank account and take money, I came to the conclusion this agency does not want to resolve any issues and just want to scare me into paying them again. I already paid for a debt that was n't mine in the first place and I 'm not inclined to pay more and put up with such harrasment.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Fountainville, PA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


New Smyrna, FL

Communication tactics

Debt collection: I do not know

Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: RE : COMPLAINT ABOUT TD BANK BRANCH AT XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX NY XXXX BRANCH MANAGER XXXX XXXXHello : This is a formal complaint about the above referenced bank and its branch manager. First they refused to honor a {$2500.00} check payable to me as the owner of the law firm where I am directly listed on the account as the owner, opener, and as the account holder, thus severely screwing up my accounts and balances - they state they changed their policy a month ago but no written notification has been provided to their customers and no reasonable time was provided before this branch launched into such a disruptive and ridiculous policy. Second when I went to open up an attorney escrow account they made it as a regular escrow account not an XXXX Account which was again their severe mistake, with a regular escrow accounts being charged maintenance fees when no fees are supposed to be assesses on attorney XXXX Accounts as per state and federal regulations. Please investigate and advise.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Omaha, NE

Improper contact or sharing of info

Debt collection: Credit card

Talked to a third party about my debt
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ) Took an account that was charged of in XX/XX/XXXX and re-aged the account to XXXX when I called them to inquire as to what the account was for. My understanding is this is illegal.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Jacksonville, FL

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Washington, DC

Advertising and marketing

Credit card:

Complaint: This complaint is about the TD Easy Rewards ( 5 % ) card which I applied for late last year. TD 's own marketing and online material tells users the card offers 5 % cash back at grocery stores, among other categories, for the first six months. While using the card, I quickly realized that stores traditionally not thought of as purely grocery stores such as Target and XXXX had their transactions posted as " grocery stores '' and thus earning 5 % back. Using this card allowed me to make a large percentage of my transactions, and proportion of daily spending, in a 5 % cash back category. Beginning in XXXX 2015, TD started repeatedly declined and holding up my transactions for review. Payments from my TD checking account were put on hold for days on end, limiting my use of the card. After calling customer service multiple times, representatives told me that that my account was put on hold pending fraud reviews. While some holds lasted a week or XXXX, the final " review '' on my account lasted well over a month. During all this time, I had enough available credit on my account to make any of the purchases I wished to make, and even had a positive balance. Half way through XXXX, with a credit on my account, I tried to close the account. The credit card would not be any good to me if I could not make purchases on it for weeks at a time while my account was in review. I was told repeatedly by account reps and supervisors that my account could not be closed while it was in review ( my account had a positive credit because of rewards I had redeemed at this time ). In early XXXX, I received a letter explaining that I had " unusual and/or excessive purchases and/or payment transactions '' and my account had subsequently been closed. No one at TD could explain how what I had done constituted those terms. Rather I believe TD saw that it was losing money off me because I had discovered that ( due to XXXX and Target earning 5 % in cash back, where I made purchases ) that I had been an unprofitable customer. In response, they prevented me from using my card ( declining purchases ) and eventually closed my account, because they did not wish to follow the terms and conditions originally agreed too. It is worth noting XXXX and Target are huge and offer almost anything I could need to purchase making it justifiable that a large amount of money could easily be spent there. Therefore, TD is performing a bait & switch, holding my money and credit limit ( and sometimes the payment credits on my account ) hostage while they conduct their reviews. Declining my legitimate purchases represents an unlawful action where the company involved does n't provide limits on a service some people might use more regularly then initially designed. TD offers a 5 % rebate incentive to use their product at certain stores, however, when people actually use the card, TD hides behind fake fraud claims and blocks entire use of the card.Until TD fully discloses any changes to its credit card terms and conditions on the use of the card and any limits involving its rewards categories, then they have no right or reason to block or restrict my legitimate use of the card. TD is only limiting my card usage because they perceived me as spending an 'unusually large ' amount of money in a bonus category and do not wish to honor the 5 % cash back offer they extended to me. This ordeal, through no fault of my own, has put a derogatory note on my credit reports, showing that one of my accounts was " closed by issuer. '' This message reflects negatively on my credit report and could cost me in future transactions I under take with other financial institutions.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: I have an checking account with TD Bank. There was a security breech at the XXXX XXXX and all information with regards to card numbers and pin numbers being stolen. They froze my account in I believe it was XXXX and said in the letter explaining the problem that a new card would be sent to me and it never was. I have called several times trying to get my money out of the account but they always say that they cant help me because I cant tell them about any transactions I have had in the last 90 days. The only thing I can do is go into a TD Bank branch and prove who I am, meanwhile a frozen account is still being charged {$4.00} a month for maintenance fee. I am a XXXX running projects in XXXX XXXX and the TD Bank is only in the XXXX states and XXXX. They are basically stealing my money by refusing to give me my money back in a check sent to my house in XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bissell, CT

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: (CD) Certificate of deposit

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bellaire, TX


Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Mortgage

Debt is not mine
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Manhattan, NY

Using a debit or ATM card

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Spring Hill, FL


Credit card:

Complaint: I applied for TD Bank EasyRewards card on XXXX/XXXX/14. They had an offer ending XXXX/XXXX/14 stating that I should receive {$100.00} in cash back rewards after spending {$500.00} or more within first 90 days. I have spent more than {$500.00} within that timeframe, but have never received this bonus.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


East Rockaway, NY

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Complaint: My brother and a friend bought a small building in XXXX and took out a XXXX loan from TD Bank several years ago. The partnership went downhill after my brother learned that his partner was not paying his half of the mortgage. Loan payments stopped and TD Bank started foreclosure. My brother and his partner negotiated their interests in the building. My brother contacted TD Bank directly to repay the loan but was told to deal with the bank 's outside lawyer. Negotiations and court appearances were held to get out of foreclosure. The bank 's lawyer wanted compensation of {$100000.00} for legal fees. By XX/XX/XXXX, the amount to be repaid was agreed and negotiations for legal fees were finalizing. Funds were sitting in an escrow account waiting to be sent to TD Bank. A few months later my brother XXXX unexpectedly. The Estate 's attorney made clear that the Estate ( and myself ) would abide by the agreement and were eager to get the building back because that 's what my brother wanted. The Estate continued and still continues to pay all property taxes, utilities, and maintenance. In XX/XX/XXXX, our lawyer found out that TD Bank sold the note to a private party at a discount to what we had agreed to pay. We were never formally notified. The note buyer said that the TD Bank loan officer told him that the note was being sold because we did not have the money to pay it back. That is not true. Why were we shut out when we had a pending agreement with TD Bank? Why were we paying upkeep of the building if we were not serious about the agreement? This has been a horrific year for me, made worse being dragged through this foreclosure process. Our lawyer has been very frustrated ; he is not sure his communication and offers to the bank went past the bank 's outside counsel. And just this morning I heard that the note buyer wants XXXX what was owed the bank if I want to buy it. I would appreciate your help in investigating the handling of this foreclosure. Why was a note ( and the building ) sold at a discount when there was an owner ready to pay more? Was something done illegally and against proper banking procedure?
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Ridgewood, NJ

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


El Mirage, AZ

Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement

Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Using a debit or ATM card

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: On XXXX XXXX, I had XXXX fraudgelent charges on my debit [ checking ] acount. XXXX " fell off '' XXXX remained, I filled out the form, that day. Iwas told 7 days it woud be returned XXXX XXXX charges remained. After 10 days the money was not returned, I was then told It was an out of country fraud, another " international form would ned to be filed, which I did asap. on XXXX XXXX. The bank accused me of using this site previously and the case was closed { it is an XXXX dating service, I am almost XXXX years old. ] I never did! the rep. XXXX was horrible to me! Although XXXX of the XXXX were reurned, they were giving me a horrible time. I then reached out to the branch fri.XXXX. spoke to the manager XXXX XXXX XXXX, she would return the money XXXX to my account. It was not, On the XXXX I rechecked and still not! as of today XXXX. it is still not been returned.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Rocky Ridge, MD

Closing/Cancelling account

Credit card:

Complaint: TD Bank is using fraudulent terms to bait people into signing up for their credit card and then not paying them the rewards that they are owed. In XX/XX/XXXX I applied for the TD Easy Rewards credit card. The terms and conditions on the application today are the same as they were back then. They state that for the XXXX 6 months, XXXX earns XXXX points at grocery stores with no cap. It explicitly states that the amount of rewards that one can earn is unlimited. Well, my son and I have a LOT of expenses at grocery stores so this was very attractive for me. I applied, took the credit hit from the inquiry, was approved and added my son as an authorized user. For a few months this card was very beneficial to us due to the amount of expenses that we were earning XXXX points on. But in XXXX, TD Bank decided to implement an unwritten points cap and shut people down who had already earned that many points. They will not admit to this, but from reading the exact same experience from others on online forums, I am positive that this is the case. In XXXX I attempted to log into my account and received an error message. I called and asked about this and they told me that they " periodically did security reviews and I was deemed a risk for fraudulent activity '' blah blah blah, said something about money laundering. XXXX of all, this is absolutely bogus. How can you launder money with your own credit card? Money laundering is done by criminals who have a lot of cash they 've obtained illegally that they want to hide. Who ever heard of laundering money with their own credit card? No one, because its impossible. XXXX, I did absolutely nothing differently than I had been doing the previous months. They made up a reason to close my account because they decided I was n't profitable enough for them. I guess they might have the right to do this, except for the fact that they explicitly stated that there was no cap on the rewards that could be earned! This is classic bait and switch. They are making false promises of unlimited rewards which they have no intention of honoring. When my account was closed I had {$14000.00} in pending charges which would have yielded me {$730.00} in points. This is in addition to all of the points I would have made, if they had left my card open for the promotional period. I demand that they pay out on this. They will claim that their T & Cs state that they do n't have to pay rewards if an account is closed, but this does n't mean they can close an account just to avoid paying the rewards! Again, classic bait and switch! Crook institutions like this are exactly why we need the CFPB. Someone needs to hold these banks accountable!
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: Yes Timely Response

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