Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 67


So Effingham, NH

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Cashing a check
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Detroit, MI

Took or threatened to take negative or legal action

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
Complaint: I called on XX/XX/19 to try and settle a credit card debt with Nordstrom. I then asked, is there a way we could come to an agreement to get the debt off of my report in order to bring my score up and open up a line of credit with the Credit Union. The lady insisted that the account was closed and would reflect as a negative impact on my credit for several years. After tireless discussion she then said " You can call back at the 7 year mark to get it removed ''. I opened the account not knowing the repercussions of spending and not paying off the debt. I was young a clueless about credit and its negative affect later on in the future ( Today ). I was even willing to pay the debt even though its been 3 years, 1 month, and 26 days. She could have worked with because I've gotten things off of my credit before. I actually negotiated a fair amount with two other debt collections, so I know it's very much possible for this negative account on my credit to be removed.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Gorham, NH

Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Garrison, MD

Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Can't close your account
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Marysville, WA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


South Florida, FL

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem accessing account
Complaint: Multiple contacts with TD bank were left without action by the bank, even some were not recorded. Latest complaint was made on XX/XX/2019 with XXXX XXXX in Chairman office who informed me that the bank likes to track customers ' IP addresses if they are abroad. From me the bank is asking for telephone number, otherwise blocking access to my account. This is an outrageous violation of privacy, rights and freedom of customers.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Complaint: TD Bank goes out of their way to find creative ways to charge customers overdraft fees. I was at dinner on a Saturday and checked my app before paying a bill. The app showed a balance that was enough to cover the bill and I left a cash tip. I then made cash deposits to my account on the next day Sunday as my balance was running low. I wound up getting charged an overdraft fee days later because TD said that my balance after the dinner was negative ( again app doesn't show that ) because they went back and posted a gas charge that originally came through as {$1.00} and was finally submitted by the merchant as {$45.00}. I had the cash in the account well before the {$45.00} posted. I find this practice misleading as the available balance never went negative and yet I am charged on a back dated transaction even though the merchant didn't charge my card the {$45.00} until several days later. The dinner charge was on Saturday XX/XX/19 and posted on XX/XX/19. I have worked with other banks before and I know they do not charge an overdraft fee in this case. However, TD seems to do whatever they can to charge you. I tried escalating within TD and all I had were reps telling me that I didn't have enough available to cover the dinner essentially telling me I am lying or blind as I know what I saw. I told them I know what they are doing with the backdating of transactions which is misleading and deceptive.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Sebring, FL

Struggling to pay your loan

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Loan balance remaining after the vehicle is repossessed and sold
Complaint: I bought a car from XXXX XXXX XXXX in XX/XX/2017. I wanted to buy a XXXX XXXX but was forced to buy a more expensive car so their salesman could receive a better commission with no consideration of my needs. I bought a XXXX XXXX XXXX which was too expensive for me but I needed a better car. It was financed by TD Bank and I struggled to make the payments each month. In XX/XX/2017 I moved to a different part of the state. In XX/XX/2017 Hurricane Irma hit Florida and because I could not afford to buy a generator the power went out and stayed off for 10 days. I lost all my food in my refrigerator and had to replace it. I filed a claim through FEMA but was told they do not replace food. I was not able to work and my HOA for this house does not allow home businesses, even selling online is not allowed. I attempted to refinance my XXXX but was unable to do so. In XX/XX/2017 TD Bank repossed my XXXX and auctioned it off. But I received a letter that I still owed over ten thousand dollars on a car I no longer have.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Kingstree, SC

False statements or representation

Debt collection: Other debt

Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: Due to a change in my employment and XXXX kids entering college 2014 I had attempted to work with two banks that I had lot loans with in an effort to lower the monthly payments. They could not or would not work with me to construct a proactive solution to my financial issues. I then had to make a decision to assist my children or keep paying into the lot loans. Of course I choose my children and so I let the lots or into voluntary foreclosure. Fast forward to no and one of the loans through XXXX XXXX XXXX has been resolved but TD bank is now reporting that I owe XXXX as an immediate payment. They are reporting that I owe this every month which of course throws off my debt to equity ratio. They didi not wave the deficiency judgement when it was foreclose on so I do owe this money but I believe how they are reporting it is malicious. Even though my credit blemishes are explainable the way this is entered has precluded me from getting any kind of loans for debit restructuring.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Riverview, FL

False statements or representation

Debt collection: Credit card debt

Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Complaint: I already filed a complaint for fraud. We had over {$20000.00} taken from a checking account with TD Bank with no alert at all. Most recently we got a letter stating we were late two months and after trying to call because we are 'locked out ' to sign in online because of the fraud and the issue with the theft of the funds ... .I couldn't see what happened. I then asked to be connected to the IT dept and both depts said we needed to go to a branch. We go to a branch in XXXX XXXX XXXX NJ and both managers had to wait on hold ... .only to tell us the XXXX had been posted 'wrong ' and the XXXX payment just posted. Again all very suspicious!!! This company needs to be investigated, the service is awful but we have had issues every few months with payment postings, theft, etc. I had to leave the branch as we were there too long but after telling us again this was their fault they couldn't even provide proof that our credit wasn't affected that our late fee was removed and that the bill is current. They said they can not email stuff like that. OMG!!! I emailed their corporate office also. We can't get another mortgage to pay this off since the rates went up so we are stuck for a few years.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Manhattan, NY

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Conventional home mortgage

Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Dublin, CA

Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem during payment process
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Rochdale, NY

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Sayreville, NJ

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Didn't receive terms that were advertised
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Lk Buena Vis, FL

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Complaint: On XX/XX/2018 I was paying my rent via my apartment complexes online at https : XXXX I was trying to submit my half of the payment for rent which is XXXX. While trying to pay only my half, the online portal then took out the full amount and put my account into overdraft. I immediately called TD Bank to tell them that this was an accidental transaction and to put the funds back into my account as soon as possible, as well as to inform my apartment complex about the transaction even though they assured that they do no provide refunds even though they knew of my situation financially. That same day TD Bank then told me to provide documentation regarding this transaction to their Disputes and Claims department via Fax number XXXX. I called a representative thinking that I had enough documentation to resolved this issue, this costumer representative was obviously extremely ignorant and incompetent, because a few months later on Tuesday XX/XX/2018, I wake up to see {$1000.00} taken out of my account and my account put into overdraft a week before the XXXX season. The overdraft fees then piled up to an extreme amount of {$350.00} ( which I only have received {$170.00} ) and I also had my whole paycheck in the amount of $ XXXX go completely to overdraft fees. In the beginning of XX/XX/XXXXafter New Years Day, I went straight to a branch to resolved this matter because I received a phone call from the Fraud Department ( which this was not a case of fraud by any means ) saying that they did not get all the listed documentation I needed to provided even though I faxed it to the Claims and Disputes department weeks before hand. Upon arrival not only am I in line waiting to send these documents before XXXX, as soon I get a chance to speak to a teller and tell this individual my situation, I get interrogated and somehow my roommate is dragged and she has the nerve to blame him fort their mistake. This is not how customer service should be, and I want all my money back in full.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Phila, PA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem using a debit or ATM card
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Philadelphia, PA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information belongs to someone else
Complaint: TD Bank hereinafter called " alleged lender '' claims that they lent their money to me. Alleged lender claimed to me that the alleged lender would charge interest as compensation for lending me the alleged lender 's money. Financial institution 's CPA audit opinions claim that financial institutions involved in issuing alleged loans or loans follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, GAAP. There is a dispute regarding who loaned what to whom regarding the alleged loan. The alleged lender claims that they lent me their money. The alleged lender claims that the alleged lender has loan papers with the affiant 's name on it as evidence of a debt. The bookkeeping entries show the opposite and that the affiant was the lender and that the alleged lender was the borrower : According to GAAP, this is what happened : the alleged lender and financial institution involved in the alleged loan never lent XXXX cent to the affiant as adequate consideration to purchase the affiant 's promissory note. The affiant first became the lender to the alleged lender and the alleged lender was the borrower. According to GAAP, the bank recorded the promissory note as a bank asset offset by a bank liability. The promissory note was recorded as a bank asset in exchange for credits in the affiant 's transaction account or to give value to a check or similar instrument. The matching principle in GAAP requires that there be a matching liability offsetting the promissory note recorded as an asset and that the liability shows that the bank/alleged lender owes the alleged borrower money for the promissory note that was lent to the bank or alleged lender. The promissory note was deposited in a similar manner as cash is deposited into a checking account. Depositing cash or a promissory note into a checking account or a transaction account is the same or similar to loaning the alleged lender the cash or promissory note. According to GAAP, the promissory note was deposited as a bank asset offset by a bank liability with the bank liability showing that the alleged lender owed the affiant money for the promissory note that was received from the affiant and deposited. When the bank deposited the promissory note and credited the affiant 's transaction account, the alleged lender, the one who claims they own the promissory note, recorded a loan from the affiant to the alleged lender, making the affiant the lender and the alleged lender the borrower. The alleged lender returned the equivalent in equal value of the loan to XXXX XXXX, the lender per GAAP. When the money was repaid to XXXX XXXX, the true lender per GAAP, XXXX XXXX and ignored the bookkeeping entries which proved the money trail of who lent what to whom. The alleged lender claims to be the lender using a promissory note to claim they lent money to the affiant but GAAP shows that the opposite happened. The alleged lender did the opposite of what the affiant, XXXX XXXX understood and believed was to happen, creating an XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Non-sufficient funds and associated fees
Complaint: On XX/XX/19 I did a deposit in the amount of {$9000.00} in my checking account at the Td bank in XXXX located at XXXX XXXX XXXX are code XXXX. The check was made out from the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX for my loss wages because I'm a victim of a XXXX XXXX XXXX. Prior to me depositing the {$9000.00} check I had a balance of {$220.00} in my checking account. The next day on XX/XX/19 I called the bank around XXXX XXXX-XXXX and I had a balance of XXXX. Therefore, I went to the Td bank located at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX, Ct XXXX because I know that they have large bills there, I wanted all {$100.00} bills. So went there so I can withdraw the funds of {$7000.00} from the teller and she said it wasn't a problem then she said she have to get an override. So that's when a lady name XXXX XXXX, financial services representative, said she had to verify the check. They started treating me unfairly and I asked her why do she need to verify the check if the funds had already been released so then I told her I didn't want her to verify anything because I didn't give her permission to look into my account because it was suspect to me why she would need to verify a check when funds was already released into my account. She then went into the office of assistant manager XXXX and they both were being rude treating me unfair saying they had to verify the check so I told them to give me the withdrawal slip back because it was strange to me that they would need to verify something that already was verified. So eventually they gave me the withdrawal slip back, I then went into my car to call the Customer service call center at XXXX at around XXXX XXXX and I explained to Mrs. XXXX at the XXXX call center in Maine about my situation and she then spoke to her manager named XXXX and she told her to tell me to go to the bank where I deposited the check which was at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX, CT to do the withdrawal and that they shouldn't give me a problem. I went back into the XXXX location because I was still sitting in my car outside that location to tell them what XXXX had told me but XXXX was still giving me a hard time saying she was still trying to verify the check. I know Mrs. XXXX told me to go back to the bank in XXXX to withdraw the funds where I deposited the check but I just wanted to try and see. So that didn't work out. I went to the XXXX location to withdraw the funds with the teller XXXX and he said he had to call his manager So then the manager came over name XXXX XXXX and she also gave me an hard time after I was explaining to her that Mrs. XXXX spoke to her manager XXXX and they said that they spoke to the manager at the XXXX location which at the time was XXXX XXXX. She was also being rude saying nobody spoke to her and that she needs to verify the check then I kept telling her what Mrs. XXXX and Mrs. XXXX said then all of a sudden she got rude and said there's no funds available. I went back in my car to call the customer service again to tell them what happened and see if I can talk back with Mrs. XXXX or Mrs.XXXX. I found out that my balance was now XXXX and the lady I was speaking to was very rude on the phone saying I couldn't speak to them. I had to hang up cause she was very rude saying she was the manager in XXXX, Maine. So then I called again asking why my account is saying XXXX when it just said XXXX about half hour ago. They told me that my account had a restriction on it from the fraud dept. and I kept asking them why I didn't do no fraud and never did. They still kept giving me a hard time. I spoke to someone named XXXX also and they all gave me a hard time. I finally went to the victim services to explain what was going out with the check and I spoke to Mrs. XXXX XXXX, Fiscal administrative assistant 2. She was very nice and helpful she called the bank to try to explain to them that there was nothing wrong with the check and she couldn't get through to the manager. I stayed there for close to an hour. I broke down crying because they've been putting me through a lot of stress the whole day. It was now around like XXXX XXXX. I went home for a few mins called the customer service again still the same thing and I explained to my mom what was going on my mom was also upset that they was treating me that way she spoke to the lady on the phone but still nothing. So I called the XXXX branch again and spoke to XXXX and I asked her why did she put a restriction on my account and she said she didn't do it that the XXXX branch did it. So I went with my mom back to the XXXX branch to ask Asst mgr.XXXX why did she put a restriction on my account that she had no right to put a restriction on my account. Then she kept saying about verifying the check. She then put the XXXX back into my account that I originally had in there before depositing the check but then I asked why didn't she put it back the was it was before I first came into the branch which was {$9300.00}. She stated she needed to verify they check because the amount and I said if the check was already verified and the funds was released you had no right to do that. So I waited in my car for about an hour then I had to leave because I had to pick my niece up from the bus stop. I called the customer service number again because they said someone put a hold on the check and that they put into the notes steps they need to do to remove the hold but still didn't do. Mrs. XXXX XXXX spoke to XXXX XXXX and answered questions about me and said she would try to release to the check sooner because XXXX and XXXX was saying it takes up to 10 days to get the check cleared. but I knew that they weren't telling me the truth. So I called some lawyers to see about a claim for racial discrimination. The time now was around XXXX XXXX close to XXXX. I call two different law firms and the second law firm told me about the CFSB website to make a complaint. So I called the XXXX location and I told a guy that I wanted to speak to XXXX to see if she took the hold off the check yet and that I was going to make a complaint because I called one of the times earlier that day and spoke to a guy and said XXXX was on lunch and that he would have her return my call and she never did that was before I went back there the second time. So I told him I was going to make a complaint to the CFSB. A girl named XXXX called me back saying she had good news that they took the hold off and for me to come down to get the money but earlier that day that same girl XXXX called me and said she would try to have it ready tomorrow which was going to be XX/XX/19. So I called the Customer service number to check my balance and the balance said XXXX. I called them again and asked XXXX if the money available why my balance still say XXXX she said because we thought by time you got here it will reflect on the account. I said ok and hung up she called me back in about five mins and then said it was showing in my account. If I hadn't told them I was going to make a complaint that would not had took hold off the check. I didn't get done with everything until around XXXX XXXX. So it took all day and a lot of time out my day from things I had to do. and the rudeness and they treated me very unfairly
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Sangerville, ME

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Cashing a check
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Canton, MA

Problem with a lender or other company charging your account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Money was taken from your account on the wrong day or for the wrong amount
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Santa Clarita, CA

Incorrect information on your report

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Account status incorrect
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Hartford, CT

Struggling to pay your bill

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Credit card company won't work with you while you're going through financial hardship
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jupiter, FL

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Card opened as result of identity theft or fraud
Complaint: XXXX XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ADDRESS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL XXXX TD/XXXX XXXX To Whom It May Concern : Please be advised that I have received your correspondence dated XX/XX/XXXX This is not a refusal to pay or a cease notice, but a notice that your claim of monies owed is disputed. According to the FDCPA you must validate a debt to a debtor if the debtor responds to your primary notice within a matter of days. Under the FDCPA and according to recent findings with the Federal Trade Commission, you must send valid proof of this debt and a printout of records is not valid. See staff attorney opinion findings for details. Please dont send back a print out. The proof requested is as follows : Please know that everything must match Date you purchased debt Amount you paid for said debt Original Date of Charge Off Date of last payment/activity if any Creditors full name and address All records pertaining to actual debt to prove validity. I have put you on notice then I reserve the right to file a suit against you for FDCPA violations in my courts venue. You will have to travel to defend yourself in that scenario. Please also be advised that this request is an official validation of debt request and not a verification of address request. Proper proof of said debt is required. Please understand as well that under the FCRA any furnisher of information must put the account rating on hold while the debt is being investigated. Continuing to report this disputed debt to my credit reports is a FCRA violation also open to damages collected from you. Awaiting your reply in a timely manner. Sincerely, XXXX, XXXX SOC SEC # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX ADDRESS XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL XXXX
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Murray, UT

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response

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