Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 95


Cadwell, GA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Keep getting calls about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Duette, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


St Louis, TX

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dallas, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Vega, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Navient services my student loans. I have requested an income-driven repayment plan, which would delay payments for one year, allowing me to get financially stable. I can not afford payments at this time. I began contacting them in XXXX and attempting to apply for this. They were supposed to email links and paperwork to complete this. I never received that. I called back in XXXX and XXXX, multiple times, and finally spoke to a rep in XXXX who walked me through the application on the Navient and website. She said everything was in order and it was handled. I began receiving emails last week that I have loan payments due in XX/XX/2019. Next month. I called them back today and spoke with a rep who claimed there was no signature so it was denied, but she could see the electronic signature so it should have been approved. I was not convinced, so I asked to speak to a supervisor. I spoke to " XXXX, Rep # XXXX '' who was very rude, argumentative and unhelpful. He blamed me for everything and told me that it was my fault, basically. He said they do not accept electronic signatures and that was why it was denied and that I will now have to redo the entire application process and make sure I sign it this time correctly. He talked over me, loudly and refused to answer my questions or help me at all. I was so frustrated with his attitude and talking in circles to confuse me and blame me that I asked to speak to a different supervisor. He refused to transfer me, telling me that he can not transfer me to his peer and that his manager is not in the office today. I finally hung up, feeling bullied, frustrated and back to square one. I just want this handled and for them to stop dropping the ball. I have done everything exactly as they have told me to do, and yet they deny the application due to their own negligence. That is not right.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem with customer service
Complaint: I contacted Navient in XX/XX/XXXX to inquire about the payment history on my student loans. The initial private loans and federal student loans began repayment in XXXX and were set on a 15 year gradual step repayment plan. The initial servicer was XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. The loans were then consolidated in XXXX to include graduate student loans. The service provider was switched to XXXX XXXX, and subsequently Navient acquired the loans around XXXX. From XXXX I made several lump sum overpayments. Navient did not allow me to direct these overpayments to the loan of choice, rather they applied them evenly across the two private loans and two federal loans. Trying to understand the complete loan payment history, and reason why the amount owed in XX/XX/XXXX was more than the original amounts borrowed ( despite overpayments ), I requested via phone, a complete history of payments made on the loans. I was told by the customer service representative that this was not possible since Navient did not service my loans prior to XXXX. I asked for an accounting of the amount that was acquired by Navient in XXXX and a complete accounting from that date. I was told by the customer service rep that I would receive the accounting via mail within 2 weeks. Subsequently, the accounting was never received via mail or electronic mail. I was also told by the customer service represenative that when Navient acquired my loans they were in a " repayment plan of forbearance ''. I explained to the customer service rep that " forbearance '' is a loan status and not a " repayment plan ''. I was trying to understand why the repayment plan I had selected with my prior provider ( 15 years graduated repayment ), did not carry with the loan acquisition by Navient. This information has still not been provided. Rather I was told repeatedly by the customer service representative that the " repayment plan was forbearance ''. I have since re-finance my loan with a private servicer since Navient could never provide a clear accounting or transparency into how my payments were applied. Successful resolution of this issue would be a complete accounting of how all payments were applied by Navient. In addition, I would like information on the balances as bought and sold from XXXX to Navient. I have checked the federal student loan database for this information, but there does not appear to be any record of payments applied, only amounts bought and sold between corporations in the submarket.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Superstition Mtn, AZ

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I am trying to solve the issue of who has my loan and who to pay my balance to. I been contacted by a collections agency for a delinquent account for over a year and then in XXXX of 2018 sent the collections company ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) a loan validation letter to confirm they have permission to resolve my debt. I have yet to hear back from them since. Though with the NUMEROUS complaints and recent lawsuit with my loan servicer, I have no faith in their advice or information about my account. I don't know who to turn to and am looking to resolve this so I can rebuild my credit and one day begin enjoying my life.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Canton, OH

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Over the course of XX/XX/XXXX, I have directed two seperate over payment s on student loan accounts handled through Navient. One payment was made on XX/XX/XXXX, and the other on XX/XX/XXXX. Payment Confirmation # : XXXX Amount : {$400.00} Scheduled for : XX/XX/XXXX Payment Confirmation # : XXXX Amount : {$300.00} Scheduled for : XX/XX/XXXX I recieved confirmation emails confirming the payments have posted, and can see the funds have been removed from my bank account. However, these payments are not reflected on my navient account at all. The Navient website states the information is up to date on the for the day the information is accessed, and that it my take up to two days for payments to reflect on the account. It is now XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX payments are not reflected, and the one of the payments is almost a month old. I would call navient, however my work hours make it difficult to find time as I work a lot of overtime, and they have failed to provide an email address or other contact method. I would like to know why my payments have not been reflected on my student loan accounts and weather or not further interest has built up as a result. I am a current student and do not currently have monthly payments due.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Scottsdale, AZ

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: My loan was suppose to be paid off in a 15 year term. They sold my loan and started a new loan program of 21 years. I have asked for the original paperwork showing this new agreement of 21 years with no results. Also, I have been tracking the information of the loan in detail by XXXX sheet and the information changes from month to month. They have added money to the unpaid balance with no explanation and have not removed my co-signer even after she passed away. The XXXX sheet I have been loading monthly changes. Also, at this moment Navient/Salliemae shows I have paid in payments XXXX for a XXXX dollar loan for XXXX XXXX XXXX and only XXXX has been applied to principal. This does not include the Capitalized interest I have paid. Without the capitalized interest I have paid XXXX just on the monthly interest alone and now I have anther ten years instead of it being paid in full in two years. I don't think it's okay that they just change my loan terms because they want more money. When they sold my loan Salliemae/Navient also added more money to the unpaid principal. Why do I have to pay for them to buy my loan when I didn't want to sell my loan in the first place?
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Complaint: I am presently in a rate reduction program with Navient because my student loan balance is very high ( {$170000.00} ). I would not be able to afford the regular loan payment ( approximately {$1100.00} per month ). My current loan repayment percentage rate is 3.25 %. My present payment amount is {$670.00} in the rate reduction program. On XX/XX/2019 ( today ), I called to extend the rate reduction program and was told that the amount would increase to 4.25 % with a monthly payment due in the amount of {$800.00}. The representative and I went into great lengths about all of my monthly financial obligations and the payments that I make a month ( mortgage, credit cards, utilities, etc. ) and it was found that I am in a negative status each month after all payments. I spoke to the representative and told him that I would not be able to afford that increased payment ( {$800.00} ) with my financial obligations and other loans that I would have to pay especially because after all my financial obligations are paid, I am in a negative status. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was transferred to a unit collections manager, XXXX XXXX. I told Mr. XXXX that I would like to keep my payment at the same rate because at this time, that is the payment I can afford. Mr. XXXX told me that he did a background check on me and checked out the house that I live in and the cars that I own. Mr. XXXX said that because of the house and cars that I own and drive that I should be able to afford {$800.00} payment. I told him that I am unable to afford that amount with all of the financial obligations that I have. He told me that he does not have to offer me any lower payment or lower my interest rate at all. I told Mr. XXXX that if he does not keep my payment at the same amount that I would have to default on my loan. Mr. XXXX said that it doesn't matter if I default on my loan. Mr. XXXX refused to even negotiate with me and keep my payment at an amount that I can afford. I asked Mr. XXXX to tell me the name of his manager and he told me her name is XXXX XXXX and gave me her phone number. He refused to give me an address for her even though I prefer to send my complaint in writing to Ms. XXXX. Mr. XXXX told me that it would do me " no good to contact her '' and that she would not try to assist me even further.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: Initially, when I took a private student loan from Sallie Mae, now Navient, my total loans were under $ XXXX. I have been paying diligently for over 7 years, yet my loans are now up to $ XXXX. Its very discouraging to be making a conscious effort to stay on top of my loans, yet never see them decrease. I feel that Navient has taken advantage of me as a nave student, and put me into a income driven payment program, but failed to point out that this payment plan wouldnt even be paying the amount of interest, let alone the principle. Its like Im trying to bail out water from a boat that has a hole at the bottom. No end is in sight.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arroyo Seco, NM

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I cosigned a private loan with, Salliemae for my son XXXX XXXX 's loan in XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX for a total of approximately {$34.00}, 000 for him to get an XXXX degree at XXXX. The account was consolidated at a rate of 3 % and it stayed at this rate until XX/XX/XXXX. The rate has jumped from 3 % to 5.25 % by XX/XX/XXXX. I was not even aware of it since payments are withdrawn automatically. Navient took over from Sallimae few years ago. This practice is to ensure students never get out of student debt. Is there any law against constant increase in rate approximately every three months. Is there any cap on student loan rate? I feel these are corrupt practices to make students keep on paying interest and not get out from debt. We have been making payments regularly over these years without missing a payment and are being rewarded with increased rates. Is there any federal agency overseeing these practices. Is it against the law. I don't understand why in last 4 years rates have almost doubled having stayed constant for so many years. Any help would be appreciated. i can provide more details if needed. Thanks, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Antonio, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: On XX/XX/2019, Navient withdrew {$790.00} from my checking account without my permission. This left me with {$46.00} for the month. I did not realize the withdrawal had been made until late in the evening on XX/XX/2019, which was a Friday. Navient was no longer open and is not open on the weekends, so I had to wait till Monday morning to call them to request it be returned to my account. I was told that the earliest the money could be refunded was 30 days, but they would mark it as urgent, which would mean it would be refunded between XXXX XXXX, which was still 2-3 weeks away. I was told by Navient that they took the money out because I had put it on autopay, which is completely false. I don't have a steady income, and would never put my account on autopay. I have nothing on autopay. Again, after they took the money from my account, I only had {$46.00} left in my account. Once the other pending charges from the weekend went through, my account went into overdraft, and now I have overdraft fees. This has caused literally all of my other responsibilities to be late. I can't pay for my health insurance, I can't even afford to put gas in my car so I can't get to work.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wesley Chapel, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Please consider the circumstances
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bronx, NY

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: Issue # 1 Unauthorized account activity by Navient. Payment options for loan were turned off causing a loss of a .25 % reduction for over 18 months. Federal loans and other loans lost the .25 % reduction benefit to the account. I was told that I would be contacted so this could be addressed and benefit reapplied, yet years later, this has not been addressed even though this is Navient 's fault. Issue # 2 Never received proper information for Income Based Repayment, IDR and forebearances and deferments were marketed to account, so account lost short-term and long-term benefit of the income based repayment. Also, forfeiting months of the forbearance and deferment that has a finite number of months that could have been applied at a later date. Issue # 3 Account did not receive proper notification that the auto-pay was taken off around XXXX and XXXX by Navient causing the .25 % loss of benefit on the loans. Issue # 3 When paying loan, payments are not directed toward the correct loans causing loan to be viewed as delinquent when they are not. Payments are incorrectly directed toward loans that have {$0.00} due and not loans with an amount due, even though payments are clearly labeled to be made to those loans with amount and loan number. Issue # 4 Unable to make payments to account online, banking accounts linked to Navient for years now being asked for verification, no other way to pay online I.e. debit, credit cards making payment options limited and difficult. Banking information previously applied and valid for years are now being asked for verification with no reason. Being asked to provide notice that the account is valid, even though the same account has always been linked to Navient for several, several years. So I am asked to take time to ask bank to provide a letter that says the account is verified without any notice of Navient and no reason given. Issue # 5 Improper account notification when things affect the account causing improper delinquency, no mail or email when Navient mishandled account and turned off auto-pay on accounts around XXXX and XXXX. No notification saying they applied payments to wrong loans causing delinquency. Issue # 6 Improper and negligence actions toward the account, when application for IDR was never applied to the account and told it was sitting in fax machine around XXXX and because of Issue # 4, proper notification never occurred. Department of Education instead extended notification saying account was delinquent. If Navient workers properly handled paperwork and accounts, this mishandling of the account would never happen and it would have not inaccurately showed delinquency and risked adverse reporting to the credit bureaus essentially risking financial health. Issue # 7 Lack of professionalism when calling over years including XXXX, XXXX. Lack of responsibility and ownership in mishandling the account. When called XXXX XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX XXXX answered, when I started to talk she hung up on me. Called back despite requesting auto-call back, which was unsuccessful. After speaking to XXXX XXXX Spoke to supervisor XXXX XXXX on private loan side, after which she was going to transfer me to the Federal loan side and to speak with a supervisor, she said I could ask for one, I explained that I had already been on-hold for several, several minutes each time and on the line for over 43 minutes and asked to be directly routed to a supervisor to which she agreed. I was on hold for a longer time and she disconnected the call. I had been on the phone nearly an hour and she hung up on me. Was told during call the misapplication of the payment could be retroactively applied correctly to the account, but received a less than sincere response that this could be done for the lossed benefit of the auto-pay deduction that was dismissed by Navient costing the account a .25 % deduction for over 18+ months without my authorization, knowledge, consent and notification. Why is Navient quick to retroact on behalf of itself and not the account, when retroaction would benefit the account and it was Navient that caused the issue of the auto-pay being turned off around XXXX and XXXX. Issue # 8 Asked who Navient reports to I was told they report to no one. Asked to speak with someone who would be able to rectify this situation, they said there is not a specific department or anyone I could speak to about this and transfered me to supervisors.??? See Issue # 6, that's probably why they hung up on me, because they do not want to deal with these issues Navient has caused on the account. Issue # 9 Asked who Navient reports to I was told they report to no one. Asked to speak with someone who would be able to rectify this situation, they said there is not a specific department or anyone I could speak to about this and transfered me to supervisors.??? See Issue # 6, that's probably why they hung up on me, because they do not want to deal with these issues Navient has caused on the account. XX/XX/XXXX Income based repayment plan, recertified. XXXX XXXX a supervisor. However, I actually recertified several months prior in XX/XX/XXXX. Received information from Student Higher Education that I was late saying I missed 3 payments. Was not supposed to be in repayment anyway risked negative credit reporting. Received zero contact from Navient in writing nor email nor call. Asked for documentation that it would not affect my credit never received any mail to date. Actually, received a pre-dated document saying I authorized a forbearance, which I did not authorize. Navient is acting as fraudulent vipers who make up things regarding loans to benefit its bottom line. Additionally, on previous calls they said forbearance was only option and did not tell me about the income based repayment form. When I finally learned of this option and sent in a form it was improperly handled and never processed when it was handled because of a slight difference in the form. Navient said it sent a denial, but this is untrue an one was never received nor any call, email, mail saying that. I was told the form was an expired form. I received and downloaded a new form. Also, on the form I used the expiration date of the form listed was much later. Old form had 12 pages, new form had 10 pages and the information was exactly the same by DOE. They said the old 12 page form expired in beginning of XXXX. The form that I submitted had an expiry date of XX/XX/XXXX, and thats the unexpired form I submitted. Both forms are the same. All they had to do was transfer my information on the new form. Additionally, the XXXX pages of the form that they actually use has the same information. While explaining this and speaking with XXXX, I hear laughing in the background. XXXX escalated case manager, Employee Code XXXX. Who told me they have to use the new application or a newer application. Why was my application not considered a newer applications which is what I had submitted? This makes no sense. Navient changes the rules as it sees fit. If I had not called in then, they would have wrongfully marked my file as late, because it was just 7 days away from being reported to the credit bureaus! This is negligent! Want the additional credits retroactively applied to account. I would like to have the IDR plan applied for months that I was pushed the forbearance and deferment and reclaim the months of forbearance and deferment lost on the account. I did not receive a letter saying the income payment was denied, I did not receive a call, I did not receive any email. I did not receive any correspondence from Navient! I did not receive any correspondence saying I was in repayment. The only notification I received was from Department of Higher Education. Additionally, the auto-debit was cancelled without my permission. How is auto-debit cancelled for one group of loans and not the other? Auto-pay was terminated on XX/XX/XXXX for the account for one group of loans, but not for the other. Who is accessing the account making these unauthorized changes. Never received any information about who turned off my auto-pay, who did that?! Payment wasnt processed from the account. Navient, unauthorized a previous payment due. Navient never processed IDR for XXXX and XXXX in a timely manner. They left paperwork sitting at a fax machine, never processed payment and then in XXXX they failed to process the application because it was out of date and never informed me. They never sent any email notifications about my income based repayment. I never took off the auto-pay, and I should have been and should be getting the .25 % reductions on the account for over the past 18+ months. I would like a back-date of all the interest that was charged on the account. The .25 % interest that I was charged needs to be refunded to the account, because I was never informed that the payment was over 18 months of extra interest coming on the account. Please refund the additional 18+ months of not benefiting of the additional .25 % reduction to the account. On XX/XX/XXXX Spoke to XXXX XXXX who said she could apply the amount due back on the correct loans ( Signature Student loans ) and said she asked supervisor XXXX XXXX who said nothing could be done. Spoke to XXXX and expressed all issues listed here including 4-9 which I also recently dealt with. Thank you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Castro Valley, CA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tampa Palms, FL

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Fraudulent loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I spoke to Navient Collections department. I was told that my assigned agent XXXX was unavailable so I spoke to a XXXX instead. This representative told me that I had been rejected from the income based repayment program ( after setting up about 3 years of a monthly auto-debit of {$720.00} ). He said that I needed to have my co-signer ( mother ) call in to submit her financial statement before being able to resubmit me for approval. I am nearing default on my loans because they never approved my {$720.00} payments and tell me I need to be making principal payments of around {$1200.00}. The fact that I was nearing default on only some of my loans but not others leads me to believe that they are misapplying my payments. I believe that if my payment had been applied proportionally to each loan, I wouldnt have reached this stage in my delinquency so soon. By applying my payments in this way, Navient is ensuring that I default on my loans more quickly. On Tuesday XX/XX/XXXX, my mother called in and provided her financial statement. She spoke to another representative named XXXX, who said that XXXX was not available and XXXX would be out for a long time. His version of what happened differed from XXXX. He told my mom that her financial information wouldnt necessarily help me and that I had to make another financial statement ( the last financial statement I made was in XXXX ). They convinced her to make a payment of about {$290.00} to pull some of my loans out of risk of default. On Friday XX/XX/XXXX I called the number that XXXX had given me. I was surprised to be told that my loan was no longer handled by that department and now the person I was speaking to ( cant recall the name ) was my new assigned agent. I was skeptical and pushed to try to speak to the agent that was familiar with my situation, the agent put a supervisor on the line who said they could not transfer me to XXXX and that I would need to work with them. They were not familiar with my situation at all. They convinced me to make a payment of {$29.00} and to submit more financial information. That same night on Friday XX/XX/XXXX I called back to see if I could get some more information about my loans. I couldnt find any statements online from before XXXX of XXXX. The Navient website offered no clear way to see a record of my individual loan payments, how theyve been applied, and how theyve affected my principal balance. When I asked the agent from Navient if they could provide an electronic copy of this, they told me it was impossible. Moreover, that kind of request had to be submitted to the back office and could take a week or more to send. She transferred me to general customer service to see if they could help me get the information from the website, however that agent was also not helpful. Not only did she confirm that the Navient website has no way to access loan records and documents, she also could not give me accurate answers to questions I was asking in regard to my loan history. She told me my first payment was made in XXXX, but I graduated in XXXX and started making payments in XXXX. Navient is purposefully making it difficult for me to get accurate information about my options and my loan history. While it is difficult to come up with an accurate figure based on the limited information on the website, I estimate that I have made well over {$50000.00} in payments to Navient/Sallie Mae since my college graduation. Between my mostly private and federal loans, the total amount I owe has gone up by more than what Ive paid into it. In other words, I am just throwing money away while my debt continues to grow.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Shulerville, SC

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: I feel like I am missing a lot of payments on my account. Particularly for XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. I have been on the IBR repayment plan I believe since XX/XX/XXXX and because of low income during residency/family size my payments were $ XXXXmonth. I feel like my payments should be a lot closer to 70 payments and instead only showing approximately 20 payments. I know Navient is involved in multiple lawsuits alleging misallocation of payments and I feel like my account is on par with the same alleged complaints. I have also been put in forbearance in the history I have been with them due to them saying they never received paperwork for spouses history when I in fact did send it. Can someone address this please?
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Van Nuys, CA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I was told by a navient representative that if I made XXXX on time payments and sent in all the proper information that I could get my co-signer released. I've made these on time payments. Last XXXX there were fires in California where I live. I got a message from Navient saying that because of the fires they were giving a disaster relief forbearance. I called them to make sure this wouldn't effect my co-signer release and I'd be able to keep my XXXX consecutive payments with no problems. They assured me it wouldn't effect me negatively. Fast forward to now. I sent them all my tax info, my diploma and proof of citizenship. My XXXX payments have been made and now they're telling me that I do not qualify because last XXXX there was a late payment. My loan history shows nothing of a late payment and this is contradictory to what I was told when I called in to make sure I'd be ok if I accepted the disaster relief. I'm stuck and they are not helping. I've been paying on these loans for 16 years, I just want my co-signer released. Please help
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Charlotte, NC

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Federal student loan debt

Debt was paid
Complaint: The XXXX and XXXX months in XXXX indicate that I didn't pay the monthly debt on time when I actually did. I made the payment with Navient on the phone before the due date but a report was sent to my credit that it was late. Also the last 5 months of XXXX reported that I didn't make a payment on time but I had the payments scheduled for automatic payment out of my bank account but a error occurred where payments were not made on time.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Keep getting calls about your loan
Complaint: Navient has repeatedly been calling my mother in law who is XXXX and when she did not answer, they started sending letters. Not once have they reached out to me or my husband. This is all a scam. They need to be stopped
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Glendale, CO

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: There are large swings in the amount that goes to Principal and the amount that goes to interest month to month. That is not how an amortization table works I have never missed a payment on any loan. I have been paying on these loans for years and to have no principal reduction in the last 2 months and 100 % going to interest one of those months suggests foul play. This is not the first time I have asked why this is happening, its happened multiple times and Navient blow me off saying that it is just day counts of interest. Please perform a full audit of my account. I understand daily compounding and days per month will have slight changes in the amounts to the amounts. Is Navient incompetent on every level or is Navient stealing from me? Here is the most recent example Account Total XX/XX/XXXX Payment - {$79.00} Principal - {$16.00} Interest - {$63.00} Fees - {$0.00} XX/XX/XXXX Payment- {$79.00} Principal- {$66.00} Interest - {$12.00} Fees - {$0.00} XX/XX/XXXX Payment- {$79.00} Principal- {$29.00} Interest - {$50.00} Fees - {$0.00} Loan # 9 ONLY XX/XX/XXXX Principal {$0.00} Interest - {$51.00} Fees {$0.00} Total Payment - {$51.00} Unpaid Principal {$6600.00} XX/XX/XXXX Principal {$0.00} Interest {$0.00} Fees {$0.00} Total {$0.00} Unpaid Principal {$6600.00} XX/XX/XXXX Principal - {$14.00} Interest - {$37.00} Fees {$0.00} Total Payment - {$51.00} Unpaid Principal {$6600.00} XX/XX/XXXX Payment - {$15.00} - {$36.00} {$0.00} - {$51.00} {$6600.00} XX/XX/XXXX Payment - {$22.00} - {$36.00} {$0.00} - {$59.00} {$6600.00}
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: On or about XX/XX/2019, I contacted my student loan servicer, Navient, though Navient 's website, to switch the auto pay information on my two consolidated student loans to my new bank, to be effective with the XX/XX/2019 payment. I was successful in making this change through the Navient website. My monthly consolidated student loan payment with Navient has been {$230.00} since I consolidated the loans, well over a decade ago. On XX/XX/2019, I received a letter from Navient indicating that my loans had been " successfully enrolled '' in auto pay, and that my monthly payment would be {$230.00}, to be " automatically extracted '' beginning XX/XX/2019. ( Letter, Ex. A. ) On XX/XX/2019, I called Navient and spoke with a XXXX named XXXX. I told XXXX that there had been a mistake, that my normal payment ( {$230.00} ) ought to have been paid through auto pay for the XX/XX/XXXXpayment per my instructions, and that I was prepared to make a one-time payment to satisfy my monthly XX/XX/XXXXpayment. I further told XXXX that there was no justification for Navient to be recapitalizing any part of my loan, since I had timely given Navient the information to auto debit my XX/XX/XXXXpayment. XXXX took my bank information, and {$230.00} was debited from my bank. ( Screencap of bank website excerpt, Ex. B ). At the end of the call with XXXX, I asked her explicitly to confirm that going forward, my monthly payments starting with XX/XX/XXXX would be * $ XXXX as before, and not the higher figure Navient had quoted in its letter. XXXX confirmed this, and gave me the confirmation number # XXXX. On XX/XX/2019, I received an alert from my bank that Navient had auto debited my account in the amount of {$230.00} -- the incorrect amount reflecting an unauthorized recapitalization of interest. Upon checking Navient 's website, I noted that it still wrongly reflected a recapitalization of interest of {$90.00} on XX/XX/2019, and also mis-accounted for the monthly payment made through XXXX on XX/XX/2019. ( Screencap of Navient website, XX/XX/19, Ex. C ).
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ft Myers, FL

Communication tactics

Debt collection: Federal student loan debt

Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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