Navient Solutions, LLC.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 31323 complaints on file for Navient Solutions, LLC.. Dated between 2019-12-15 and 2012-03-01.

Complaints Page 85


Arco, CA

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Fraudulent loan
Complaint: I attended this school in XXXX, I was unable to complete the coursework because the school closed down. The institution is still charge me for the debt. The school advertised and explicitly promised being hired upon completion. However, they lacked credibility there after because I was unable to complete the course work and was left with the death. The company breached its contract by promising upon completion being hired however, closed down in the process leaving me with the predatory loan. I determinately relies on this process, I have been unemployed as of today and my loan debt accumulation keeps increasing.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Graysville, TN

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem with customer service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Five Points, PA

Incorrect information on your report

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Account information incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Montevallo, AL

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bloomfield, CA

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cape Coral, FL

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Emmons, NY

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Beaverton, OR

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Confusing or misleading advertising
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Flowerfield, IL

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chatham, OH

Communication tactics

Debt collection: I do not know

Frequent or repeated calls
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Livermore, CA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sarasota, FL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Keep getting calls about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Roy, UT

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Private student loan debt

Threatened to arrest you or take you to jail if you do not pay
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Can't get other flexible options for repaying your loan
Complaint: For the past couple of years I have been dealing with Navient since i graduated in XX/XX/2012 ... I dont make a lot of money so I asked to be on a income based plan.. they put me on an income base plan they said I had to make payments for 300 months and send in XXXX paystubs annually.. thats fine.. but every 2 years they have me dealing with other companies through them and they make my payments start over.. telling me to pay amounts I cant afford to get started with their plan.. I didnt catch on to what they were doing until the last time when Navient took XXXX out of my account out of the XXXX I had which made me not be able to pay my bills and still got me behind till right now.. I called Navient and they told me I had to switch plans to XXXX XXXX XXXX and they will get on a payment plan bc Navient has been having a lot of complains lately..They told me the only way to not get that much money taken out is to deal with them, so thats what Im doing.. Something is not right though and Im tired of my months having to start completely over
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sebring, FL

Getting a loan

Student loan: Private student loan

Confusing or misleading advertising
Complaint: I went into XXXX XXXX to check out the school. They had me take a test and told me that i could start immediately because i did so well. Just in talking with them they had already run everything and had me enrolled in classes before i really had time to think about it. XXXX XXXX, told me that my student loans would mostly be taken care of with Grants and that I would have very low interest rates because it was a student loan. In the second year of attending I found out that most of my schooling was private loans and some gov loans and that the interest rates were form 7-12 %. I graduated being told that i would make XXXX and up in the XXXX field. Come to find out this was also not true. Also that XXXX would always help me with resumes and finding a job. Shortly after graduating the career counselor would not see me or answer my calls. They also told me that my credits would transfer and i found out later that not 1 credit would go to any other school. I never would have gone here if i knew all of this.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Baederwood, PA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: Navient has been servicing my subsidized and unsubsidized loan for about ten years. During financial troubles they were very fast to put my loans on forbearance, which is fine because even though my balance was skyrocketing due to interest it was helping at the moment. Since I have been stable with a job and able to payback the loan I realized that out of $ XXXX monthly payment only {$7.00} was going towards the principal. With my balance being close to {$40000.00} it would take forever to pay this loan so I asked family and friends for a loan to help me pay this off so I wouldn't be trapped into paying interest forever to Navient. On XX/XX/2019 I called Navient to ask for a payoff amount around XXXX. The lady on the phone advised me that I would receive it in 2 to 4 hours, which I did not. The following day on XX/XX/2019 I received the letter from Navient saying that my loans can be paid in full for {$36000.00} if the payment is received by XX/XX/XXXX. Also to the side of the letter were the hours that I could call which were Mon-Fri with no Saturday or Sunday hours. After showing the letter to a friend who agreed to lend me the money to pay off the loan, I called Navient first thing Monday morning and asked them to pay off the loan and I was advised that the balance was {$39000.00} and not {$36000.00}. After advising the representative XXXX XXXX that I had received a letter she denied that Navient had sent the letter. I asked her log in to my Navient account and look at my inbox and see the proof. After logging in XXXX saw the letter and read it aloud with me and said yes the letter was sent however I had to pay that amount by XX/XX/XXXX and that Navient can no longer honor it. I advised XXXX that I received the letter on XX/XX/XXXX and she can see the date on my inbox. I also advised XXXX that according to the schedule on the paper Navient does not have Saturday hours so i could not call over the weekend. XXXX replied by saying that they are there on the weekends and that I should have called. She asked me to send proof by uploading and that they would review it with her supervisor XXXX XXXX and get back to me. I asked her to stay on the line while uploaded and review the documents with me on the line because I didn't have faith that they would call me back. After reviewing the documents XXXX did agree with me but said that they would have to look into it further and get back to me. I asked for a direct number for her supervisor XXXX XXXX and she provided me with XXXX. I waited until XXXX no one called me back so I called Mr. XXXX and he did not answer. I called again at XXXX and left a voicemail and again he did not answer. At XXXX I called Navients main number and another representative XXXX XXXX took my call after explaining everyhting to XXXX she advised me that The payoff amount of {$36000.00} can not be honored because it was not paid by the XXXX even though I received the letter on the XX/XX/XXXX and according to Ms. XXXX my loan had accrued {$3000.00} in interest over the weekend when I asked her if that made any sense to her she said yes. After XXXX spoke with her supervisor, XXXX XXXX, who apparently listened to my previous calls she said that there is nothing that they can do and I should just pay the {$39000.00}. XXXX transferred me to XXXX who reviewed my case. i asked her how come no one called me back she said she tried to call me right before I called Navient but my phone was not accepting calls, which is a lie, because I specifically called them from my office phone knowing that at this point they would find every excuse not to deal with me and help me pay my loan off. After XXXX advised me that she listened to the calls and what was said I requested for her to send me all three of my phone call recording so we can listen to it and find out what was said, not surprising XXXX refused. I asked her that if she is quoting my calls i have the right to have that recording, because I would approach this with legal action, she didn't seem to care and told me to get a subpoena. After reading about the sleazy ways that Navient deals with all the students who are paying loans I decided to payoff the loan amount of {$39000.00} today XX/XX/2019 so it does not accrue anymore interest, but continue my fight with Navient the predator.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



False statements or representation

Debt collection: Federal student loan debt

Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: I received a letter from XXXX dated XX/XX/19 stating that I agreed to pay them {$2000.00}. I NEVER made this Agreement. I have Never spoken to anyone at XXXX. I do Not owe this debt and certainly would not agree to pay it. Sallie Mae was the original creditor of this debt and Sallie Mae has been deleted from my credit report. Sallie Mae changed their name to Navient. All Navient accounts have been removed from my credit report because the were Sallie Mae. Navient sold this debt to XXXX during the time I had a complaint with the CFPB against them.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Mabank, TX

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Received bad information about your loan
Complaint: I am the co-signer of a loan for my son. I have been paying on an account with Navient I co-signed for about 3 years. The account was approved for XXXX. My unpaid principal on the account is XXXX. I have been given several different addresses to make the payments for this account. I have come to find out I have not been paying towards the co-signed amount but to his federal loans as well. I have called and continue to have been transferred and hung up on. A representative gave me a webpage to send a list of my payment history to in order for them to research I have made payments. I sent them payments from my bank account to Navient XXXX. I sent them payments for 18 months showing my history each month. I don't understand why I have been given so many addresses to pay on one bill I co-signed for and it is not getting to the right account. Each time I have spoken with an account representative I have been reminded I co-signed for his student loan. The last time they said they received a payment was XX/XX/2019 which is incorrect payment history. I have a history of the payments I have online with XXXX XXXX. Please assist with getting this account under control. Thank you ... XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: Good afternoon, I have had several issues with Navient last year in XXXX. It was a difficult year for me financially and tried numerous times to reduce my payment on my IDR plan. Several times I spoke to a representative they told me I had to fill out the repayment plan yearly paperwork and send in my W9 's or income verification. I told them I had reached out to the companies I had worked for multiple times and I never received any documentation proving what I made while employed. The whole year I was in a financial hardship and was out of work for more than 6 months ( no work, no income ). I had to take out my 401 ( k ) and all of the money out of my investment account just to survive. I expressed this multiple times via email as well as over the phone with a customer service rep., there scripted answer was to send in XXXX 's tax return but that year I made over {$50000.00} hence the reason in my IDR plan I was paying {$300.00} per month. I just finished my taxes and with both of those withdrawals and what I made by working in XXXX I made roughly {$18000.00}. Once I got into a financial hardship no one would help me out at Navient to restructure my payment plan. Ultimately just to survive in one of the richest counties in California I had to put a holt on paying my student loans. Now that we are in XXXX I went a whole year with a $ 300+ per month payment and was way below the poverty line. Alone the interest on these loans has wrecked havoc and they have accrued so much interest I now owe over {$40000.00}. I need some help here because they wouldn't help me and if you look at my record I have filed several complaints to the CFPB regarding this loan servicer - Navient. The service is horrible and when I told them what was going on and the financial issues in my life I didn't receive any service and nobody would work with me. The math on {$18000.00} for the year is a {$1500.00} per month, add in rent, utilities, food, transportation, insurance there was no feasible way for me to pay that amount monthly and every time I asked for help I would get the same response and turn in my XXXX tax return. This is mind blowing that a company can treat their customers the way I have been treated. On top of that they put me into a deferment plan without my consent. How is that legal? How can they do this to people and get away with it? Somebody at the CFPB PLEASE help me. I really need it!
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Vernon, WI

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Don't agree with the fees charged
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hartford, CT

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Received bad information about your loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hollowayville, IL

Struggling to repay your loan

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Problem lowering your monthly payments
Complaint: Instead of help lowering my monthly payment, I was offered forbearance after forbearance instead. When trying to pay on my loan, the website doesnt recognize my user name and after trying to retrieve it via email several times, I never received an email about resetting my user name or password.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Private student loan

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: My Navient private loans were refinanced in XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX. I no longer owe any money to Navient. However, Navient withdrew payments from my account for the month of XX/XX/XXXX and on XX/XX/XXXX of {$250.00} that I did not authorize because I no longer have loans with Navient. XXXX repayment plan is for {$240.00} per month which I agreed to. I contacted XXXX and was informed that since I did not terminate the automatic payments with Navient that they will continue to deduct funds from my account even if I did not have a loan to pay as they use a third party to collect payments. I was not informed this by Navient or XXXX until I contacted the company on XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Greenwood, CA

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Don't agree with the fees charged
Complaint: Navient, our loan servicer continues to misapply principle/interest. Some months they will apply XXXX dollars to principal and put everything towards interest. Our loans are a fixed payment each month and we have made every payment on time or ahead of schedule. The principal portion of the payment should be increasing each month as the balance decreases. In the last two years our principal payments have ranged from XXXX to {$240.00} and are vastly different from month to month. I have tried to get Navient to explain this and/or correct it, but have not been able to get a response from them. Our normal loan payment is {$400.00}. Since the loans originated in 2013, we've made payments of {$31000.00} of which {$10000.00} was applied to principal. Our original loan amounts were {$24000.00} and {$33000.00} for a total of {$57000.00}. Our current loan balances from Navient 's web site this morning are {$20000.00} and {$27000.00} for a total of {$47000.00}. I filed a complaint back in XXXX, but Navient refused to respond to your inquiry stating that my name was not on my wife 's loan. Navient has assured us that my name is in fact on the account and they should have no issue responding to this complaint.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Albuquerque, NM

Dealing with your lender or servicer

Student loan: Federal student loan servicing

Trouble with how payments are being handled
Complaint: My loan is with Navient. I stopped the auto pay, even called to confirm it was off of auto pay. They confirmed it was off of auto pay, they still pulled the payment. Once I noticed Navient pulled the unauthorized payment, they told me I did not take it off auto pay. When I talked to a supervisor gave him the date and time I called to take it off auto pay. they found the call log.. When I finally received my money back, I filled a complaint. Now my loan has {$6000.00} + in new interest when I called today Navient told me its back interest from 2013 I then told Navient to explain how all of a sudden I have interest form 2013, he told me that's just how it works. I asked to see in the contract where is the interest information. Now waiting to receive that information. I find it odd after I file a complaint my loan has $ 6,000+ in new fees on it. I have not missed a payment for over 24mo and even made payments when it was on in school deferment.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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