Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 98


San Antonio, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Need information about your loan balance or loan terms
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bo Cacao, PR

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't temporarily delay making payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ashville, OH

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with customer service
Complaint: I have been actively paying on my student loan for 1 year. The payment plan I'm on doesnt even cover the monthly interest. I've paid {$2500.00} since XX/XX/XXXX and my balance continues to increase. I was never made aware that my payment wouldn't even cover the interest. I called XX/XX/XXXX to ask about the income based repayment plan because I heard it can forgive your balance after 25 years. The representative quickly deferred my payment which is not what I wanted to do. I didnt want the interest capitalized on the loan so I paid {$390.00} that day. I've been paying for 1 year and my balance has only increased. When will I ever get out of debt? My loan 's graduated loan payment doesnt increase until XX/XX/XXXX and at that time it only goes up by {$24.00} which will still not touch the principal. Navient failed to adequately explain my options and never warned me that my loan balance would continue to increase for several years even while I make payments.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dallas, TX

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: The loan company Navient increased my loan interest from 3 % to 10.5 % when I was able to decrease my loan principal to less than {$5000.00}. Then when I lost my job they failed to provided my any program options suitable to my current income. They would not reduce my monthly payment and stated I didn't qualify for any programs even though I was not working for 4 months and my cosigner was unable to aide or available in the US at the time. Due to high monthly payment I was forced to no make any payments during that time. I finally opted to try to settle the claim through refinancing and getting other loan with lower interest rate. I don't understand how I have been paying soo much for so long and still unable to qualify for any program options. They are rude in very inconsiderate in their service. They continue to bully you and cosigner and family by calling nonstop and almost threatening you to make payments you can not afford at ridiculous interest rates.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lancaster, PA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I graduated in XXXX with a BA in XXXX XXXX. After college I struggled for a few years to pay my student loans on time because I did not make enough money to cover the costs of my obligations and expenses. I turned my situation around by changing careers and have made regular monthly payments for over 10 years but my balance has barely moved and my estimated pay off date continues to change. I have XXXX loans totaling : The original balance on my first loan was {$26000.00} as of XX/XX/XXXX. Today the unpaid balance is {$24000.00} with an interest rate of XXXX. The original balance on my second loan was XXXX as of XX/XX/XXXX. Today the unpaid balance is XXXX with an interest rate of XXXX. Both of the above loans have estimated pay off schedules with a date of XXXX. What I do not understand is how each loan is reporting a 53 % pay off when the balance has not moved and the dates are estimated. I have tried several times in the past 5 years to call and ask questions about my loans and even requested copies of the note so I could better understand but no one seems to be able to assist me or offer alternative solutions for my pay off plan. In XXXX I sold my home and used the proceeds to pay off a larger private loan but I do not see as an option to pay off the remaining balance but I also do not see the balance moving so I am concerned my payments are not being applied accurately and no alternative options have been provided. I paid off a car with a higher interest rate in less time then I have paid my student loan. I need someone to help advocate for me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: I have two account with Navient. One was charged off to NAVIENT XXXX XXXX XXXX private loan. The charged off account has been in repayment for four years making monthly payments and not missing any. I was told by Navient I had to pay a lump sum ( XXXX $ ) to have my co-signer removed from my charged off account. My co-signer is still on my account. My payments were applied to accounts wrongfully and when addressed Navient applied payments but the interest rate for my charged off account was very high. My XXXX report states failed to pay for the past two years. Navient was contacted several times regarding credit reporting and has yet to address it. My credit score is significantly affected by Navient 's false credit reporting. I have documents that support me making consecutive payments on time for several years. The school my loans were from has closed. The loans are from 2005, I have been making payments and my loan amount is still showing I owe more original balance {$6500.00}, showing I still owe {$11000.00}. The practices that Navient uses is unethical. Please help me resolve this as this is affected my credit score. I have called Navient and asked them to resolve this multiple times and was told I have to write to Navient directly which I did. I have not received any additional information regarding the credit reporting. NAVIENT XXXX XXXX XXXX only corresponds in writing not over the phone. Please help me resolve this as I mentioned this is unethical. Thank you!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Philadelphia, PA

Communication tactics

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Frequent or repeated calls
Complaint: On XX/XX/2019, I was called by XXXX XXXX XXXX regarding a friend who had used me as a reference. They proceeded to ask me for my friends information, which I find very invasive. I declined and let them know I would inform they called.
Company Response: Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Warrenton, VA

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Fraudulent loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Washington, DC

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Need information about your loan balance or loan terms
Complaint: My private loan, now owned by Navient, should be discharged as the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX performed illegal activities in convincing me to enroll in 2007 ( the year I graduated high school ). Now that XXXX XXXX XXXX have permanently closed, my loan should be discharged.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Lannon, WI

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I would like to submit a complaint about Navient. They have made it extremely difficult to get simple answers and I believe I was mislead in the way my payments have been handled. After about one year of being in repayment, I checked my balance and thought it had gone up. I went to compare it to previous balances, but could not find the " Total Current Balance '' line listed anywhere clearly on a previous date. I called to request this information and they sent some documents, which still did not provide what I needed. I decided to take a screen shot instead and compare in a few months. From XX/XX/2019 to XX/XX/2019 my balance went UP despite me making my payments on time. I double checked the remaining interest and made sure to pay all of this off, in hopes that this would end the problem. I then tried to set it up to automatically over pay my minimum monthly, which the company does not allow you to do. On Saturday, XX/XX/2019 I checked my balance and took a picture. On Tuesday, XX/XX/2019 I checked again and my balance had gone up {$18.00}. This is despite me already paying the balance for XXXX PLUS {$240.00} extra. This company is clearly handling something wrong, and making it extremely difficult for its customers to get to the bottom of it.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account status incorrect
Complaint: My student loan from XX/XX/2014 to XXXX shows that I was late on my credit report. I attended school before this date and after XX/XX/2014 I was told that my loan was deferred and it would be backdated from XX/XX/2014. I look at my report and it still shows that I am late. They have updated my XXXX report and removed the late payments. I have disputed this with all three credit bureaus and they still show up late in XXXX and XXXX please fix this. I know that there is a dispute with the Attorney general with the Navient student loan from the college I went to. Although I want my credit report to be updated please. I am aware of the law suite many years ago involving Navient with not disclosing information to students on other behalf when you need a deferment or even letting students know of there option I am sure this is what happen and this is a mistake please remove the late notes in my report
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Astoria, NY

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: Co-signed loan for my son in XX/XX/XXXX.He received XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX from social security with the understanding this loan would be totally forgiven even for the cosigner.Not the case as I was then held responsible by navient. We always thought this to be a federal insured loan but Navient now says it is a private loan. With fluctuate interest rate depending on prime rate each month.I have spoken with them a number of times about getting help.They have only offered solutions that will cost more money in the long run. They also said that I don't qualify for income driven payments and would not even consider total forgiveness.I am now XXXX years old struggling to live on social security alone, the payment each month has become a very heavy burden.I feel stuck under a rock without even a hard place to turn to.All I can say is please HELP, HELP, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I am considering default as my only option since over the ten years they have received more than the original loan amount.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hamburg, MN

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with personal statement of dispute
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wesley Chapel, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I received correspondence from U.S. Dept of the Treasury that my my tax returned in the amount of {$3900.00} was intercepted by Navient - C/O XXXX XXXX Higher XXXX XXXX XXXX On XX/XX/XXXX I immediately contact the number listed ( XXXX ) XXXX. Since then I have spoken to several individuals who can't seem to understand why my income tax return was intercepted. This student loan was first taken out in XXXX and paid in full in XXXX. Since then I have been bullied and harassed by different collection agencies such as ( XXXX XXXX ; Navient ; XXXX and XXXX XXXX Higher XXXX XXXX. On several occasion I have requested from Navient and XXXX XXXX to provide me with a copy of the promissory note that I supposedly agreeing to for a loan consolidation. I have since then requested proof of this loan, the amount owed, the so called promissory note and have not yet received a response to my request. In XXXX they again intercepted my Tax Return which I argued and due to facing financial hardship requested they release my Tax Return. Navient pressured me into agreeing to enter into a forbearance in order to release my Tax Return. Also, as they so called it " place my loan on good standings until this loan was further investigated. Since XXXX I have received no correspondence, my numerous telephone calls have been dead ends. No documents have been provided to the legality of this so called loan. I am still waiting on Navient 's response. A class action law suit was filed against XXXX XXXX for which I received a post card and instructions that I would be entitled to reimbursement of part or all of my loan due to over-payments.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Watkins, CO

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I spoke to a representative on XX/XX/2019 to discuss the new payment plan on my student loan. She told me that it would be paid off in 12 years, on the XXXX of every month on a graduated repayment plan. She read me the forbearance letter and told me I didn't need to do anything else, I would see the updated information on my online portal. Further, on XX/XX/2019 I got online to review my account. No changes had been made. I called navient and was on the phone with XXXX for XXXX minutes. He told me I was given incorrect information and it was filed in correctly on XX/XX/2019. He hung up on me while trying to transfer me to the supervisor. I then received a call back and was told that the options were to extend my loan out to XXXX at a much higher monthly payment. I received incorrect, misrepresented information and was advised to be in forbearance when I had funds to make a payment, collected more interest on the loan, and got falsified information on what my payment would be and when payments would end.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ft Belvoir, VA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: Sallie Mae is the original lender ; Navient is the current one. I am reporting on both companies - namely to complaint about a systematic effort on their part to provide misleading and incomplete information about the multitudinous forbearances and deferments granted by these two lenders to the primary borrower on 2 loans where I am listed as the co-signer. Even when explicitly requested information about these deferments/forbearances in writing, including information about terms and timeframe, Sallie Mae and now Navient have both withheld this information or refused to comply with the requests. This meant for over 1 years I had little information about the types of forbearances that these two were providing and whether they had made any effort whatsoever to offer less expensive payment plans - ones that dont cause the loans to balloon in size during periods of reduced payments. These reduced payments did not make possible for the borrower to be able to request a co-signer release after over a year of on-time payments, but they netted both Sallie Mae and Navient a significant profit. Recently I have been in touch with agent XXXX XXXX at Navient was the most recent individual at Navient to provide false and incomplete information about these loans. 3 months ago she had notified me that Navient had provided the borrower - XXXX XXXX - with yet another reduced payment forebearance but would not disclose the terms. It seems that Navient is intent on ensuring that the borrower would never be able to be eligible for a co-signer release and thats shes eager to have me back take over payments : in short, they fail to provide the borrower with a payment plan that actually pay off the loan, but instead allows it to increase in size as her reduced payments dont even cover interest. XXXX did disclose that Navient continued to allow the borrower to make below-interest payments as she took out new loans. If the borrower had the capacity to borrow more, then she didnt need a forebearance, and the granting of these to the borrower over and over again is meant simply to boost its profits at my expense. 3 months XXXX ago did say only that the borrower was to make 3 payments and then her account would no longer be past due. However, several days after the 3rd scheduled payment, Navient sent me another past due notice demanding payment for her loan. In short, Navient had lied again. Id like to know why Navient continues to lie to me and why they continue to push these pointless forebearances on the the borrower that simply balloon the loan when not only does Navient know that she had recklessly borrowed since she first nearly defaulted on these loans, but that the borrower has NEVER made a single regular payment on these 2 loans, one of which Im now paying. The borrower has shown Navient that the borrower doesnt use forebearances to get back on her feet and be able to make regular monthly payments. No. She uses them to cause me the co-signer to be on the hook for more, as Navient profits. I charge that Navient has been and continue to collude with the borrower irresponsibly to rake in profit when it knows full well from her payment history alone that she has absolutely no intention to use these forebearances to be able to make regular payments that qualify for co-signer release. I also filed multiple fraud complaints that she signed these loans in my name but neither Sallie Mae nor Navient accepted them. They simply dismissed them. But she still committed fraud.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hamburg, MN

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: My wife and I had tried multiple times to get affordable payments. When numbers changed, they didn't have a clear understanding. Also there was a time ( multiple ) I had to manually put in loan amounts to get the appropriate numbers with Navient. We will be paying this off in full, but are concerned about accurate info from Navient. We intend on paying the debt, and are currently behind, mainly because of all of the confusion.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Keep getting calls about your loan
Complaint: On XX/XX/2019 at XXXX XXXX, I received a call from a representative from telephone number ( XXXX ) XXXX. I indicated it was not a good time to talk. The representative insisted I speak with his supervisor and placed me on hold during which I ended the call. On XX/XX/2019 at XXXX XXXX, I received a call from another representative from telephone number ( XXXX ) XXXX. I repeated it was not a good time to talk. The representative inquired why I did not make enough to make the loan payment and questioned whether I had a job in the field of my degree. This call lasted four ( 4 ) minutes. On XX/XX/2019 at XXXX XXXX, two police officers arrived to my work place and mental health arrested me because a representative from Navient called and reported ( falsely ) that I was suicidal. This was humiliating and remains a brutally humiliating experience. Not only was I forced to speak with the local police department about the status of my private student loans, but also all of my co-workers and colleagues that saw me arrested from my workplace. On Saturday, XX/XX/2019, I received four ( 4 ) phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX, beginning at XXXX XXXX and ending at XXXX XXXX. On Sunday, XX/XX/2019, I received at phone call from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX. On Monday, XX/XX/2019, I received five ( 5 ) phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX., and XXXX XXXX. On Tuesday, XX/XX/2019, I received six ( 6 ) phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX On Wednesday, XX/XX/2019, I began to receive phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX, beginning at XXXX XXXX At XXXX XXXX., I spoke with XXXX and requested the phone calls stop. On XX/XX/2019, the phone calls from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX started again. I received phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXXXXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX. I answered the telephone call at XXXX2 XXXX and spoke with a female representative and asked for the phone calls to stop. I received additional phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX on XX/XX/2019 at XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX On XX/XX/2019, I began to receive phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX. On XX/XX/2019, I received seven ( 7 ) phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX I answered the call at XXXX XXXX and spoke with a XXXX XXXX. I asked XXXX XXXX to stop the telephone calls and explained that I was uncomfortable speaking with a representative because a representative had called the police on me on XX/XX/2019. On XX/XX/2019, I received phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX., XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX No message was ever left. On XX/XX/2019, I began to receive phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX. On this date, the calls began at XXXX XXXX and continued throughout the day at XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX I called this number at XXXX XXXX and confirmed it was Navient by the recording that answers the call. No message was ever left. On XX/XX/2019, the phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX began at XXXX XXXX with additional phone calls received at XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX No message was ever left. On XX/XX/2019, I received calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX Today, XX/XX/2019, I received phone calls from ( XXXX ) XXXX at XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX At this time, I indicated to a representative that I have retained an attorney ( having to confirm that yes, I did pay money to an attorney ) and received assurance that the telephone calls would stop. Navient has previously indicated that the telephone calls are to simply remind someone of their obligation. A Navient employee called the police on me and I have continued to receive up to eight ( 8 ) phone calls per day since then. These telephone calls are not meant to remind me of any obligation they are to bully an unfortunate borrower into making a payment as the representatives have clearly indicated that the calls will continue until a payment is made.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bronx, NY

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Keep getting calls about your loan
Complaint: Hello My name is XXXX XXXX, I enrolled A student loan From NAVIENT for {$17000.00} With XXXX XXXX XXXX. I've been paying them {$500.00} a month to build up my account and they would negotiate a settlement with them. I followed the creditor 's Instruction 's to the letter, but they won't listen to reason. This has been going on for the last 8 month 's. They called my house 10 time 's a day, I submitted a cease and Desist letter, they stop calling the house. Now they Email me 4 times a day, have called everyone in my family, my son 's, my In-laws my parent 's. Now Today they threatened with Default this Friday. I reminded them about XXXX XXXX XXXX Program, they tell me we won't deal with them, we want the loan paid in FULL, NOW!!! They won't listen to reason. I Keep reporting them to XXXX XXXX XXXX, send them all the email 's, tell them about the Threats, now XXXX told me to file a complaint with you, I don't know what else to do. Please Help me if you can. Me and my son have Paid almost {$150000.00} dollars worth of Student loan 's off, but NAVIENT is the worst company I ever had to deal with. My Son XXXX Got his XXXX In XXXX and is working XXXX XXXX, In XXXX GA, We are Paying every loan that we got Back. He Pay 's almost {$2000.00} dollars a month, and I pay {$600.00} a month, but NAVIENT doesn't Care!!! They are Very Belligerent! Please Help Us if you Can, Thank you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Liverpool, TX

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: My complaint is that I worked at a university for 25 years. During that time I took student loans and attended classes. I was a single mother of XXXX and the loans helped a great deal and I had hopes of finishing my XXXX XXXX. My children XXXX had XXXX XXXX and they had to become my priority and dropping out of school was the only option. I made monthly payments for years and when I ran into financial problems I tried to get the payments reduced. XXXX XXXX income driven monthly payments were too high and I finally gave up trying. I am now XXXX years old and still owe student loans.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I have had these two student loans for 15 yrs. First with XXXX, XXXX now with Navient and each time it changed hands I owed more and the balance hardly moved and I have been paying on them for 14 yrs., because the first year after graduation I did a deferment. I feel they have steered me toward repayment programs that make me ineligible for government loan forgiveness programs. I do work for a XXXX XXXX XXXX, but each time I have called over the years asked questions as to why my balance never seems to go down or that it doesn't go down enough or when the financial institution changes I own more money, If this was a car loan with & .25 % interest it would have been paid off already years ago. No one can answers my questions. I have a daughter who is now in school and with my loans on top of living I can't afford to help her out and it is still putting my debt to income ratio in the hole, so I can't even sign for her student loans. This is ridiculous, had I known I would have never went back to school to try to better myself, it's just not worth it.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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