There are over 5340 complaints on file for NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-05.
Bounced checks or returned payments
Complaint: I have contacted Navy Federal several times regarding the 24 returned check/ach fees. They agreed to credit 11, however I explained the situation, and how I was dealing with XXXX. They also allowed a charge to go through on an account that did not have overdraft protection. I have asked them to resolve their error, but they keep giving me the run around.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: So on the early morning of XX/XX/18, i was awake whena depost came through that I had been waiting for that i really thought would show up at another bank. I immediately transferred the money to another account so that i could withdraw the cash Wednesday morning at the branch. I went into the branch on XX/XX/18 ; Wednesday and withdrew XXXX from this other account. While at the branch, i was never told that my account was overdrawn and when looking at the app i never saw a pending transaction, or a scheduled transaction. On the morning on XX/XX/18 i woke up to my account being overdrawn by XXXX and some change. I called navy to find out what happened and to get them to reverse the payment that was made to a checking line of credit. I was told that i set up an automatic transfer, which i never did, and that the payment would not be reversed. I spoke to at least 3 representatives that did not really know how to handle the call and then i was transferred to a manager who insisted on talking over me and saying that the only one who took money out of the account was me and not navy. Why would i be allowed to transfer, and withdraw money that is not available for me to do so, especially if the line of credit is frozen and would not cover any negative activity on it. This should have never happened. I would also like a time stamp of all transactions which i was told was not available. At the end of my conversation with the manager i did have a little bit of an attitude, but i was cordial and polite and told him all my info was up to date with the bank. O hung up not satisfied and the banker telling me that instead of owing money to line of credit i now owe the exact ammount to brong my account balance back down to XXXX. I would like them to show me that i have a signed contact ; which is a meeting of the minds with 2 signatres show navy took from their profits and that navy has been harmed in anyway. They have not, but i have.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Charlotte, NC
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Finksburg, MD
You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
Complaint: Navy Federal is only allowed to contact me through my cell phone number. This is not the first time they have found other numbers that are associated to me in an attempt to reach me. These numbers have not been given authorization to call.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Eagle Rock, NC
Account information incorrect
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Antonio, TX
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: Navy federal keeps charging me outrageous overdraft fees so much that I had to switch banks and they keep charging me I am now overdrawn over 1000 I need some type of compensation
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: I filed a fraud claim in XX/XX/XXXX with navy federal it had been credited then reversed due to a fraudulent check. I did not know that charges where put on my card when I found out I disputed them. I have sent them proof of the charges not being done by me or any family member. Ive also sent proof that the information they had given me had been false yet Ive been ignored for months. I filed four complaints through the cfpb two were the same description one was different and the other was a completely different subject referencing a recant to my first statement due to an error on my behalf. All four responses from navy federal where the exact same despite the claims being different but all dismissed me. I was told I could contact the lead in security XXXX XXXX. I contacted him he said he would have my case looked at in detail especially my recant and proof sent and I would be contacted. I still months later have not been informed of anything. I was sent one letter I requested in XX/XX/XXXX that had false information on it and nothing else. They have not replaced my lost debit card. They will not close the account. And the only information I can get from them is them saying oh well dont know what to tell you. So pretty much doing nothing for there customers. Its been four months and over forty phone calls some lasting hours but still no correspondence. My access number is not active. I even had a insurance claim filed and a police report and after the research they conducted it was found to be a fraudulent charge.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: Navy Federal credit union continues to attempt to reinsert fraudulent accounts onto my consumer reports and credit files. First of all I provided Navy Federal with my Law Enforcement Identity theft affidavit that clearly and explicitly explains that I am a victim of identity theft. Furthermore my wallet was stolen and Navy Federal allowed two credit cards to be opened in my name. I never received any credit cards, nor membership information, nor anything about these accounts in the mail since my mail had been forwarded and email addresses also hacked after my wallet was stolen. I tried reporting these accounts to their security department which told me that they believe I opened these. I advised I definitely did not. I also explained I never signed any membership packet, because I never received one. I never received any of these credit cards nor did I ever sign for these. The security representative then proceeded to threaten me, threatening violence and also action against me. He told me he would come to my house, and then told me that he would burn me down to the ground that he was a law enforcement officer. I hung up, and I feel physically threatened and scared to call back. Additionally their customer service rep told me that the one account is supposed to be {$15000.00} limit and navy federal additionally falsely reported this again as a {$25000.00} limit. Again Navy Federal hasnt provided any information. I did not receive these cards, and I did not open membership with their institution.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Norfolk, VA
Problem with fees charged
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Complaint: I got a loan through Navy Federal In XXXX Ga on XX/XX/2018 for XXXX. It was for a used car from XXXX XXXX XXXX. I had called Navy Federal the morning of XX/XX/XXXX so under 24 hours and asked to put a cancelation on the loan because the vehicle I had safety concerns and my wife was scared to drive it. I had then returned the vehicle to XXXX XXXX and he refused to give me my check back. So I called Navy Federal and talked in person to 5 different people and they all told me that the cancelation was in process and theres no way the loan could go through and if XXXX XXXX tried to process it then it would get denied and sent back to him. I then get a call 15 days later saying the check had processed and there was nothing I could do about it. XXXX XXXX had forced payed my check by saying I had possession of the vehicle I haven't had the vehicle for almost a month now but Navy Federal never called me when Mr XXXX told them that. I then told the lady that called me that I wasn't going to pay on a vehicle I don't have and she told me that they would force take money out of my account if I didn't make the payment. I have a lawyer right now for XXXX XXXX as well. I also asked the lady if I could have an investigation on the recordings of the phone calls since the people told me the check could never get processed and she told me I couldn't do that.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Halyoke, MA
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Complaint: I have been trying to open a business account since XX/XX/XXXX. I have been unable to because allegedly I have a past due balance on a personal account that was closed in XXXX. The alleged balance was charged off, but somehow still carries a balance. I have been requesting validation of this alleged debt every 30 days since XX/XX/XXXX. I have offered on numerous occasions to settle the amount owing in full upon their assurance in writing that they will provide me with the original instrument of indebtedness in its original form on or before XX/XX/XXXX. I repeatedly made these offers ; every 30 days to be exact. On every occasion, they have either overlooked or ignored my requests to exercise equity in redemption and by refusing to acknowledge that right, they have refused to accept payment in the process. That settled the matter legally and financially at XXXX hours on XX/XX/XXXX. As of today, XX/XX/XXXX, the alleged debt is still there so I am unable to open my business account. With no valid documentation ensuring the alleged debt is 100 % verifiable and 100 % accurate, this alleged debt does not exist. The CFPB ordered Navy Federal to pay $ XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX for these same exact practices. It is obvious that those same exact improper debt collection practices are continuing today.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Complaint: Navy Federal Credit Union ( XXXX ) has refused to disclose the amount of interest it has charged me on late fees during the duration of a personal loan. I believe this refusal is in violation of the Truth in Lending Act.
A current balance of over {$2000.00} represents late fees and interest. The promissory note states a late fee in the amount of {$29.00} will be assessed when payments are late. However, the promissory note DOES NOT state interest will be charged on late fees or identify the interest rate.
he amount financed was {$7900.00} and the total payments amount was {$11000.00}. Now with all principal paid I am saddled with a balance of over {$2000.00}. NOTE : I can not specify the exact amount because I can no longer access it online, probably because being able to do so would continue to reveal the daily increase in the balance because of interest being added daily on late charges.
This complaint is a followup to complaint # XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lake Shore, MD
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Temperanceville, VA
Debt is not yours
Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX My complaint : Navy Federal Credit Union drafted my checking account for {$540.00} on XX/XX/XXXX for a debt in my sons charged off checking account. My son and I have a joint savings account with Navy Federal. My sons checking and savings account was charged off on XX/XX/XXXX. I called Navy Federal today to ask for my money to be returned to my checking account and why would my checking account be effected because of a debt that has nothing to do with me and the Navy federal customer service rep as well as the supervisor in the Charge Off Department repeatedly told me because I was a joint owner on the savings account which has a balance of {$0.00}, and the money was then transferred to the checking account owned by my son only, his previous balance was {$5000.00} after my checking account from drafted his balance now is XXXX. I took my son to the police station back in XXXX to file a police report about the his checking account being defrauded by someone else because he lost his ATM card, and a check was deposited into his checking account. I called them back for a second time today ( XX/XX/XXXX ) at about XXXX and they let me know we were on a recorded line and talked with the customer service rep and supervisor but this time I was told a whole different story that the debt was now in his savings accounts which I am a joint owner on, but the debt owed had been in his checking account from XX/XX/XXXX until today according to the supervisor in the Charge Off Department. All the correspondence about XXXX XXXX XXXX Navy Federal checking account came to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX VA XXXX was only addressed to him not me. His savings account had and still has a balance of {$0.00} according to the customer service reps that I talked with on Saturday, XX/XX/XXXX and today at XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX. The information didnt change until I started to asked them repeatedly how am I legally responsible for debt in an account that is not in my name. I didnt know this was legal for them to draft my checking account to pay a debt that is not in my name. I just want my {$540.00} put back into my checking account. If you need more information please see my contact information below.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with non-monetary relief
Syringa, VA
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: NFCU told me they would remove my tradeline if i made my auto loan payment in full. I was late on 2 separate occasions at the end of XX/XX/XXXX and beginning of XX/XX/XXXX. In early XX/XX/XXXX, I payed the entire loan off. The tradeline was never removed.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Atl, GA
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Dallas, GA
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
El Paso, TX
Threatened to sue you for very old debt
Complaint: Received contact in regards to a debt that was 9 or 10 years old. Attempting to collect and threatening legal action against me. Stating needed to resolve within 72 hours not giving enough time when I have had no original information on the threat. Not giving reasonable or affordable options. At one point was homeless after getting separated from the military. So is a debt that was many years ago and haven't received any notification in years and just now threatening wage garnishment
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Debt was result of identity theft
Complaint: I had an invoked power of attorney over my father who was deemed XXXX early in XX/XX/2018. I made dozens of calls to NFCU overseeing his accounts to prevent any more fraud and theft from occurring. I had a valid POA in place and the very person who had abused him financially was then allowed to take over his financial through a fraudulent document and phone calls by manipulating the system/him and calling in saying he wanted my valid POA to be revoked and to place her in control. They went with the criminal activity all along, which in essence is aiding and abetting crime. He was XXXX by two medical doctors, in a locked XXXX unit, and had no ability to make XXXX XXXX. NAVY FEDERAL should have protected his accounts by not allowing the theft to occur as I gave them all evidence prior, during and after the fact. I have continued to fight to get this money back that was stolen from my father and that NEVER should have been, had Navy Federal done their job. There is no way his financial documents should have been taken over and diverted, period. There is no question as to the FRAUD that took place. He was XXXX! My power of attorney was invoked to protect him. They not only did not protect him but have given me the runaround for the past 7 months trying to dispute this. Credit Union NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Desired Resolution They need to take responsibility for allowing a XXXX XXXX adult who was in a locked XXXX to be the victim of upwards of {$20000.00} in theft by a known perpetrator. They need to refund his account as they ALLOWED the theft to occur. They did not do their background check and erroneously took part in this crime and argue that he should be held responsible.
While this is not technically Identity theft per se, it is similar, as the person who stole form the account holder impersonated herself as some one who should be given the POWER of Attorney under false pretenses. She knowingly and willingly knew she was not to touch any of his financial accounts. She had just been deemed to have exploited him in a state investigation for elder abuse. This was all conveyed to the NAVY FEDERAL credit union, along with phone numbers and documented paperwork. She in no way had any notarized power of attorney, had not revoked mine and no authority to take over his funds and steal from him. The fact that NFCU is in my opinion a crime, as I worked tirelessly to protect him and what they did is not only help the perpetrator but force me to get an emergency court injunction, adding thousands of dollars in legal fees.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Brooklyn, NY
Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On XX/XX/2018 received a direct deposit check from my employer. Within a few hours upon the deposit, the bank just auto deposit one for {$120.00} for my car loan and {$150.00} for my credit card. I called the bank to try to set up arrangements or try to solve the problem however the bank refuses to give my money back when they knowingly took my money from my account without my approval. There had been times that the bank has try collect payments which led to my account being overdrawn.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Account status incorrect
Complaint: Disputed navy federal credit union auto loan that was opened on XX/XX/XXXX. After dispute, credit score dropped 40 points and status of account went from from closed to open in XX/XX/XXXX. This happened again another 4-6 times since XXXX. Initiated another dispute on XX/XX/XXXX and credit score dropped another 56 points as of todays date related to account status changing from closed to open. Over the course of the last 7 months, my score has collectively decreased by greater than 100 points.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Clarksville, MO
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX i spoke with XXXX XXXX about a business loan. He explained to me that I could apply for XXXX term loan and a credit card visa and a Business Line of credit XXXX he told me to request these amounts we emailed in correspondence he never got back with me after we spoke on the phone prior to the two emails he sent stating to provide tax returns after he told no financials were needed upto XXXX. I requested a call from his supervisor he has ignored all my emails and phone calls. i spoke with several representatives and they have told me someone would be calling me i never recieved a call spoke with another represenative at the beginning of XXXX she advise me her Boss XXXX would be giving me a call never recieved a call. They have really bad reiviews on the business side and I would like for the hard inquiry to be removed immediately do. my credit score with XXXX is XXXX and i refuse to have a inquiry that was given to me due to lack of product knowledge on Mr. XXXX XXXX 's behalf and the unprofessionallism to an consumer and a member of the institution.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Complaint: Over the course of six phone calls, I've attempted to amicably resolve the dispute with Navy Federal Credit Union. With continual requests for additional information, the requests not being provided in a timely manner, the situation culminated when XXXX with Navy Federal Credit Union security called me at approximate XXXXXXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and threatened me with bodily harm and death.
The initial charge for approximately {$450.00} was made in XXXX with XXXX XXXX, a political sign manufacturing company. After many jobs having gone wrong previously with the company, I requested a refund for one of the projects which had gone wrong. I disputed the charge with Navy Federal Credit Union and the company has taken an unacceptably lethargic approach to resolve the dispute.
After many weeks of back and forth communication with Navy Federal Credit Union, I provided Navy Federal Credit Union with every possible shred of evidence that the XXXX XXXX company had provided signage that was delivered with unacceptable damage and quality control issues. Today, XX/XX/2018, I sent final documentation to Navy Federal that they've requested with information that I'd sent the merchandise back to the XXXX XXXX company, as XXXX XXXX revoked online access to my online ordering account and refused to continue communicating with me by email.
After sending the final requested documentation to Navy Federal Credit Union, I provided final warning that if I could not solve this amicably, I would be forced to pursue this matter in small claims court. It was later that evening that I received a threatening phone call from XXXX on the security team. I'll have to file a police report, as Navy Federal has access to personally identifiable information that would endanger my family if XXXX followed through on his threat of bodily harm and death.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation