Consumer Complaints

There are over 3385 complaints on file for BBVA FINANCIAL CORPORATION. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-06.

Complaints Page 107




Credit card:

Complaint: BBVA Compass XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Card and its special XXXX Rewards feature during XXXX Finals ( cardholders can get up to XXXX the points for purchases made during the Finals ) has led BBVA to suspend purchasing on my and numerous other consumers credit cards due to " security concerns '' when BBVA fully well knows people are trying to use their credit cards to cash in a bank promotion that the Bank is not fulfulling. I have tried contacting BBVA about this issue by email, phone, XXXX and XXXX. I have not gotten any answer other than that someone will call be back. As this is a time sensitive promotion, I need specifics or I will consider this fraud by deceptive advertising.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Dallas, TX

Settlement process and costs

Mortgage: Conventional fixed mortgage

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Disputed: Yes Timely Response




Credit card:

Complaint: My BBVA Compass XXXX XXXX has been frozen/blocked since XXXX XXXX. I have contacted their fraud dept. and was told it would take 24 to 48 hrs ( business days ) for someone to contact me so the account can be unblocked ; it is now XXXX XXXX and this has yet to occur. I am starting to believe this is a classic bait and switch because they are doing a promotion specifically for the XXXX Finals with the use of this card. I have contacted the security dept. XXXX times with all information clearly showing I am who I am and have been the only person using this card by confirming all of the purchases on this card to be true.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Customer service / Customer relations

Credit card:

Complaint: Currently on a landline and cell phone calling BBVA Compass. I 've already been on hold for over XXXX minutes and counting. It appears that this bank does not want to answer my question/concerns. I 'm currently out of footprint, and would have to drive XXXX hours to get my credit card issue handled. I 've used the call back option before, but the problem is they call back and give no information why they are calling back. How do I know this is n't XXXX of the many telemarketing callers I get. So when you do answer, it 's typically hours later while you 're doing something else and not thinking about the issue. Good luck trying to get a live person on the line. It is because of this that I rather wait to get my issue resolved. Very frustrating, and it comes across that the bank does n't want to take customer calls.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Benton, AR

Managing the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Benton, AR

Managing the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Canton, MI

Application processing delay

Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Indianapolis, IN

Credit determination

Credit card:

Complaint: I applied for their credit card on XXXX/XXXX/2015, and I was approved instantly for the credit limit of {$21000.00}. I received a letter stating my credit score of XXXX using the Experian as their source about five days later, and I received their card about a week later. I believe I received the card on XXXX/XXXX/2015. I used the card on XXXX/XXXX/2015 and XXXX/XXXX/2015. On XXXX/XXXX/2015, I used the card and had a decline. I called the number on the back of a card and, and the regular customer service forwarded me to a fraud department. The fraud department representative told me that my account is under a review since the last purchase on XXXX/XXXX/2015. The reason for the review is unknown, but they will have an answer between XXXX - XXXX. I called them back between these time frames. After 1 hour of waiting to talk to someone, I talked to XXXX of the fraud dept. customer service rep. The rep, XXXX told me that she does n't know what the another fraud dept. rep. told me, but the review will not occur on weekends, only on business days ; thus, I will not have any information what-so-ever until Tues, XXXX/XXXX/2015 the earliest. She also told me that my account went under the review on XXXX/XXXX/2015, XXXX, and the review was placed manually by a human being. There was no note from the person who placed my account under this review. She said that most likely suspected fraudulent activity put my account on the review ; however, when I asked why I was not notified of the suspected fraudulent activity on my account, she said that the review and suspected fraudulent activity are different. Thus, they are not obligated to let me know what is going on. It makes no sense because she established the connection that most likely the suspected fraudulent activity put my account on a review. I am tired of this bank making up a story as things progress. I was upset and started to look into this kind of the issue with BBVA Compass bank, and I found some information at XXXX : XXXX Apparently, what I experience is not an isolated incident, but occurs rather frequently with this bank. And, in order to get an answer from this bank, I must get help from an agency like CFPB ; thus, I am doing so now just to get an answer.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Scottsdale, AZ

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Miami, FL


Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Stkn, CA

Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Deposits and withdrawals

Bank account or service: (CD) Certificate of deposit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Big Spring, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Checking account

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Quartzsite, AZ

Managing the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Complaint: BBVA Compass reported to my credit a derogatory charged off loan even though the vehicle was paid off in an insurance claim. They have lied and ruined my financial status, I have been denied credit and have spent over 100 man hours trying to get this banking institution to fix this
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Taking out the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Greenwood, CA

Closing/Cancelling account

Credit card:

Complaint: I called BBVA Compass Credit Card services to pay my credit card to XXXX and close my account. They informed me that they do not know how much I owe, and they can not calculate the accrued interest for me to pay it off. I was confused and asked how do I pay off my account and close my card, they said you can do that by phone. I said, I am on the phone, what do I need to pay this off? He continued to state he can not calculate the interest for me to pay the card completely to XXXX. So now I have a credit card I can not close nor pay off? Please Please help, I am poor and unemployed and this is scary situation that I have a Credit card that I can not pay off due to a company that gives me the run around.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Galveston, TX

Loan servicing, payments, escrow account

Mortgage: Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)

Complaint: To Whom it May Concern : I have a mortgage with Compass Bank ( loan number XXXX ) which I am trying to refinance. The bank has quoted a payoff quote that is excessive. My current statement attached shows a balance of {$150000.00} as of XXXX. A mortgage payment was posted after this statement was issued ( XXXX ). However, they are showing a current payoff of over {$160000.00}. When I called their customer department they informed me there was a {$2900.00} interest charge added to the payoff. They are researching this situation in order to verify the payoff amount and have asked anywhere from XXXX to XXXX hours to conduct their audit and respond. I believe this shows some significant issues with a bank operation when they proceed to offer such gross negligent payoff quotes. Fortunately for me I am knowledgeable enough to understand there was an error in their calculations. My concern is that Compass Bank may have issued many incorrect payoffs in the past and have not provided refunds to less sophisticated customers. If they know of a system problem, they should have corrected this by now. A suggest an audit of their operations in calculating an providing payoffs would be appropriate.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response



Customer service / Customer relations

Credit card:

Complaint: I opened an account with BBVA Compass to get the promotional offer and since I 'm an employee. Into about the third week of having the card it was continuously declined. I called customer service to see what was going on and when my bill was due. I was told the bill had been mailed on XX/XX/XXXX and that day was XX/XX/XXXX. Around XX/XX/XXXX I realized I never received the statement. Come to find out I was told by someone in the fraud department my social was being used by a man in California. I went straight to ordering my credit report but after some thought about what they advised this could not have been correct since I had opened another account with another company since then with no problem. I requested for my account to be closed around XX/XX/XXXX and was advised the amount I owed. They said the statement should be arriving soon. The following week when I tried to set up an online account to just pay the bill online I kept receiving an error that my zip code was incorrect. After some thought I realized BBVA Compass must have either combined my account with someone else or went in and changed my information to an address in California and this is why I was previously told my social had been used by another person. I spoke again to the fraud department and they stated they reopened my account. I advised them I only wanted to make sure the bill was paid in time before I incurred any late fees or penalties. I was informed of the amount owed and was told I could sent the payment thru inter office if I wanted my payment expedited. Before I make a payment I would also like to be aware of what I am paying and not just send money to a company who changing my account information without my permission. I was also told my account would be updated with my correct address. This was the Monday before XXXX and I just checked again on XX/XX/XXXX and I still can not create an account. It is near impossible to get a hold of the correct person on the phone or even just speak to someone in a timely manner. My husband and I plan to start looking for a house within the year and have been monitoring my credit. I would like to receive a statement prior to making a payment and then close my account. I would also like to file a complaint as well for the actions that have been taken on my account. Please advise.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response



Managing the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Complaint: They took the car I do not owe them anything else.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Dallas, TX

Credit determination

Credit card:

Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Houston, TX

Account terms and changes

Consumer Loan: Personal line of credit

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Arlington, TX

Loan modification,collection,foreclosure

Mortgage: Other mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: No Timely Response


Houston, TX

Account opening, closing, or management

Bank account or service: Other bank product/service

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Quartzsite, AZ

Managing the loan or lease

Consumer Loan: Vehicle loan

Complaint: I was involved in an auto accident and my car was paid off to Compass Bank. They misplaced a warranty check for three months, when they finally admitted there mistake they have refused to send an update to the credit bureau, which is ruining my credit. This bank has bully tactics and while they had misplaced check I continuosly received collection calls and the run around from this company. I hired an attorney and they have sent communication that they would remove this line item from my credit XXXX XXXX, the last regional manager informed my attorney on XXXX XXXX that it would be removed by 45 days .It is the XXXX day and it is still not removed. I have filed a complaint with the BBB, the attorney general, the banking commission, hired an attorney, now filed this with you. Hopefully this helps
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: Yes Timely Response


Jacksonville, FL

Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement

Credit card:

Complaint: My dad had me added to his bank account for emergencies so i could access his money to take care of his dog or pay his bills if he was in hospital. The bank used my social security and drivers licence information from this account instead of his to give him a credit card. He did not know they used my information to open this credit card because this whole time they have been sending the bill to his address as it should be. The bank has failed to correct this mistake. I found out about this credit card after I had my credit checked. I went to the bank manager and asked him the process for opening a credit card account and he said all it requires is verbally telling a banker the last XXXX of your social. I find this hard to believe. They didnt ask for a copy of his social or a copy of his drivers licence to make sure they had the right person? They will not produce a copy of this form that was signed for me to look at either. I feel stuck and this is my only credit blemish. How can they use all my info but send him the bill? I feel they used my credit just so they could get a commission on the whole deal because maybe they couldnt make the deal with his credit. I feel the bank owes me an apology as I have only been in this bank one time and that was to get on his debit card account. How are they allowed to look at his account, take my info off of it as his comes up first on screen, as the manager told me addmittedly, and give him a credit card without any verification, under my name. Our birthdates are nearly 40 years apart. They couldnt tell from looking at our birthdates and looking at him alone that the wasnt me. I find it ridiculous I have to deal with this situation. This banks system is garbage, if what the manager said is true, for allowing credit cards and I think they need to be reported for the way they do business. Any help with my situation would be greatly appreciated as I have a wife and XXXX kids to take care of and I am trying to refinance XXXX vehicles and my mortgage asap! Time is money!
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Disputed: No Timely Response

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