Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 215


Wallington, NJ

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: I was at TD Bank depositing money ( {$250.00} ) into my account via ATM. The ATM proceeded to take the {$250.00}, rejected {$40.00} but did not credit my account with the rest ( {$210.00} ). As it was New Years night, the bank was closed so I called the help line. They told me that there was nothing I could do over the phone and that I had to go to the bank the following morning to fill out a loss prevention form. I filled it out and was told I had to wait 10 business days ( which was not the best because I had rent due the next day ). I waited however, and never heard back from them by the end of the time. When I called the following day, I was told the claim was denied. Shocking given the fact they can see through security cameras that I deposited the money into the account, it did n't show up on my statement, and the ATM was most likely over {$210.00}. I spoke to a supervisor named XXXX XXXX, who called the branch on XXXX XXXX in XXXX New York, where I deposited the initial amount. XXXX said, after speaking to the manager, XXXX, that the ATM was not over that day, therefore they can not credit the account. You would think at this point they would check my statement and see that I, in fact, did not have a pending deposit for any amount ( let alone the original {$210.00} ) that day while also checking the security cameras to see the transaction go down. Their only solution was for me to go back and re-submit the report, although the outcome could be exactly the same and I could be re-submitting reports for months before I see my money. Unfortunately, I had work, so I had to authorize my partner to go in and speak to the manager. She went to the bank anyway & spoke to manager XXXX XXXX ( who she said was excellent ). She brought both the initial report and my statement showing that no amount of money was deposited that day. XXXX found out that despite what the investigator XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX said there was some kind of discrepency in the ATM that day. However, the only thing she could do was email XXXX and ask for her to expedite the process. XXXX attempted to call the ATM investigation unit, but she was put on hold for more than 10 minutes. The quickest I would hear anything more about the investigation would be the following day ( tomorrow ). When my partner questioned XXXX about checking the security cameras as evidence into how much money I deposited into the machine, they said the only way to do that would be to file a police report, which could take a long time.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Grangeville, LA


Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Garrett Park, MD

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Complaint: We are writing to complain about a TD Bank loan contract and its enforcement. We were charged nearly {$18000.00} in interest and principal payments on funds that were never disbursed. In XX/XX/XXXX, my wife and I obtained a loan from TD Bank under its Construction-Permanent Loan Program to build a new home. The loan has a construction phase of up to 12 months ( when it is interest only ) and then converts into a 29-year fixed-rate mortgage loan on the constructed property. Part of our loan financed the purchase of the land, and the rest of the construction loan was to be disbursed as construction proceeded over 12 months. In the year to XX/XX/XXXX, we were unable to get the construction started because the local neighborhood commission did not approve a curb cut. The plans had to be revised and re-submitted to the XXXX for approval, and the whole process delayed the start of construction. By XX/XX/XXXX, we had not made a single draw on the construction loan. In late XX/XX/XXXX, we received a notice saying that the loan had been disbursed and converted into a mortgage, and that we had to pay interest on the entire amount. We contacted the loan officer on XX/XX/XXXX and pointed out that the house construction had barely begun and no draw on the construction loan had been made. With no house in existence, the creation of a mortgage did not make sense. In effect, TD Bank had neither given us the construction money nor made a payment on our behalf to a third-party. Hence, the " construction loan disbursement '' was a fiction and we should not have to pay interest on construction funds that had not been disbursed. The mortgage loan officer, XXXX, informed us that the only option we had was to refinance the loan. While not sure this was the only option, we agreed to refinance the loan and pay the cost of doing so ( almost {$8000.00} ) since construction had by then started. But we reiterated that we should not be charged interest on construction funds that had not been disbursed. We asked for a meeting with a decision maker in the XXXX area. The loan officer said he would have a senior manager call us. After repeated requests and a two-week delay, XXXX [ Regional Sales Manager based in XXXX XXXX, ( XXXX ) XXXX ] called me. When I explained the situation, XXXX agreed that we should not pay interest on money we had not yet drawn. He then said that he would have a manager in mortgage lending give us a call. I spoke to XXXX [ VP, Retail Lending Operations, based in XXXX, ( XXXX ) XXXX ] on XX/XX/XXXX and she too agreed with XXXX assessment, but said that she would check and get back to me. As we continued to incur hefty daily interest charges, on XX/XX/XXXX, I sent a letter to XXXX and to the TD Bank Operations Center in XXXX, XXXX. A few days later XXXX said she could not do anything more for us and if we wanted to pursue the matter further we should lodge a complaint with the TD Bank Chairman Service Center at the phone number ( XXXX ) XXXX. I called the number twice and left my name and number, the last time on XX/XX/XXXX, but I have yet to hear back. We believe the interest and principal payments on funds that were never disbursed should not have been charged. We want TD Bank to refund these payments in full. Another issue that has arisen repeatedly is the mortgage loan officer urging us ( in writing ) to approve the drawing of funds by the builder from our TD Bank construction loan account, even before we receive the inspection report on the required work that has to be completed before a draw. This is simply inappropriate behavior and reflects a careless attitude towards the use of a client 's funds. We would appreciate the assistance of the CFPB in seeking a response and resolving these matters.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Ironbound, NJ

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit

Complaint: Ten years ago I took out an equity line on my house with TD Bank. It was a no doc interest only loan. I have never been late with a payment to TD or to XXXX which holds my mortgage. In XXXX I decided I need to do a refi because it made no sense to continue paying interest only. My mortgage broker looked at my credit and said that I had really good credit with the exception of being in foreclosure with TD. Unbeknownst to me my loan had ballooned in XXXX. I called TD to find out what was going on and why I had never been contacted. I was told that they had sent one certified letter to an old address that was of course never signed for, they had never attempted to call me, and even had my social security number wrong on some of my documents. I was very upset and let the rep at TD know that they had ruined my credit making it impossible for me to get my home refied, and that I was sure that TD was not in the business of owning homes and that we needed to make the situation right. The rep then informed me that they had done research on my home and that they would actually stand to benefit from taking my home and selling at auction because of all the equity that I have. I then tried to get a loan modification which was turned down. I feel that TD has been predatory and aggressive and had no interest in trying to work with me. The made XXXX effort to contact me and I would not have found out about the foreclosure until the sheriff served papers. Because the loan payments were on automatic withdrawel from my account and a small amount I never noticed that they bank had stopped taking payments. I need help and very much do n't want to lose the home that I have worked so hard for.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Phila, PA

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Home equity loan or line of credit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Delray Beach, FL

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


San Jose, CA


Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Grant, FL

Application, originator, mortgage broker

Mortgage: VA mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Saint Charles, MD

Delinquent account

Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Trumbull, CT

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: (CD) Certificate of deposit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Hickory Hill, TN

Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement

Credit card:

Complaint: I recent had my credit pulled and was alarm about a target card that appear on my credit report that I have no knowledge of.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Fountainville, PA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: I am having a problem with TD Bank. They have charged XXXX of my account for overdraft of another account after I asked them to shut the account off. They shut both accounts off then charged the opened account over {$1800.00} to fund the other account. The fees are continuous triple charges for the same charges. I have not received help from the branches and been on the phone for numerous hours just waiting to talk to someone with no help at all.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


N Hollywood, CA

Shopping for a loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: This is not the first time I have bern hit with overdraft fees by TD Bank despite making a deposit before an item cleared my account but I will stick to the most recent. Yesterday, I had a positive checking balance of {$38.00}. My monthly check was ( is ) late to arrive again so knowing my car payment was due to I deposited a personal check for {$250.00} by mobile deposit at XXXX XXXX XXXX/XXXX/17 before my car payment posted. My car payment of {$240.00} posted today XXXX/XXXX/17 and my account balance is - {$200.00}. Per TD Bank, my deposit the date before my car payment posted does not count ( and is not even showing online in my pending items despite being a personal check. ) Per TD Bank, I will still be responsible for overdrafting and fees. XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Silver Spring, MD

Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: I opened an account with TD Bank in XXXX of last year with a {$100.00} deposit. I was told that as long as I maintained a balance of {$100.00}, I would not be charged any fees. I recently received a letter stating that my account was in collections even though I never withdrew any money from the account. I visited a local bank branch to ask what happened and the representative stated that I received paper statements for which they bank charged me $ XXXX, and once my account dropped below {$100.00}, they charged me $ XXXX for the account. First and most importantly, I registered for online banking over the phone with an agent immediately after opening the account since I 'm a digital-first customer and ca n't stand paper statements. Second, I was never told that the bank would charge me a fee for paper statements. In fact, I was told I would n't be charged ANY fees as long as I kept a balance of {$100.00} or more in the account. My account has been closed and I received {$35.00} back, as the representative would n't provide a full {$100.00} account credit. I expect to receive the additional {$65.00} along with compensation for my time and frustration.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: The complaint is about unfair charged fees at TD Bank. I have a checking account at TD Bank. I opted for paperless statement and had maintained my balance above the minimum requirement ( {$100.00} ) to avoid any fees. Without my knowledge nor consent, TD Bank changed my preference to 'Paper Statement ' on XX/XX/2014 and charged me a {$1.00} service fee. This charge brought my balance under the {$100.00} minimum requirement and TD Bank has been charging me a monthly fee of $ XXXX/month ever since. Right now, TD Bank has wiped out all my balances on the checking account and claims that I owe them {$48.00} in unpaid fees. I request that TD Bank cancel the {$48.00} they claim I owe them and return the {$100.00} original balance I had in the account.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Raymond, NH

Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Savings account

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: Account was flagged for fraud. This account was a account that was opened for a specific reason. The account had very little activity as the reason for opening the account did not play out as soon as I had thought. After I attempted to finally use the account I found that there was activity several months ago that was not from me. The account was flagged for fraud rightfully so but TD never reached out to me to let me know. TD customer service says they tried to contact me via telephone one time but i do not have voicemail regarding my TD account. Several months later when i discovered the issue TD says I will most likely have no actions taken to retrieve the money as it was far to long ( roughly 6 months ). I dont believe I was contacted properly and I do not have a paper trail or voice mail. my complaint is for the lack of effort on a banking institution to contact a customer when fraud is being committed. The money is a small amount but what truly bothers me is the lack of help i received from the bank after being a victim of fraud and robbery.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Maynard, MA

Communication tactics

Debt collection: Credit card

Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Providence, RI

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: Three months ago I file a complaint stating what happen with my TD Bank account where {$200.00} dollars practically disappear from my account. Three weeks after my complaint I received a letter from my local branch manager to talk about how we can fix the issue. It took me one month and a half for him to called me back. Today is been four months since my first complaint and counting. As I stated before on XXXX I try to transfer {$100.00} from my savings to my checking account, I made a mistake and transferred {$100.00} to my savings instead of my checking, it took me just two seconds exactly for my to realize my mistake and fix the problem right away. The next day I saw that my account had insufficient funds and I call customer service to find out why this happen, What I got was an attitude from the representative and no solution to this problem. This is not how banks should deal business, I know they have policies in place to protect their business but XXXX thing is that this bank took the money on fees when I did n't even take that money out of my account.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Okc, OK

Customer service / Customer relations

Credit card:

Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I called TD Bank Account Services department because my account was past due. I spoke with a representative that advised my account was past due and that if I was able to bring the account current, he would wave my late fees for the last 2 months if I were to remit a payment of {$140.00}. I agreed to this and authorized a payment of {$140.00} through the saved checking account on file. 2 days later when checking my account at night, I saw that TD bank took out {$1000.00}. I called XX/XX/XXXX FURIOUS, cursing and yelling at every representative I spoke with demanding I speak with a manager in the Account Resolution department. I was hung up on several times and the representatives that did not hang up on me advised me that I could not speak with a manager that I had to wait on that following Monday for a manager to call me back, So I called back and requested to speak to the customer service department and was transferred to an agent, I immediately requested to speak with a manager. The manager advised me that she could not help me with getting a refund because the error occurred in a different department and the money would have to come out of there books. I called Monday morning demanding to speak with a manager and kept being advised the same thing over and over again ; I also continued to be hung up on as well. I called Tuesday XX/XX/XXXX and was told that my request to speak to a manager was not put in and that I would have to wait on a Account Services manager to call me back the next day. No entry level employee would assist me in getting my money back. Wednesday XX/XX/XXXX, I called back and asked to speak with a manager and was told that it would take 24-to 48 hours for someone to call me back I hung up and called back and requested to speak to customer service department. I was able to get a manager on the phone and the manager stated that she would not be able to refund the entire amount of {$1000.00} because she could not put my account back delinquent, we agreed to my refund of {$870.00}. She stated that she could not have the refund credited back to my account, and that the check would be sent regular mail and it would take 7 to 10 days, because of the holiday season. I called after XX/XX/XXXX inquiring about my refund and the representative stated tp o give it until Friday XX/XX/XXXX and if I did n't get my check to call back. Well I waited until Monday evening XX/XX/XXXX and I still have n't gotten my money back. So I called to speak with another manager. She advised me tonight that the check was mailed, there is n't anyway to confirm the check was mail, she is only going off what the notes say, she cant control the mail and if I have the check canceled it will take2 business days to have another check issued and another 7 to 10 days for me to get my refund regular mail. She stated that she does n't know what is going on in my personal life but she was sorry and that it was another department that caused the error. I have to keep reminding these managers and employees that they all work for the same company. I keep advising I need my money back and no one seems to care that it has almost been 30 calendar days since this accounting error happened. I feel ignored mistreated and taken advantage of. It does not matter if I call cursing or if I call being reasonable, at the end of the call I get told, there is n't anything else I can do for you and I 'm sorry you do n't have your money, I have to wait on my {$870.00}. I feel I should not have to wait this long and when I asked for the president of TD Bank or to speak with her manager she declined to give me the information and gave me the correspondence address to escalate further above her and that I would still have to wait to get my refund. These tactics are unethical and I still have to make my payment even though I still do n't have my money back.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Webster Square, MA

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response

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