WorldRemit Corp.

Consumer Complaints

There are over 22 complaints on file for WorldRemit Corp.. Dated between 2019-11-19 and 2018-05-08.

Complaints Page 1


Problem with customer service

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: Foreign currency exchange

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Harrisville, NH

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem using a debit or ATM card
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Galveston, TX

Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Gastonia, NC

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Knoxville, TN

Fraud or scam

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: On XX/XX/2019a charge was attempted on my debit card for $XXXX from 'WORLDREMIT', a money transfer company. The charge was attempted at approximately XXXX CST. After calling my bank, it was found that WorldRemit had the billing address wrong for the card, so the charge did not go through. Because this was an unauthorized transaction, my debit card was cancelled. On XX/XX/2019a charge was attempted on my mother's debit card for approximately $XXXX from 'WORLDREMIT'. The charge was attempted at approximately XXXX CST. The charge on her account went through, and the money was withdrawn. As of this moment, a hold has been put on her account and she is reporting the fraudulent charged to the bank. Both my mother and I use the same bank, the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, neither of us have ever used the money transfer service WorldRemit before.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Bremen, GA

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX, I visited the Worldremit international money transfer website and successfully completed two transactions in the amounts of {$98.00} and {$59.00} respectively to two recipients in XXXX. However, when I tried to log back into my account to make a third transaction, I could not access the website. I called their customer service number and spoke to an agent who asked me a number of their security-related questions. I thought some of them were ridiculous since I had successfully answered all questions relating to my identity, and explained why I was sending the money to those individuals. I further explained that it was not the first time I was doing so, that I had made scores of remittances to the same people in the past through XXXX and XXXX XXXX. I wondered why they were more concerned about me being scammed than I was since the money was mine. I concluded my argument by suggesting that they might want to consider including all those questions on the form that customers must fill out in order to send remittances. It did not make sense, I argued, to hold up transfer requests just because they did not like the answers to verbal questions they ask customers over the phone. I concluded my argument by suggesting that they consider including a two or three step verification process that will further weed out scammers or thieves and ensure the security of genuine customers because only they would know the answers to the verification questions. In response the agent I spoke with said I would not be be able to send any more money through Worldremit. When I asked why, she directed me to an email that was sent to me but that message also failed to explain what exactly I did to warrant being permanently banned from accessing their services. Was it because I criticized their security protocol? If so, what did that have to do with the actual process I obviously followed in order to successfully complete the first two transfers? Thanks.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I sent {$570.00} to XXXX using the online service of WorldRemit money transfer on XXXX XX/XX/2019 ( 5 days ago ) now today they start to asking me to send them my passport copies, driving license ( front and back ) bank statement, and AN SELFIE OF ME ( I still don't know what for ) then I have to call their agents to verbally say to them my address, phone number, the company I'm working for, why I'm sending the money, to whom and what is our relationship ( is only {$570.00} US dollars ) Five days after I send my money, WORLDREMIT do not deposit to the recipient, Mr. XXXX XXXX in XXXX, this means WordRemit is doing business with my money.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hicksville, NY

Unexpected or other fees

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: The money exchange company, WORLD REMIT are a big fraud in the industry! Ill surely report them to XXXX, CFTC and also expose them by posting a blog on XXXX and XXXX about how they mislead and fraudulently charge their innocent customers hidden fees without having a proper disclosure or prior notification!! I did a money transfer through them on XX/XX/2019 from USD to NPR for {$200.00}. I was basically trapped because of the low exchange fee offered by them i.e {$2.00}, but up on completion of transaction I was basically charged {$13.00} in total!! While processing transaction through their App, When I chose payment by CC, nowhere on their app it indicated or shown that the transaction will be treated as a bank wire transfer or cash advance neither it prompted me that there will be additional {$10.00} fee imposed by my CC company, just because they ran the transfer as bank wire transfer/cash advance and not that CC company was aware of it!!! I was happy that I paid a low currency exchange fee for transfer of funds and they ripped me off by processing it as wire transfer and not showing any additional fee at the time. It still kept showing a fee of {$2.00} till the end of the transaction. The funds transfer was actually a donation to build up the church and I was ripped off by these guys!! Its morally, ethically and legally a fraud to charge fee, post transaction, days after it was processed, by my CC in the statement. I was quite upset!! Ethically, they should have refunded the additional fee when I contacted back to resolve the issue but their Rep easily shrugged of their shoulders and put the blame on CC company, In fact, it was actually not their ( CC Comp ) fault!! It was the responsibility of World Remit to be transparent and show the total fee in advance or prior to the transaction as all other money transfer sites, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and XXXX do and are obligated by the government policy but they failed to do so!! SHAME ON THEM!! XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Maynard, MA

Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: World Remit does not deliver what it promised on time. I made several calls during 24 hours period. The money involved is {$1000.00} and was sent XX/XX/2019. Since then I called several customer service agents, and each of them has been saying the same reason, that its payout partner does not provide any confirmation after it received money. So the agent provided two options for me to consider, cancel the transaction or keep waiting. I took the cancellation and I demanded to send back my money back to my bank account in US as soon as possible, but the agent does not not guaranty when I will get the refund.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: WorldRemit case # XXXX. I sent {$1500.00} to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XX/XX/2019 for their visa and air plane ticket package. XX/XX/XXXX they received payment. XX/XX/XXXX they said operation takes 14 to 21 days. XX/XX/XXXX they requested {$7400.00} to {$15000.00} more. I refused. A week later they asked for {$930.00} more and I refused. They said they would not contact me again until they received the money. I complained to WorldRemit and XXXX was assigned case XXXX. I called up the credit card company, XX/XX/XXXX they said they would look into it. XX/XX/XXXX I got an E-mail from world saying they closed my account. I think the credit card company called WorldRemit to see what pressure can be applied to get the money refunded. They decided to blow me off, and this is why I am contacting you.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Other service problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Ridley Park, PA

Unexpected or other fees

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: On XX/XX/2019, I used WorldRemit to send money internationally to XXXX WorldRemit 's website was seemingly very clear about all of the fees involved. The transaction went smoothly. However, when I received my credit card bill from XXXX ( statement for billing period XX/XX/19-XX/XX/19 ), I found I was charged a large fee for making a cash advance. When I made the transaction on WorldRemit, there was nothing to indicate that the transaction would be treated as a cash advance. I called XXXX to complain, and they told me that they had no control over the fee -- that the merchant ( WorldRemit ) submitted the transaction as a cash advance. I called WorldRemit to complain, and they told me that they had no control over the way in which the bank processed the transaction -- that they did not submit it as a cash advance, but that XXXX chose to process it as a cash advance. Since neither company accepts responsibility for the additional fee, I am considering both to be committing fraud.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jersey City, NJ

Fraud or scam

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: Foreign currency exchange

Complaint: I used platform on XX/XX/2018 to transfer an amount of XXXX $ from my Checkin account to a savings account in XXXX. The amount was debited right away from my account but was never credit in the intended account where it was suppose to be. I reported this with the customer support of world remit to look into the matter via email. After a chain of email conversation back and forth I received an email in XXXX on XX/XX/2018 which says that the case is closed from their end as they could not find any information where the money went missing. The transaction number is XXXX The case number for the complaint is XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Berthoud, CO

Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I initiated a bank account money transfer using WorldRemit services on XX/XX/2018. The funds were debited from my XXXX XXXX account on XX/XX/2018. On that same day, XX/XX/2018, I received an email from WorldRemit stating that " the money transfer of USD XXXX to XXXX has now been processed. The funds should be credited to the receiver 's account in 1 business day. '' My receiver also received a text message, ( the same day ) on XX/XX/2018, from a local number ( XXXX ) stated that he received a money transfer and that the funds would be deposited in his bank account in 1 business day. On XX/XX/XXXX, I contacted my receiver to inquire about the status of the deposit. To my surprise, the funds were not deposited in his account. On XX/XX/XXXX, I, again, contacted my receiver to check on the status of the money transfer and was confirmed by the receiver that the funds were still not deposited to his account. I contacted WorldRemit on XX/XX/XXXX, at around XXXX MST. After 25 minutes of wait time, a representative answered my call. She verified my information and asked how she could help. I explained that I made a transfer to XXXX, the funds were debited from my XXXX XXXX account, and that I received an email from WorldRemit stating that the funds would be deposited in the receiver 's account in 1 business day, ( on XX/XX/2018 ). However, as of ( today ) XX/XX/2018, the funds were still not deposited in the receiver 's account. The representative sated that their system shows that the transaction was paid to the receiver on XX/XX/2018. I asked how it was possible for their system to show that the transaction was paid on XX/XX/2018, when I received an email from WolrdRemit on XX/XX/2018, which stated that the transaction was processed and that the funds would be deposited in the receiver 's account in 1 day, on XX/XX/2018. The representative was not able to answer that question so I requested to speak with a manager. She insisted that I called back because they were under staff and no manager was available to speak to me. I re-iterated my wish to speak with a representative of the company, preferably a manager to find out why WorldRemit has not yet deposited my money transfer to my receiver 's bank account. The representative placed me on hold for 30 minutes, then transferred me to a floor supervisor named XXXX. I re-explained the situation to her. She gave me the same answer as did the representative, that their system shows that the funds were deposited into the receiver 's account on XX/XX/2018. I, again, re-iterated that the funds were not deposited into my receiver 's bank account as of XX/XX/2018. I explained that I received an email on XX/XX/2018, from WorldRemit confirming that the funds would be deposited into the receiver 's account on XX/XX/2018, and I asked the floor supervisor if the email came directly from WorldRemit. She responded that the email was authentic and was directly sent by the company. I asked why the email stated that the the funds would be deposited in the receiver 's bank account on XX/XX/2018, but their system shows that the funds were deposited in the receiver 's account on XX/XX/2018. Yet, no deposit was made to the receiver 's account as of XX/XX/2018. The supervisor was unable to provide me an answer as to why WorldRemit has not yet deposited the funds to the receiver 's account. All she could tell me was that they work with a third party in the receiving country, and that the third party told them that they deposited the funds into my receiver 's account. I reiterated that no deposit was made into my receiver 's account as of the XX/XX/2018. I then requested for her to transfer me to her manager, or to anyone that can help me figure out why WorldRemit has not yet deposited my money transfer into my receiver 's account. She stated that she did not have a manager to transfer me to, that she was the only one I could speak to. She insisted that the funds were deposited in the receiver 's bank account on XX/XX/2018. I, again, re-iterated that WorldRemit has not deposited the money transfer into my receiver 's bank as of XX/XX/2018. I then requested her to provide me with a proof of deposit from my receiver 's bank ( XXXX ) with the date, time and amount deposited into the receiver 's account. She responded that she would call their partners in the receiving country, on XX/XX/2018, to have them request a proof of deposit from the receiver 's bank, XXXX and that she would call me back on XX/XX/2018 with an update. I have not received any call or email from her or from anyone from the company on XX/XX/2018. I contacted the customer service line today XX/XX/2018, at XXXX, I was placed on hold for half an hour when I requested to speak with a manager, then I got hung up on. Transaction Number XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Atl, GA

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arco, CA

Fraud or scam

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I used and online money transfer service to remit to a con artist in XXXX that advertised himself as a mobile app developer. The developer in XXXX failed me to deliver me the product and I reported the issue to the World remit on the XXXX of XXXX. I was told by the agent that my claim will be investigated and my complain will be sent to their fraud unit. After waiting for so day I decided to call again on the XX/XX/2018, the agent I spoke pulled up my file and told me there was an email that was sent to me on XX/XX/XXXX but i missed it because it ended in my trash. When I opened the email it neither addressed my issue and makes a good sentence to understand ( pls send email below after complain ). I replied the email and addressed the email in related to the person I have being sending money to which I clearly said the funds were meant for mobile app development and the developer was providing a service for me which he didnt deliver. On XX/XX/XXXX I got an email from stating that my account as being disabled ( See email below ). I was surprised and curious, so I decided to call their support team. the agent I spoke made know my account was closed because they don't allow Business transactions but on their it shows send Money to family and friends and pay for goods and services. So I asked him, why do you have pay for goods and services on your website when you dont allow it then he lied again that this only applies in the United States, then I wonder why that appears on your website if you cant use that service in the United States. I asked about my claim then he said the only thing they can do is to watch for future transaction of the guy that defrauded me and they wont be able to file a complaint about him to relevant authorities in XXXX. in this case world remit as failed to protect me as consumer and as violated my rights as a consumer, to make matter worse after reporting that I was defrauded they have decided to shut down my account with a simple excuse so I cant get my money back or bring the criminal to justice. Also I believe worldremit is trying to destroy evidence as I dont have the transaction history of funds I made to this guy since my account as disable my account.I only have a single transaction information WORDREMIT EMAIL TO ME Your case number : XXXX Hi XXXX, Thank you for using WorldRemit! As we are a regulated money transfer company, we are required to verify the nature and reasons for the transactions undertaken by our consumers. In support of this regulatory mandate, we ask that you provide us at your earliest convenience the following items : Your current employment or the source of funds for the transactions ( please include company you are employed by and the position you hold, if applicable ), Your relationships with the recipients to whom you send funds, The purpose of the transactions, and Your intended activity going forward Please reply to this email with the requested information. Please note that your account may be temporarily closed if a response is not received in a timely manner. Should you have any questions regarding this email, please contact our Customer Service Team with WorldRemit through the phone number listed on our website ( XXXX XXXX ). We thank you in advance for your cooperation and prompt response. MY REPLY I own a XXXX XXXX XXXX agency and also work. XXXX XXXX ( OWNER ) XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) A fraudulent mobile app developer To design a mobile app for me Return the funds as he as not provided the product he was paid for months now WORDREMIT REPLY Dear Mr XXXX Thank you for using WorldRemit We regret to inform you that your account does not meet our approval criteria and we have therefore suspended your account in accordance with our terms and conditions. Unfortunately we will not be able to provide you with our services for the time being. If you have any queries on this decision or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact customer support through our website. Best Regards, WorldRemit Customer Service
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Burlingame, CA

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I was informed that my transaction was successful but the recepient did not receive the money. Upon further investigation on my end it was confirmed that the money was returned to World Remit. The transaction completion date was XXXX XX/XX/2018. I followed up with World Remit to inquire about the status of the missing funds on 2 separate occasions. I was assured the first time that the transaction would go through, the second time I had confirmed the funds had been returned. World Remit assured me that they would refund my money but seem to still not know where the money is.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arco, CA

Fraud or scam

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I sent {$700.00} USD to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. My vendor still hasnt received it. I have submitted 3 disputes and tried to go through social media. The keep giving random excuses and then closing my claim without resolving anything.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Oxford, GA

Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I sent money to my account in XXXX on the XX/XX/XXXX and i got an email stating it will take 2 business days. Up until now the XX/XX/XXXX, the money has not been delivered.i have called several times and I keep getting the same response of I should be patient.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Burlingame, CA

Money was not available when promised

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: On XX/XX/2018, I sent XXXX XXXX Peso through World Remit wire transfer. The recipient did not receive the funds in their account. I filed a complaint three times and did not receive a response. The World Remit transaction number is XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Norwalk, CA

Other transaction problem

Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service: International money transfer

Complaint: I have been sending money to my friends in XXXX for several years. The money I send supports two families that otherwise would be in dire situations. I have been using XXXX to send the money. I recently moved which meant I had to update all of my financial information and update my account on XXXX. However they do not provide a way to update your e-mail address. So I called and spoke to customer service. I was told I would need to close my current account and then open a new account. The service rep closed the old account and I opened a new account. But when I attempted to send a transfer to my friend I received an e-mail saying the account had been suspended and that XXXX would no longer accept transfers from me. When I asked why they refused to give a reason except to say it had nothing to do with my change of address. I decided to open an account with WorldRemit. They allowed me to open an account but once again when I sent the money I received an e-mail saying my account didn't meet their criteria as outlined in their terms and conditions. When I asked what exactly they wouldn't say. The fact that both companies have refused to send money leads me to believe that either someone has stolen my identity or my name is on a list somewhere. Is there some way to find out what the actual issue is and hopefully get it cleared up so that I can continue to help my friends? These are people I've known for several years and visited twice in XXXX. I don't want to let them down.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response

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