There are over 1360 complaints on file for AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE CORP. Dated between 2019-12-10 and 2012-08-24.
Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX our daughter turned in her leased XXXX to XXXX XXXX & leased another XXXX. She was over her mile yet the dealer never mentioned it to her. the next thing we know, we get a notice from XXXX that both my daughter & my wife ( who co-signed ) were put in for a charge off. We did n't even know we owed them money they never made any attempt prior to this to collect that debt. My wife took out a loan & paid the {$4500.00} to XXXX. We just found out thatthat charge off is still showing up on my wife 's credit report stating the {$4500.00} has not been paid. I sent a letter to the President of XXXX regarding this matter but never heard from him. A credit mgr told us this may be revenge as the charge off is off my daughters report but not ours.
XXXX did this to me as well, a few years back the repossessed my XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX. My business went down & I found myself in a very bad place & I understood this. I got a letter from them stating I owed them {$6000.00} for the amount owed after the auction. The same day I getthe letter I get a phone call from a collection agency stating I owe them the approx ab=mount of {$6000.00} but they will take approx {$4500.00} a payment. They advised me this account was in a charge off. A XXXX charge off by XXXX without making any effort to give me a chance to pay it off. I advised the collection agency I will pay the full amount once the charge off was removed. I was told they could n't do that, I advised them there was no upside to me paying the debt as 1 - I had no car ... 2 ) it was a bad report on my credit & 3 ) I would be out the {$6000.00}. I also advised them that the repo guys in pulling out of my driveway very fast because I was out walking my dog bottomed out & damaged the left front bumper which was n't repaired. This would have had an effect on the sale price. I did n't feel I should have to pay for that as well. I understood & was n't angry about the repo. However at XXXX on a snowing Saturday morning XXXX guys are running around my neighborhood Yelling repossession over & over again as I asked if I could just get my stuff out. I had to travel XXXX hrs round trip to get my stuff That is when I saw how bad the bumper was & that it was n't repaired.
The bottom line is Honda Finance puts a charge off on your credit even though they did n't attempt to collect the debt XXXX. I complained to both XXXX & my Senators, crongress women & state representatives & have not even receive an acknowledgement form them.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I am the victim of identity theft. On XXXX XXXX, 2015, I received an alert from a credit monitoring service that someone ( likely the person who has been fraudulently using my social security number to attempt to take out loans and obtain other lines of credit ) had attempted to open a line of credit with American Honda Finance using my social security number, or other personally-identifiable information. This showed up on my credit report as an ( erroneous ) inquiry.
I telephoned American Honda Finance ( " AHF '' ) on XXXX/XXXX/2015 to request removal of this fraudulent inquiry from my credit report, speaking with " XXXX '' ( the only " XXXX '' at the call center ; he would n't give me his employee ID number or extension ). I spoke with XXXX at length, but he refused to assist me in any way. He repeatedly insisted that my only recourse was to call the credit bureaus ( e.g. that as a consumer, I could not request assistance from AHF directly ). This, despite my *repeatedly* telling him that under federal law ( the Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 623 ), as a furnisher of information to credit bureaus, AHF is and was *required by law* to assist me to resolve the fraudulent inquiry as a victim of identity theft. I asked to speak to XXXX 's supervisor, but XXXX repeatedly refused to transfer me - or to give me the phone number of AHF 's fraud or credit department.
In short : AHF is in standing violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act in providing me absolutely no recourse, as a consumer who is a victim of identity theft, to dispute this fraudulent entry on my credit report.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Hudson, NC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: so I went to trade in my car at a dealership when they got my info from my bankruptcy they told me I have n't made a payment since XXXX 2013 when I filed my bankruptcy. I told them I have been making my payments all along. that 's when they showed me my info on my bankruptcy and it showed only XXXX or XXXX payments. so they had to add all the obsolete payments up and add it to the price of the vehicle I was going to buy. and it came back that my monthly payment would have been {$950.00} a month. I laughed at them and said no thanks. I do n't think Honda financial should be able to hold all my payments from my credit report. it was killing my credit and also my car was n't even include in my bankruptcy in the XXXX place. I was on a 3 year plan to pay my bankruptcy off and I was told by Honda financial that they would n't put all my payment on to my credit report till it was all paid off. so now I cant trade my car in until all this is straightened out. what a big pain XXXX this has been. got to love the banking system!! not.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Queens, NY
Complaint: Acura Financial Services sends me bills with little time before due date every month, just today XXXX/XXXX/2015 I received a bill which due date is XXXX XXXX, 2015 ; the are not complying with all financial institutions regulations to provide bills with XXXX weeks prior to due date.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Bohemia, NY
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX, XXXX my car was repossessed for defaulting on my contract I signed on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. After my car was repossessed I received a 'notice of right to redeem ' from Honda Financial dated for XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I also received a separate 'notice of our plan to sell property- private ' notice date of XXXX XXXX, however, the notice did not provide a date, time or place for when the vehicle would be sold. The notice indicated " that it would be sold sometime after XXXX XXXX. As per New York state laws, I have the right to be notified of the time and place of a public sale and/or of the time after which a private sale you goods will be made. I was not afforded that right to participate in the sale of my vehicle. The last notice I received from them was dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX " XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX '' which summarizes the sale of the car and fees and amount owed. My rights to redeem car under state law was violated, I do not believe that lender sold the car in a commercially reasonable manner. I had also filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau on XXXX XXXX, XXXX regarding my personal property that was in the vehicle at the time it was repossessed that was withheld from me. I received a response notice and was told by the XXXX XXXX that the recovery agent had a right to charge me a fee for retrieving my personal property after such the property was sold with my vehicle. I had electronics and other valuable items totaling over {$7000.00} in the vehicle that has not been accounted for. As per the New York Attorney General office, they did not have a right to refuse me my personal items and charge me a fee to retrieve them, as there was no security interest with them. I am therefore charging the Finance company for the stolen items. The recovery agent did not have a detailed or itemized list of every item in my car and could not account for the items that were in my car.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Gr, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Albuquerque, NM
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Complaint: Honda Financial Services XXXX misapplied car loan payment to a closed lease account. This caused all subsequent payments to be considered late and fined for delinquency. I continued paying more than minimum payment to catch up to what Honda was considering late. However, the late payment fees continued and another misapplication of payment in XXXX led to threat of car repossession. Loss of income resulted from having to research and dispute matter with Honda. Additionally, credit score affected by 7+ months of Honda marking payments as late. Physical proof of all mentioned here is available for review.
Honda has made it additionally difficult to rectify this matter as they are only open XXXX - XXXX and will not allow clients to speak with supervisors when calling Customer Support. Clients are instructed that supervisors will return calls at a time that is " convenient for them. '' As these calls never took place at a time when I was available to speak with the company ( I was XXXX ), the company made it impossible to speak directly with a supervisory rep to rectify this matter.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
N White Plains, NY
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Lewisville, TX
Complaint: I have a car financed with Honda Financial. I was working with an account manager to get my account caught up. I called in to advise him that the car was involved in a wreck. A sub told me he was on vacation, and I needed to get a personal loan. She also told me that I needed to pay the next day because they were looking for the car, and they would come get it. I was not aware that they were planning to get the car, so I told her I was going to put the car into the shop to get fixed first.
XXXX weeks later, a repo man from XXXX XXXX XXXX shows up at the gym that I have been doing personal training at, and he watched the entire bootcamp workout. When I walked around to the front, he came to the front and approached me. He obviously found me on XXXX because he knew what I looked like, what time the boot camp started, and he approached me. He told me he was with Honda Finance, and I better give him the 2013 XXXX XXXX. He showed me papers from XXXX with a bulk of my personal information that could even be a result of Identity theft if someone choice to steal it or lose the paper work. He also stated out loud in front of customers, and other people affiliated with the gym that I was XXXX months past due and owed over {$1900.00} to them ( XXXX ). I told him XXXX knew where the car was, and He could not be with XXXX because his truck said XXXX XXXX XXXX. I told him he was not allowed in the gym, and would need to leave. He told me it was a public location, and I advised him he was not welcome there and do not come back. People come there to workout with memberships and he violated so many of my rights and privacy. When the owner started walking to the front, he started to leave. He told me he would wait outside for me. The car was not even at the gym because it was at the shop. He knew I would be there at XXXX to do the workout. Because he knew what I looked like, he decided to stalk me and the others in the gym. He claimed he was with Honda financial. All the paper work he had included my personal private information, which half of it he stated out loud, came from Honda financial.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hilltop Mall, CA
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: I declared Chapter XXXX bankruptcy in XX/XX/XXXX as part of my divorce proceedings. The debts included in the bankruptcy were discharged in XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX Firm in XXXX, OK was my attorney for these actions. I had a loan through Honda Finance at this time. It was communicated to Honda Finance that I intended to keep my car and continue paying on the loan and the loan was not included in my bankruptcy. Two years later, I have discovered on my XXXX Credit Report that Honda is reporting that my loan was closed and is reporting that my account status is derogatory. Meanwhile, I have been paying Honda Finance {$320.00} per month every month in the belief that I was paying off my loan and helping to rebuild my credit. A call to Honda Finance was answered by someone who was completely unhelpful and refused to offer any assistance whatsoever. Honda Finance apparently believes that they can do whatever they want, regardless of what the law says. I informed my attorney, XXXX XXXX of this situation and he advised me that Honda is in violation of the Consumer Fair Credit Act and directed me here to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. XXXX XXXX is willing to represent me in a lawsuit against Honda Finance, but I would like to avoid such a costly and time-consuming endeavor. I am hoping that you can investigate my case and, if the situation warrants such an action, force Honda Credit to do what a solitary individual citizen apparently can not - follow the law and refrain from screwing people just because they think they can.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cedar Mill, OR
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Washington, DC
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Cambridge, MA
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Gr, MI
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Borough, CT
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Wallington, NJ
Complaint: My husband and i financed a XXXX Honda accord we were able to payoff the loan early this loan has been paid in full since 2013 we paid a fee for the title of XXXX when we received the letter of release and the title we noticed the title still has a lien holder listed on it. after speaking to Honda financial several times we were told we had to pay the XXXX again to have the lien holder name removed. we feel if we already paid XXXX for a title why should we pay a second time especially considering they made the mistake with a lien holder still being on the title
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Anthony, WV
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Complaint: American Honda Finance. I have no documents lost in hurricane XXXX. Was reported TWO times on credit report negatively. I had no clue. First comprised account was for a lease-option-to-buy. Payments were {$160.00} a month paid on time and completed.
Second compromised account was for loan from AHF, payments were made in 2 yr period. Payments went up to {$160.00} a month, I was behind in 2009 due to financial hardship. My father had XXXX, had to help with bills and got behind on mine. Communicated with Honda all the time. Since XXXX are paid off, I would like the lease in positive ( never missed a payment ) the loan removed from my credit report. Honda Finance is the most rude and negligent company I have ever dealt with, I expressed my hardship, HONDA, did not care. I missed XXXX or XXXX payments, asked if it could be put on back end of loan and was rejected. I understand I have to pay loans, but when a family member has stage XXXX XXXX XXXX, a car payment missed for a life saved is commendable. Would you not think? Another bunch of jerks. Finance dept, very nasty, " We do n't care if your father is sick, we need your payment ''. NOT RIGHT. Proof of payment, ask them for title, sold car off.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief
Miami, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Jacksonville, FL
Company Response: Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Complaint: I purchased a new vehicle which included a payoff of my old car. The car dealership mailed out the payoff to my finance company on XXXX. The finance company received the check, applied it to my account and then reversed the credit and returned the check to the car dealership. ( The finance company has yet to provide a reason why ) The dealership mailed another check on XXXX/XXXX/15 the check was received and has since cleared the bank. I have called the finance company several times. I have given them the tracking number and check number of the check. Nothing has been done, I am still receiving calls about the account being past due and I have been told that if this were not resolved that the payment will be reported to the credit bureau as a late payment. I called and left a message for a supervisor to call me back and it has been over a week and no call. I was dealing with another representative as I have been calling about this issue for over almost a month. The rep was handling it, but I have not heard back from her either and nothing has been resolved.
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Hillsdale, NJ
Complaint: First of all, I contacted the Honda financial services to request them to release my title XX/XX/XXXX but I did not receive the title. So I contacted them again around XX/XX/XXXX but at that time I just figured out my previous request was simply ignored and need to request that again. So I waited a lot of time but I was never getting my title back. So I contacted them again and again ( more than 10 times ) from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX to receive the title and could finally receive the title. However, the time passed to much so that I was supposed to pay the late for my car registration in XXXX ( I moved from XXXX to XXXX ). So I contacted the Honda financial services to request the reimbursement of my late car registration fee and they were just fine with the reimbursement and gave me their fax number to send the receipt of my registration. So I found a store to use a fax machine to send the receipt and did that. However, I did not get any check for the reimbursement. So I tried to contact them again. They just said to me that the faxed document is not readable and gave me a different fax number. So I tried to travel again to fax the receipt. However, I did not receive the check. So I called the Honda financial services again. Then, they just requested me to stop by their local Honda dealership to use their fax machine to send the document in there. However, I do not believe that this is not the problem of sender 's fax machine because I tried XXXX different fax machines ( at a XXXX store and a local stationery store ) and the problem was in receiver 's fax machine. So I refused to do that because I did not want to waste a lot of time again to repeat the same thing again and again. So I asked them if I can email the document but they simply ignored my solution and requested me to mail the document in my neighborhood. However, I felt that I had already wasted too much time and some money to resolve this problem so I asked to take the receipt in my house by sending their representative nearby because it is their turn to help me. However, they refused my request. They are just requiring me to spend my time and money to resolve this problem but not taking my reasonable request. Now I feel too much frustrated about working on this problem. As a total, I have called them more than 20 times, which would be about 10 hours calling and waiting time. Also, I need to travel about to find and fax the document, which would be about 3 hours as a whole. Also, I need to travel to XXXX DMV a couple of times more and need to call XXXX DMV a couple of times more, which would be about 3 hours as a whole. Also, I need to pay a little money for faxing. Also, I have gotten too much stress from this matter so that I could not work on my own work and study. So I have requested them to reimburse money for all of my losses. However, they just ignored my request. Therefore, I would like you to help me to receive the compensation of all of my losses and make a legal action. Thank you so much for your help in advance.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief