Consumer Complaints

There are over 3385 complaints on file for BBVA FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-06.

Complaints Page 81


Los Indios, TX

Application, originator, mortgage broker

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Complaint: I applied for a 15 year cash-out refinance loan from BBVA Compass Bank back in XXXX XXXX. The loan processor I was working with was XXXX who is the only loan processor for BBVA Compass in the XXXX, TX area. The loan went through the motions and was approved around mid to late XXXX. By late XXXX, the loan was set to close and I was even given a closing date of XXXX XXXX, XXXX. One day after this information was given to me, XXXX contacted me to inform me that at the last minute, my loan had been " red flagged '' due to high loan fees and did not pass compliance. She went on to state that my loan 's fee were above the 3 % limit set for the state of Texas and that there was nothing that she could do to lower my loan 's fees ( in fact, she blamed compliance, stating that they were unwilling to corporate with her ). As a result, she said that my loan was now in limbo and that it would never have a chance of closing. Therefore, I was forced to find another lender and start the process over again. Upon doing so, the new lender notified me that my credit score had now gone below the limit needed for a cash-out refinance and recommend that I transfer some of my credit card balances in order to quickly raise my score. Therefore, I had to transfer {$3500.00} in old debt to a borrowed credit card in order to meet the balances needed for the re-score. I feel that XXXX was incompetent in the handling of my loan and had she done her job correctly it would have closed as scheduled. Not once during the loan process was I told that their might be issues regarding the fees, nor was I ever told that the loan might not close at all. I feel that BBVA Compass should take some responsibility for XXXX actions as she represented herself as an experienced loan processor who has been in the business many years and has handled all types of loan situations. Her experience obviously did not show during my loan process as she often seem confused and was totally lost when the issue of the high loan fees came about. In fact the new loan officer questioned the fact that no effort was made to waive or reduce a fee in order to meet the 3 % threshold. As a result I am asking that BBVA compass pay at least half of the balance transfer, {$1700.00}, which I would not have had to pay had the loan closed as scheduled.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Portland, OR

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Rose Hill, TX

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: I called compas bank several times to do a simple address change. XXXX the first person i spoke with stated that I abandoned my account. I asked how is that possible and was told because I have not made any deposits or withdrawals recently. He said i no longer have access to my account until the inactive status is lifted. Once lifted I can have access. He was supposed to escalate to corporate to have re activated and said someone would call me within 24 hours. No call received. I called back the following day spoke to a XXXX. He said account would be escheted to the state If status not removed. He said they were working on it in fulfillment and should be active within a few days. I call back XXXX spoke to a XXXX who said it was never escalated and that the fulfillment person rejected it. She said they needed more information from me to have status changed. Again gave all my information. XXXX promised me account would be reactivated that day and that she would call me back. Today is XXXX and still no call. They are unable to tell me what date this supposedly took place. I have a considerable amount of money in this account and am not able to access it due to this inactive status. I 've asked to speek to a supervisor several times with no avail. I 've called and spoke to 4 different people this week with no avail. Latest call was on XXXX to a XXXX who assured me account issue would be resolved that day and was to call me back once resolved. Still no call nor am I able to access my account. I am at my wits end. I am waiting for the bank to open so I can call again this morning.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Louisville, KY

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: {$850.00} was transferred from my husbands account to mine on the XXXX, but it has never arrived in my account with Simple Bank ( backed by BBVA Compass ). I 've been on the phone with them many times and keep getting push back. I have been on XXXX conference calls with Simple and the bank the money was transferred from with no resolution. We have sent money this way many times with no issue. The money is out of my Husband 's account, we gave Simple the ref # and they said they still ca n't so anything with it. We have been waiting from a call from Simple 's dispute team for over a week.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Liverpool, TX

Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


New Orleans, LA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: My bank will not provide me with my most recent bank statement.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Eatonville, FL

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Mesquite, TX

Using a debit or ATM card

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Cedar Park, TX

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Oakland, CA

Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)

Debt was paid
Complaint: Hello, I recently refinanced my home with XXXX XXXX XXXX and my lender paid off my line of credit at BBVA Compass Bank, the subject of this complaint. I was told a few days after the payoff that i had an outstanding balance of {$71.00}, i submitted a payment for {$74.00} and thought it was all paid because i received no further notices. That last payment was XX/XX/2016. My regular statement was not generated XX/XX/XXXX and the previous one was issued XX/XX/2016. So with no statement and having paid off my balance, my debt was settled. Two days ago i got a report from the credit bureaus that BBVA Compass had reported my payment late. I called and they were unable to explain all of the accounting discrepancies on my account, nor were they able to explain why i had not received a statement and why their collections department had not attempted to call me regarding the alleged debt. I further reviewed my account and it looks like they have additionally misapplied funds and not counted for payments i made to settle the balance on XX/XX/2016. Please help, i have no other derogatory remarks on my credit and in the process of helping my parents purchase a home.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Bellaire, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: Since I got my permanent resident status, I am banking with BBVA Compass. My relation with the bank is under two years. Recently closed my office and immediately asked BBVA to stop payment monthly rent, to the owner of property, I made a stop payment request on XXXX/XXXX/2016, and again on XXXX/XXXX/2016. Due to some password issue, I visited bank branch on XXXX/XXXX/2016 and enquire about balance, which was in positive. If on XXXX/XXXX/2016 branch manager showed me positive balance. BBVA on backdate made payment of rent, ignoring my online request for stop payment and charge certain amount as overdraft protection. Since there was positive balance so I made deposits on my XXXX credit cards, resulting bank made payment and exercise overdraft protection twice as XXXX transfers. Now BBVA instead admitting the mistake of over sight of stop payment request, pull more money and negative balance increase. I want to close my XXXX accounts of BBVA and wanted them to adjusted unnecessary pulled out money and refund wrongly made payment of rent. They blocked my online account access. There is no customer service telephone is answered, only getting the message " ALL AGENTS ARE BUSY '' and phone hang-up. Wanted to file complainant through corporate website, but getting this message " We 're sorry, the page you requested was n't found '' When visited online chat services I am getting this message " your request has been forwarded and you will be assisted in a few moments ''. Moments they mean over one and half hours. CFPB is humbly requested to intervene and help me to close my account and asked BBVA to issue clearnce letter once matter is resolve.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Plano, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Lufkin, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: (CD) Certificate of deposit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: A random {$290.00} disappeared from my bank account without my knowing on XX/XX/XXXX. This happened without my authorization or anticipation. I did not notice until looking up my account balance before heading out of town for holiday break. After calling Simple to inquire about this random charge and have my funds put back into my account, instead they locked up my account for now over XXXX weeks. Simple has provided zero assistance and no resolution in my matter. In fact, their customer service has flat out just gotten horrible over the last few weeks in comparison to what they used to be. I 've been a customer of Simple 's for years, since the very beginning of their inception as a company. This is the first time I 've felt completely let down and almost misled. Each and every phone agent, XXXX, dispute XXXX and email support agent gives me the same excuse of " we are sorry but have no information we will be in touch when we have something. '' This does n't fly with me. Had this been an account with ANY OTHER bank, I 'd have answers. What happened to this {$290.00}? Where did it go? Temporary credit so I can continue on about my life for the holidays? No. I 've spoken with so many agents at this point, we 've taken steps backwards and have accomplished nothing ... zilch. Judging from the dozens and dozens of similar comments over the recent weeks from other customers on Simple 's social networks - this is NOT an uncommon problem. Many other customers are reporting missing funds and Simple having no answers or resolution. Seems to be happening here right around the time of their switch to another bank or something of that nature. In any case ... something is amiss and I do n't feel Simple is handling business appropriately.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Glendale, CO

Application, originator, mortgage broker

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Chandler Hts, AZ

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Cove Spring, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response


Birmingham, AL

Problems caused by my funds being low

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Complaint: Simple Bank itself is a great idea, the execution and customer service however is far from it. Not only am I unable to use my funds in any sense ( purchase something with my card, ATM withdrawal, transfer funds, etc. ) but they closed my account without any consent or communication to me. Now the only form of contact I have is over the phone and every time I call they hang up on me saying that 'I do n't have support ' and then the call ends. It has been months and I still have not received any of my funds. This bank should not only be shut down, but sued. Never been more dissatisfied in my entire life.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Clinchco, VA

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Mauldin, SC

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response

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