Consumer Complaints

There are over 3385 complaints on file for BBVA FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-06.

Complaints Page 22


Discovery Bay, CA

Other features, terms, or problems

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Other problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hollywood, FL

Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Talked to a third-party about your debt
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


9 Mile Point, LA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: CD (Certificate of Deposit)

Problem with fees or penalties
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Keswick, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I withdrew {$80.00} from an ATM which should've resulted in one overdraft fee instead they reordered the already pending transactions and hit me with FIVE overdrafts for purchases where the money was already out of the account but hadn't officially " posted. '' This is a common practice that every other bank has gotten in trouble for but this one is still doing it. This is the second time its happened to me with BBVA, the first time they refunded the fees after I filed a complaint but this time they refuse and told the CFPB it has been resolved with monetary relief. There was no monetary relief. They stole {$120.00} from me which is all I had for groceries. I'm in a horrible position thanks to BBVA COMPASS bank and their greed.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Rancho Cordova, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem making or receiving payments
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Freedom, CA

Problem when making payments

Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan: Installment loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


College Dale, TN

Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Austin, TX

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: Domestic (US) money transfer

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Glendale, CO

Problem with a lender or other company charging your account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Transaction was not authorized
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Oxford, GA

Unable to get your credit report or credit score

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Other problem getting your report or credit score
Complaint: I have been denied several checking accounts due to information that I believe to be related to identity theft on this report. When I requested a copy of the report on XX/XX/2019 I was told that i did not pass the authentication with the operator even though I supplied them with an address that I have resided at for over 4 years. I was then told to go online to print out a request then mail it in and that from the time they receive it to give an additional 15 days to receive the report. Due to the sensitivity of this issue potentially being an identity theft issue I feel as though this matter should have been escalated to prevent any further harm being done to me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Denver, CO

Closing your account

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Can't close your account
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Asheville, NC

Trouble using your card

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Can't use card to make purchases
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Moreno Valley, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem using a debit or ATM card
Complaint: On or about XX/XX/XXXX I received a two notices in the mail from BBVA Compass bank about two transactions of " Failed Scheduled Transactions ''. The notices are dated XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. This triggered me to contact BBVA to find out about these transactions. These transactions turned out to be fraudulent. the information I was able to gathered turned out to be the tip of the iceberg. I was advised several ATM and Wire transactions totaling $ XXXXhad been completed over 30 transactions from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX. The next day my wife and I arrived at the local BBVA branch to make a claim for the unauthorized wire and ATM transactions. At that time the local banker advised the profile on my account had been changed. My contact telephone number had been changed, on-line banking was added to may account ( note : I had cancelled the on-line account when my parents passed away. The BBVA records will support there has not been an on-line account since XX/XX/XXXX ). In addition, PIN numbers had been changed/updated or added without my knowledge or consent. I have only one ATM card. It became clear during my visit to the local branch someone had impersonanted my wife and the changes were complete. Based these facts I believe XXXX has a serious breach in there security and the responsibility of securing my funds or to vet any person who attempts to make the changes described above without the person " personally '' going to the bank. Let me repeat. Any changes made by BBVA was irresponsible, was not properly vetted and without my consent. On XX/XX/XXXX the personal bank assisted to report all Unauthorized phone transactions ( ATM and Wire ) we completed all necessary forms ( so I thought ) and Case Numbers for both the Wire and ATM Dispute claims were completed. I was advised I would need to return to the back to complete and notarize Affidavits for the Wire transfers. This was completed on XX/XX/XXXX. The affidavits were emailed to the fraud department before I left the bank on the 7th. This is were the nightmare begins. Since that day BBVA personnel had never been upfront and honest when asked the question ... '' can you advise how, when and what occurred on or about XX/XX/XXXX when a person who claimed to be my spouse either called in to make the changes above. '' No response. I requested copies of any telephone recording on the day in question involving my account. No reply. Denied. The second question ... " can you advise what your investigation will entail and when will it be completed. '' I have been provided a dozen different responses to this question. I have been lied to, had the phone hung up on me and been treated, not as a customer, or a victim, but as the accused. I have asked, if you are satisfied I am a victim, then why has my money not been returned to me and you seek your funds from the bank receiving the wire transfer ( XXXX XXXX ) or from the entities who received funds from ATM transactions. The replies come from inexperienced personnel in The Who read from scripts and have to reach outside to " back offices '' for updates. Not once has a XXXX investigator contacted me to advise on XXXX part of their progress. I submitted a written complaint on XX/XX/XXXX to the president of the BBVA XXXX XXXX. I have never received a call or written acknowledgement from anyone! Also, we hand delivered a copy of this home office complaint to the local BBVA Branch in XXXX, CA. But it gets better. After two weeks on constant calling on my part. I was advised Provisional deposits would be made on XX/XX/XXXX for the unauthorized ATM withdrawals. Form letters dated XX/XX/XXXX were finally received indicating credits for each transaction was provided. The form letter requested a return of a Written Statement of Unauthorized Debit. The form did not include when the form should be returned. When I contacted BBVA on XX/XX/XXXX to question the amounts noted on the cover letter I was advised I needed to return the form by XX/XX/XXXX or the Provisional deposits added to my account would be removed. Again NO ONE advised when I met with the personal banker on XX/XX/XXXX or on any of the numerous calls that this form needed to be completed and why then if the form was needed would my account be created without first returning a form BBVA Compass so desperately needed? Well I had to create a separate Word document with the dates of all the transactions and amounts, because the form letter did not provide enough space to list all of the transactions. The word document, a copy of the XX/XX/XXXX form letter and its attachments were mailed on XX/XX/XXXX in the self-addressed envelope provided by BBVA. I wanted to scan and email the information, but when I contacted the number on the form letter, BBVA was closed on Saturday XX/XX/XXXX and I need to call during normal business hours XXXX XXXX. Thinking I had completed with everything BBVA required, I was shocked to received another form letter dated XX/XX/XXXX denying my claim and to advise ALL of the Unauthoized ATM I had claimed transactions were now considered Authorized based on their investigation and all provisional deposits would be removed on XX/XX/XXXX. I called the dispute department the morning of XX/XX/XXXX. I spoke to the representative and a supervisor and was told the Written Statement of Unauthorized Debit had not been received and I would have to start new new dispute and a new claim!!!!! BBVA would not open the same claim. In fact, and this is odd since BBVA is not open on Saturday the claim was closed on Saturday XX/XX/XXXX. As far os the Wire transfer claim I have heard nothing and I am insulted by the attitude of BBVA the lack of empathy for an innocent customer and a victim of fraud. I am pleading with anyone who will this. I need help. BBVA is not acting in good faith and fair dealing. BBVA and their personnel have not been truthful and have deceptive practices that appear to be focused on denying honest claims.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Discovery Bay, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Complaint: This is complaint number 2 about the same issue and how they handled it. BBVA Compass bank reorders transactions to charge multiple fees on one overdraft. I was charged FIVE overdraft fees for one legitimate overdraft and I have screenshots of the original order because I suspected this would happen. The rest were pending transactions where the money had already been removed from the account and therefore not an overdraft. I am so absolutely disgusted with this bank they need to be investigated and closed. I now can not even afford to buy food once again thanks to their business practices. Customer service 's only response is the " fees are valid '' no matter who you talk to. They are trained to NEVER refund fees according to ex employees. Last time they did this I filed a complaint and the fees were reversed, this time they stalled the investigation process for 60 days and they're once again telling me the fees are valid even with the CFPB complaint and the previous fees were refunded as a " courtesy ''. A courtesy for stealing your customers money to begin with??? Why is this bank still allowed to do this when all the others were forced to stop? It's a trick every bank used to use. Please stop them!
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Denton, TX

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


San Diego, CA

Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fees charged for closing account
Complaint: I attempted to cancel an EFT from my other linked account to this account. They not only refused to cancel the EFT, but now are keeping the dollar transferred into the account, in order to close this account. So, they caused me to overdraft another account, and now keeping the money transferred because I requested to close the account.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Savings account

Banking errors
Complaint: Account was opened XX/XX/2018 with BBVA. There was an offer for a {$200.00} bonus for opening a checking account with a {$500.00} balance and maintaining for 3 months. There was also a {$50.00} bonus for opening a savings account and maintaining a {$100.00} balance for 3 months. BBVA Compass asked if I would like to opt out of paper statements ( {$3.00} fee ), I said yes. They still charged me for a paper statement on the savings account, causing it to go under {$100.00} and they refused to send the bonus even though I opted out. They did not disclose that this only opts out of paper statements for the checking account. They also would not refund the {$3.00} charge even though I contacted them immediately. This bank is shady and hides what you are really opting out of. I believe I am owed {$50.00} for maintaining my balance.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Cleveland, OH

Closing your account

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Company closed your account
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cleveland, OH

Fees or interest

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Problem with fees
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Los Indios, TX

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Knoxville, TN

Attempts to collect debt not owed

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Debt was paid
Complaint: This concerns my BBVA Compass credit card ending in XXXX. If I do not have a deposit account with a bank, I typically pay all my credit card payment by telephone for security reasons. Due to my work schedule, I typically make these payments after business hours. Since BBVA Compass does not have an automated telephone payment system, the telephone system connects me to a payment processing employee to make the payment. My periodic statement ( for credit card ending in XXXX ) covering XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX stated that I had purchases of {$580.00} and a balance of {$580.00} ; a payment was due on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, I called BBVA Compass at XXXX and paid the full balance of {$580.00} using my checking account at XXXX XXXX. The BBVA Compass employee gave me the confirmation number XXXX. My periodic statement covering XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX confirmed the payment of {$580.00} made on XX/XX/XXXX and stated that my new balance for purchases made between XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX was {$1100.00}. No purchases have been made with the card ending in XXXX after XX/XX/XXXX. The new balance of {$1100.00} was due on XX/XX/XXXX. No fees or interest had ever been charged on the account. I called BBVA Compass at XXXX on the evening of Sunday, XX/XX/XXXX, in order to pay the full balance on my credit card. I paid the entire account balance of {$1100.00} using my checking account at XXXX XXXX. The employee provided me a confirmation number of XXXX. ( Due to the inconvenience in BBVA Compass telephone payment system, I destroyed the credit card in XX/XX/XXXX after paying the balance in full. ) I keep a physical log of all transactions affecting my deposit accounts and keep all credit card receipts for a period of several years. Around XX/XX/XXXX, an employee from BBVA Compass called me and told me that my payment was late. I explained the situation, but the employee said that no payment was processed. I gave the caller the confirmation number that I received, and she indicated that BBVA Compass had no record of that confirmation number. At first, I thought that the payment may have been applied to the wrong account. I looked at all of the transactions in my XXXX XXXX checking account and realized that the payment had never been taken from my account. I told the caller that I would not give my checking account information over the phone because I would not pay any late fee due to the error of the BBVA Compass employee on the night of XX/XX/XXXX. I said that I would write a check and put it into the mail immediately to cover the payment that had BBVA Compasss had failed to take from my account on XX/XX/XXXX. While on the phone, I adamantly requested that BBVA Compass remove the late charge off my account since it was due to their own employee error. I mailed check # XXXX for {$1100.00} on that same day. BBVA Compass processed the payment. Since that time, BBVA Compass has called me repeatedly and sent me collection notices. I always provide the above information over the phone and request that BBVA Compass remove the late fee. Instead of removing the late fee, BBVA charged a late fee on the late fee. I have called BBVA Compass when receiving these collection notices and have been told that it would be addressed. Eventually, the late fee was reduced to {$23.00}, then a late fee of {$30.00} was charged on the late fee. I called and again noted that these were all inappropriate late fees and gave all the above information. On XX/XX/XXXX, BBVA Compass sent me a collection letter indicating that I owed {$33.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with XXXX at BBVA Compass and again explained the above. XXXX said that all of the late fees would be waived and gave me a reference number of XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, the late fee was reduced by {$10.00}, but the transaction was not posted until XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, the late fee was reduced by {$20.00}, but the transaction was not posted until XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, an additional late fee of {$30.00} was charged. BBVA Compass then sent me a periodic statement for {$53.00} with a payment due on XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, BBVA Compass sent me a collection letter for {$53.00}. This morning ( XX/XX/XXXX ), a collection company with the telephone number XXXX called me to tell me that they were a debt collection agency representing BBVA Compass. Again, I gave all of the above information and said that I would send a complaint through the CFPB in order to have this harassment end. I asked him not to call me again, and he said that he would no longer call me.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Seattle, WA

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Savings account

Unable to open an account
Complaint: In XX/XX/2018 I tried to open a " Savings Goal '' ( high yield savings ) account at Simple Bank ( ) and got denied after failing to confirm I am a US Citizen. As a lawful permanent US resident ( green card holder ) I enjoy almost exactly the same rights are US citizens, besides being able to vote and to apply for a government job. Denying a lawful permanent US resident a savings account on the basis of his/her origin is unlawful. I have contacted Simple several times, through their support system and social channels, but they keep refusing to serve people with a green card.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Fountainville, PA

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Complaint: On XX/XX/2019 I was charged for two transactions that I did not make and contacted the credit card company who contacted me on XX/XX/2019 that the investigation was complete and found to be in my favor. The two amounts were {$52.00} and {$34.00} and were to be taken off of my account. Well they were but then they were put right back on again as two purchases for the same amount so when I called customer service they told me there was a glitch in the system and the credit did go through but then it went though as another purchase. I called the fraud team there and was told in 24 -48 hours it would be credited again but instead of crediting me onXX/XX/2019 they put it through again as two purchases for the same amounts SO I called the fraud number again and was given absolutely no help but to start with customer service who just put me right back to the fraud team again. This has now been going on for too long and instead of the bank trying to help they just keep messing with my account and I want it taken care of. This bank is grossly incompetent and I am very upset as I am getting nowhere. So instead of only owing {$140.00} they now have my balance up to {$320.00} I have made no purchases since the fraudulent charge showed up so anything on my account showing as a purchase is the bank adding back the fraudulent charges to my account. If needed the fraud department phone number is XXXX and my ticket number is XXXX
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response

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