Consumer Complaints

There are over 3385 complaints on file for BBVA FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-06.

Complaints Page 17


Lenexa, KS

Managing the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Problem with additional products or services purchased with the loan
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Charlotte, NC

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Savings account

Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Complaint: BBVA is holding my money hostage. I opened up a Money Market with a {$100000.00} transfer of funds from a XXXX XXXX XXXX savings account. Nowhere in the account opening process did BBVA indicate that there would be any limitations on withdrawing or transferring the money out of the account. I've read and re-read the account disclosures, and there is no mention of limits on withdrawals or account transfers. For the last five days, I've been trying to transfer much of that money back to my XXXX XXXX XXXX via ACH, Wire Transfer, Bill Pay, or a Cashiers Check. In the last few weeks, my wife and I have decided to purchase a new home, and we need {$90000.00} of that {$100000.00} as a deposit on the home. Now BBVA says that there is no way for us to get the money OUT OF OUR OWN MONEY MARKET OR CHECKING ACCOUNTS. Except for a {$5000.00} transfer, which is both a daily and monthly limit. At this pace, it will be XX/XX/2020 before we can get the money we need for the new home, which of course is well beyond the closing date and causes us great financial harm and damage.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Unable to receive car title or other problem after the loan is paid off
Complaint: My father passed away toward the end of XXXX. I was still in possession of his truck at the time. There was an outstanding auto loan for the vehicle with BBVA Compass. In early XX/XX/XXXX, I called the bank to get the total amount outstanding. I was transferred to several departments ( auto loans, marketing, default, probate, etc ) prior to finally finding an individual to give the entire amount due, including interest and fees. I asked if I could take the payment in to a local branch and was told it would not be accepted. I was advised the check could only be accepted by the probate department by mail. I wrote check XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and sent it via XXXX Priority Mail. The check cleared XX/XX/XXXX. I awaited the title but it never came. On Saturday, XX/XX/XXXX, my wife and I had to leave town to attend the funeral of a beloved family member. A close friend agreed to stay at our home to watch our XXXX year old son while we were out of town. At approximately XXXX, my friend heard " a loud crash '' and ran outside to see the truck being repossessed by a local towing company. She panicked and asked him to stop because the owner wasn't home. She was told she could get nothing out of the car, but pleaded with the driver and was allowed to get my son 's car seat. The driver told her to inform us to call the bank. Because I live in a small middle-class subdivision, several people witnessed the commotion. As I was sitting inside the church over two hours away from home during the funeral service my wife and I received a text message from the friend advising what just happened. We were horrified and completely humiliated. By the time we returned home, the friend was able to provide details of the event and give me the name of the tow company. I waited until Monday to take my wife to work so i could use her car to visit a local branch of the bank to advise of what happened. They were initially unable to get any information and was told they would call me. Several hours later, I received a call from what I assume was at minimum a state-level individual stating he was directed by his boss to return the truck. The towing company returned the truck to my home later that evening along with my possessions that had been placed into a trash bag. I suffered a very public humiliation in front of friends and neighbors due to a wrongful repossession. To make matters worse, I have still not received the vehicle title.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Effingham, KS

Problems at the end of the loan or lease

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Problem with paying off the loan
Complaint: I have tried to call numerous times, I keep getting transferred to multiple departments who are either closed or place me on long holds before disconnecting calls saying due to system technical errors. I have received your response, and to clarify my request I demand you cease and desist reporting to all credit bureau agencies, and delete the entire account history in full for inaccurate reporting. I am disputing the debt you have charged off which is why I want all communications with me stopped regarding the account. You dont have any right to damage my credit report after you have incorrectly applied a payment reimbursement '' as a curtailment. You are a not using common sense, and I don't care what your policy is because it is invalid in this case. The payment was not sent to you from an insurance company, it was sent to me as repayment for money I spent out of my own pocket to fix the car. As I have stated numerous times that money was allocated for monthly payments in my budget and it is not up to you to decide have to distribute my money on my accounts. Therefore you are in violation of several consumer protection laws I will hire an attorney to enforce in a federal court of law while requesting at least {$75000.00} in damages along with attorneys fees if this account history is not removed from XXXX, XXXX and XXXX immediately.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Houston, TX

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: sent ftc violation police report and hacking and they have done nothing to help not even a letter + XXXX i have years of inccurate reporting on them
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Mesa, AZ

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Copano Village, TX

Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Can't close your account
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Phoenix, AZ

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: Using the Simple Mobile App Mobile Check Deposit feature today I deposited an insurance check from XXXX which was overnighted to me from the Office of the CEO. XXXX XXXX wrongfully rejected this check without any explanation as to why. I followed all of the proper procedures in depositing this check by taking clear front and back photos with all four corners visible. I endorced the check as instructed by signing it, writing my account number and noting " For mobile deposit only, Simple ''. Now I am unable to cash this check since I wrote " Void '' also as instructed on the front after making the mobile deposit. This will cause my rent to be paid late and incur additional charges while I request and wait for a new check to be issued. This I believe to be in tree retaliation to my complaint made yesterday regarding there handling of a dispute.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Wilmington, DE

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Banking errors
Complaint: Hello, my name is XXXX XXXX. Early in the month of XXXX my identity was whats the Stolen. My account is simple, whats taking over in the perpetrator who is unknow .Cleaned out my account. I was working with simple to recover some of my funds through visa zero liability policy. I sent them all the legal documents I could advocating for myself. My first claim was closed and the second claim when I reasserted the claim. That is not my primary purpose of writing to you. I had another problem with their service on the XXXX of XXXX I was informed through in writing communication that my account was open to receive my pre-scheduled direct deposit for the incoming transfer scheduled to be posted on the 1st. Upon opening my account with them I agreed to their disclosure where it was stated that it is their duty to correct electronic transfers and compensate for any damages that their error has caused. One representative XXXX I spoke to said the department would reach out to me in the future. Unfortunately I know longer have that message from XXXX in our logs on there site but i will attach proof of conversation as well as evidence that leads to curoberate that the bank intenually made them not available for a unknown reason. To conclude due to simple negligent misrepresentation I went 17 days before being able to access those funds. In the midst of all that I was past due on my rent and electric due to simple banks ruling against me. I would like to note I made a report with FTC for my identity in regards to my identity being stolen, fbi and contacted one of the merchants and their response in our communication was that they would work with my bank to refund me. I will attach all the documents in regards to the dispute at a later time, if necessary but simple should have them. Due to my finically hardship I went hungry, not just me my cat who is my therapeutic aid. And I had to take out a loan from a friend to paympay off my rent and electric.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Webb City, MO

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Phoenix, AZ

Problem with a lender or other company charging your account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: When calling my banks customer service On XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX ( AZ ) to find out why a dispute ( Filed on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 41 Min 53 Sec ) had taken more than 90 days. I was told Visa had not decided on my dispute yet. When I asked to speak to a manager I was put on hold for 25 minutes then I got XXXX she informed me that while on hold Visa had determined the dispute was not in my favor as she quoted a support message that was sent to me while I was on hold. I do not feel this dispute was correctly or fairly decided. The merchant XXXX is only a third party providing a reservation for hotel accommodations, which the Hotel Property XXXX XXXX XXXX near XXXX, refused service to me saying I was not allowed to stay there since XX/XX/XXXX so all reservations for this property should be refunded. A credit was received and force debited from my account on " XX/XX/XXXX Credit for XXXX Deposited into Safe-to-Spend {$200.00} '' " XX/XX/XXXX Force Debit Spent from XXXX {$200.00} Unknown '' you can refer to the Support messages telling me that this was a system error and no credit was due. Times I called to inquire about the status of my dispute. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - XX/XX/XXXX, XXXX XXXX 41 Min 53 Sec. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 39 Min 23 Sec. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 18 Min 43 Sec. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 19 Min 39 Sec. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 14 Min 0 Sec. XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX 36 Min 36 Sec. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- T -- -R -- -- A -- -N -- -S -- -A -- -- C -- -T -- -- I -- -- O -- -N -- -S -- -- -- -D -- -I -- -S -- -P -- -U -- T -- -E -- -D -- XXXX XXXX XXXX near XXXX refused my reservation. I did not cancel or change these reservations willingly. I was told I was on the " DO NOT RENT LIST '' and I could not be checked-in. XXXX Spent from XXXX {$72.00} Hotels XX/XX/XXXX XXXX Spent from XXXX {$150.00} Hotels XX/XX/XXXX XXXX Spent from XXXX {$87.00} Hotels XXXX Spent from XXXX {$68.00} Hotels XX/XX/XXXX XXXX Spent from XXXX {$200.00} Hotels
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Warren, RI

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Complaint: On Tuesday XX/XX/XXXX I requested a stop payment be put on a Marchant ( XXXX XXXX ). I spoke with an authorative figure from my financial institution about this and one other matter. I was very adamant in my query if any further debits from this merchant would post to my account and they were very adamant in their response that their would not be. I asked this because I know traditionally ACH blocks and some other blocks only effect subscription type transactions and specific amounts. I've had a horrible experience with s customer service over the past 3-6 months. Their customer base has grown but they don't seem to have done much to improve customer service when it comes to what actual authorative figures customers are able to speak with, among other things. This is also not the first bad experience I've had with I had asked repeatedly if a previous dispute could be updated with a additional debit and got nothing but double talk.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Porfirio, TX

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Albuquerque, NM

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Problem during payment process
Complaint: I opened a personal single signer checking account and a savings account and wanted to get credit since I did not have it. The branch manager of XXXX told me I can do a secured card to build credit. She recommended a secured credit card because I had not had credit nor know to use credit in a long time ( 10+ years ). according to my credit report., which has only student loans. I had known about other banks secured credit cards that you can open with a XXXX line of credit and that you have to borrow against your own money or something like that. I was told the higher the limit the better on a credit card so I put my XXXX cash into some securitized savings account with interest, enclosed. I think I made XXXX cents in interest but they told me it was to protect the bank that they need to keep the funds there as a protection for issuing a secured credit card. My last payment that did not take the funds of the XXXX savings ( which I was surprised ) was due and they told me that the money in the savings is a cushion and not to pay the card 's minimum due. I payed about XXXX dollars or so on XX/XX/XXXX. The bank closed the card the day later. I am under a rehabilitation program to find a job and in training under the division of vocational rehabilitation and I am in XXXX XXXX where I used my secured card, being that I do not have access to my savings, I used it for gas and groceries and training school materials. I used the credit card and the last payment was in XX/XX/XXXX and they closed the card. I am under a rehabilitation program with the department of vocational rehabilitation and I am in XXXX XXXX and used my card for groceries and rent that I had planned to use my savings with in the first place. Later I learned that I had to pay with more cash for those expenses despite I had made my payment on XX/XX/XXXX forXXXX and the day later of my payment they froze the credit I could not charge my account anymore. I called internationally to them because I am a student under a XXXX/XXXX XXXX program and my only way to access funds for housing and food is through my cash at the bank or through my mother helping me through deposits into my bank so I can access the cash through the atm/credit card. So on XX/XX/XXXX my checking account ending in XXXX had XXXX and I withdrew tuition of about XXXX per my promisory note with my school ( under DVR ) XXXX until the State of NM send the check with tuition so that I would not be withdrawn from school and online access to learning while in school. I still had a positive balance in my checking account but no credit in my card because they cut off the credit and they told me that the access to use the card is cut and will never be reopen however they kept the account open ( the card ) because it is better for my credit and that I had to pay the full XXXX or XXXX balance then to be able to have access to the frozen CD of XXXX that I have with them. Then they will take the XXXX and deduct whatever they have to and give me the balance after that but only after it goes to collections. I explained that i was overseas and if I do not pay rent I will get evicted and I need to buy food. They told me that those are the rules of the product, that they can not use my savings money to pay my credit card and the fees and all the checking account but after 21 days after it is closed. That was 2 months ago. When I spoke to the manager at XXXX XXXX, who was very nice and tried to help ; he said that they have not closed my credit card ( that was a weak ago ) that they only closed my access to make purchases and charge. That the balance is still there and that iif I close the card I will ruin my credit and I explained that I have to have good credit for a job and to reinance the house, that that was the point of the higher interest card secured that they told me they will build my credit. I told him that my deposit made of XXXX is putting a disparate impact to people like me and that it is working as a negative amortization certificate of deposit. He told me that he can close my account to go to collections and I have to wait another 21 days to get access to my savings of XXXX because the bank has to protect itself and that money is for their protection. For some reason they oppened 2 checking accounts and the credit card was not linked for overdraft protection
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Key Biscayne, FL

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Non-sufficient funds and associated fees
Complaint: Hi there, My checking account at BBVA Compass got charged twice a Non-Sufficient Funds ( NSF ) fee of {$38.00}, totaling {$76.00} due to a scheduled bill payment of {$77.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. However, my account has a balance of {$77.00} on XX/XX/XXXX, which covers the transaction. I contacted BBVA and they said that " BBVA Compass posts transactions to accounts throughout the day, compared to other financial institutions which post at the end of the day. Our real-time system allows us to more closely match the posting of transactions to an account with the timing of the actual transaction activity. Since transactions post to accounts throughout the day, deposits made later in the day may not be available to cover withdrawals that post earlier in the day. An NSF fee will be applied on the business day following any transaction that overdraws an account or if an item is returned due to insufficient funds. '' This explanation is unfair and unacceptable to most customers like me. It is beyond our knowledge to know what kind of internal system a bank use nor it is our responsibility to know that. I have sufficient fund on XX/XX/XXXX to perform the transaction while got judged by BBVA 's unique system as insufficient and got charged a {$38.00} NSF fee. The second NSF fee is even more unreasonable. Because of the first {$38.00} NSF fee, my balance can not cover the bill payment anymore. And I got charged another {$38.00} NSF fee. During the whole period, there is no notification or communication informing me what is going on and on my credit card company 's webpage, it showed the bill was paid. Other banks I have accounts with, like XXXX XXXX, even if the account has an overdraft, they will notify me immediately, so I can transfer money in and correct it ASAP. Moreover, they can simply deny the charge if my account has insufficient fund. And it feels ridiculous to me that the second attempt to perform the bill payment transaction at the condition that my balance dropped due to the first NSF fee, which resulting in another NSF fee. It seems to me that its system was designed to charge as many NSF fees as possible. I contacted BBVA and requested the full refund of the two NSF fees, totaling {$76.00}. They only refunded one fee of {$38.00}. Please help me get the refund for the other {$38.00} NSF Fee. Thanks in advance for your help.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Gardnerville, NV

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: CD (Certificate of Deposit)

Deposits or withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Houston, TX

Getting a line of credit

Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan: Personal line of credit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Pinellas Park, FL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Problem making or receiving payments
Complaint: Simple by BBVA is removing Bill Pay. As an online only bank this will cause great stress on customers to be able to pay bills electronically initiated by the bank. Many if not most banks have a bill pay service, it allows their customers to make payments to many billers from a single location. Simple has had this Bill Pay service for a long time and removing it will leave many unable to pay their billers who may charge for initiating it from the biller side or they require a physically mailed check. Now Simple has started allowing checks to be written against the account, which was not possible before, but this will add burden and confusion to customers who have not done this prior. Simple Bill Pay system is unique in the sense that once the transaction posts to the account a customer can add notes for tracking, spending from a goal/expense or categorize. All these things are built around Simples integrated website and budgeting tools. Removing Bill Pay creates a gap where customers can no longer see all in one place all the funds that will be leaving. Instead now it would be up to each biller when to pull the funds.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Banking errors
Complaint: I reported fraud on my account. The bank has not followed regulation E guidelines and credit the funds back to my account. I want the fraud charges credit back to my account.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Presto, PA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Banking errors
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Menifee, CA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Northside, NC

Other features, terms, or problems

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Problem with rewards from credit card
Complaint: Good afternoon, On XX/XX/2019, I received an email from BBVA Compass Bank regarding my credit card rewards account. It stated that if I spent {$2500.00} in new purchases between XX/XX/2019 and XX/XX/2019 that I would receive XXXX bonus points. I enrolled in the offer and made the required purchases. I have never received the XXXX bonus points. I submitted an email through the bank 's online banking service to customer service. A representative replied that she could not help with reward points, that I needed to call a separate department. I replied that this was insane, and that customer service should be able to provide Customer Service. The representative again replied that I needed to call another department. I called the number provided. Guess what? The rewards department stated that they could not assist with this issue and they would forward it to another department. Does this sound familiar? The customer service at this bank is terrible. I want my XXXX bonus points as stated in the offier.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cleveland, OH

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Problem during payment process
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Albuquerque, NM

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Problem during payment process
Complaint: I openned the account ( s ) with XXXX, the branch manager at the XXXX and XXXX location. She recommended a secured credit card because I had not had credit nor know to use credit in a long time ( 10+ years ) according to my credit report. I had known about XXXX XXXX secured XXXX cards but they told me the higher the limit the better so they put my XXXX cash into some securitized savings account with interest, enclosed, I have made I think in a year XXXX cents interest but it was to protect the bank. I used the credit card and the last payment was in XX/XX/XXXX and they closed the card. I am under a XXXX program with the department of XXXX XXXX and I am in XXXX XXXX and used my card for groceries and rent that I had planned to use my savings with in the first place. Later I learned that I had to pay with more cash for those expenses despite I had already given them what I had, the XXXX cash. I made my payment on XX/XX/XXXX forXXXX and the day later of my payment they froze the credit I could not charge my account anymore. I called internationally to them because I am a XXXX under a XXXX/XXXX XXXX program and my only way to access funds for housing and food is through my cash at the bank or through my mother helping me through deposits into my bank so I can access the cash through the atm/credit card. So on XX/XX/XXXX my checking account ending in XXXX had XXXX and I withdrew tuition of about 1300 per my promisory note with my school ( under XXXX ) XXXX until the State of NM send the check with tuition so that I would not be withdrawn from school and online access to learning while in school. I still had a positive balance in my checking account but no credit in my card because they cut off the credit and they told me that the access to use the card is cut and will never be reopen however they kept the account open ( the card ) because it is better for my credit and that I had to pay the full 1500 or 1600 balance then to be able to have access to the frozen CD of XXXX that I have with them. Then they will take the XXXX and deduct whatever they have to and give me the balance after that but only after it goes to collections. I explained that i was overseas and if I do not pay rent I will get evicted and I need to buy food. They told me that those are the rules of the product, that they can not use my savings money to pay my credit card and the fees and all the checking account but after 21 days after it is closed. That was 2 months ago. When I spoke to the manager at XXXX XXXX, who was very nice and tried to help ; he said that they have not closed my credit card ( that was a weak ago ) that they only closed my access to make purchases and charge. That the balance is still there and that iif I close the card, it will ruin my credit. I explained that I have to have good credit for a job and to reinance the house, that that was the point of the higher interest card secured that they told me they will build my credit. I told him that my deposit made of XXXX is putting a disparate impact to people like me and that it is working as a negative amortization certificate of deposit. He told me that he can close my account to go to collections and I have to wait another 21 days to get access to my savings of XXXX because the bank has to protect itself and that money is for their protection. For some reason they oppened 2 checking accounts and the credit card was not linked for overdraft protection
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Albuquerque, NM

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Banking errors
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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