Consumer Complaints

There are over 10902 complaints on file for TD BANK US HOLDING COMPANY. Dated between 2019-12-04 and 2011-12-01.

Complaints Page 169


Lowell, MA

Closing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Can't close your account
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Tucson, AZ

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem getting a working replacement card
Complaint: I applied for a Target Credit Card in XXXX of XXXX. I charged the account that day since the cashier did my application and gave me a temporary bar code. The amount was about {$3.00} and some change. They stated I would receive my card in the mail but I did not receive it and I was so confused about everything that I thought I had paid cash back in XXXX, so I thought I decided not to put a balance on it until I received my card. Months went by and I decided to call to see where my card was, because you normally do n't get any bills when you do n't have a balance on a credit card. Then they sent me to the collections department of Target and said I owed about {$7.00} and some change. I told them I did not receive my card or any bills at my address. They later said that I gave them an incorrect address and everything was being forwarded back to them. They also said I gave them the wrong address, when I remember giving the cashier at Target my driver 's license that has my address. I paid the amount I owed, and they took off any charges on their end and said for me to call within 24 hours, so I did. Then later I told them that this is affecting my credit, and it should not affect it because it was their error. They stated they would send me some sort of form to submit to the credit bureau, I did n't receive that either. So now I ask for them to fix this because I did not receive anything from them and I should n't be punished by having a horrible credit score, just because a retail store can not get an address correct.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Jupiter, FL

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


South Florida, FL

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Other banking product or service

Didn't receive terms that were advertised
Complaint: Hello, I am filing this complaint in regards to TD Bank not honoring their promotion. I found this promotion on their website and it stated that if I opened a new checking account online and received direct deposits of {$500.00} or more over the first 60 days I would be credited {$150.00} after 90 days. I met those requirements and I have n't been credited the bonus. In late XXXX I went to a branch and the banker told me I did meet the requirements but bonuses are usually paid out after 96 days. I waited two weeks and there still was n't anything, so I called their customer service line on XXXX/XXXX/17. Again I was told by the TD Bank customer service rep that I met the requirennts and he 's not sure why I was n't credited the bonus. He said he would email the promotions department and get back to me. He returned my call and told me that this promotion was for existing customers not new ones. I have a picture of the promotion and it clearly states " New Customers ''. Since then I have called the customer service line 4 more times XXXX on XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, & XXXX ). They all said the same thing, that I met the requirements and they are n't sure why I have n't received the bonus. On XXXX I visited a local branch and the banker there told me the same thing as the others. On XXXX I followed up with her and she told me the promotions department emailed her stating I did n't click the right link but there was only one link to click. On XXXX I was told the promotion was n't active during the period I signed up but the promotion was available on their website. I have been told by 6 customer service reps that I have met the requirements and I should have received the bonus yet their promotions department has comeback with 3 different excuses as to why they wo n't credit me the bonus. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Vienna, VA

Opening an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Unable to open an account
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Cherry Brook, MA

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Washington, DC

Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Fee problem
Complaint: ACTION : TD Bank called on XX/XX/XXXX at around XXXX Spoke with representative and supervisor. PROBLEM : I recently signed into my TD Bank account and received a pop up marketing message that tells me that my account has been " overdrawn/ATM card declined and that TD could have prevented this at their discretion '' in an attempt to get me to sign up for overdraft protection. The statement is a lie. I called TD Bank and had them confirm my account had not been overdrawn or ATM card declined. I asked for a supervisor who told me this was just a marketing practice and that she could not help me. I was referred to my bank XXXX. Even though their is no fee for the overdraft protection, by signing up you agree to be charged {$35.00} ever time you overdraft your account in the future.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Andover, MA

Problem caused by your funds being low

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Card opened as result of identity theft or fraud
Complaint: I have had a total of four different times. Some one is trying to use my former divorced name and address and phone number and social security number from 12 years ago. They have applied for XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 2 times XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX. They have showing up on my credit reports as hard inquirers. I have called and had them removed. But found some one is still trying to use my former name and information.
Company Response: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Problem with a lender or other company charging your account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On or about XXXX/XXXX/XXXX my husband transferred XXXX from our money market savings to checking. When he tried to cash from the ATM machine it showed a minus amount. When he went to the bank officer she informed him a funds were taken from the account over a period of number of weeks.The account was frozen and a NEW Debit card was issued. I tried to use my SECOND Debit at a whole foods only to be rejected. I then went back to the SAME bank officer only to find out that XXXX was taken from our money market savings ( a prior attempt of XXXX was rejected ; however if the amount requested was under XXXX it would have been processed.How was it possible that funds were given after numerous attempts were made over the daily allowable amount. I never used my card yet within XXXX hours funds were taken to date the amount is over XXXX with additional overdraft charges. There is an investigation currently by the XXXX Yet the Bank refuses to restore any funds saying that a proper Pin # was used. I would not be in this position if it was a wrong Pin # As we all know bank cards and pin # can be cloned as per a FBI public service advisory states.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Three Bridges, NJ

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Card opened as result of identity theft or fraud
Complaint: Ive been battling Identity theft for almost 4 years now and counting, XXXX and various other accounts were opened in my name. On numerous occasions i 've tried for years now to remove XXXX this fraudulent account MY CREDIT REPORT, however to no avail. They 've refused to send any Documentation regarding these fraudulent accounts, in accordance to Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 609 theyre mandated by federal law to furnish upon request, they refuse in which violates the FCRA and my consumer rights. ( VIOLATION NUMBER # 1 Also to add more insult to injury these nordstrom customer service reps even told me they have no information on this account and the information is off, Nevertheless what truly baffles me is how this creditor can continuously rely back to the credit bureaus indicating " Verification '' of this debt being mine when they refuse to send me any correspondence after countless letters and phone calls. VIOLATION NUMBER # 2 Under section 611 ( 5 ) of the FCRA clearly indicates creditors are required to promptly delete all information that can not be verified immediately.!!!!!!!!!! VIOLATION NUMBER # 3 I ALSO RECENTLY SENT LETTERS WITH FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ID THEFT AFFIDAVIT ON XXXX XXXX 2017 AND CALLED AND CALLED THEY CLAIM THEY HAVENT RECEIVED ANYTHING.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Struggling to pay your loan

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Lender trying to repossess or disable the vehicle
Complaint: my vehicle was repossessed by TD auto finance. I was behind granted due to some financial issues. I had tried previously to speak with reps about a deferment and said I could n't have one nor do a repayment plan. after they picked up my car I asked if I could just pay what was past due and hold off on the late charges. one rep stated that I could n't so I asked to speak with the manager she gave me a supervisor. he said no as well. I called the next day to try again. I spoke with a girl name XXXX and she did try but said no one was there for me to speak with. I called back and got the same rep back from the previous day she said no and would n't allow me to speak with a manager. I asked for the manager name and she told me they do n't give out that information. she hung up on me. then I spoke with another guy named XXXX I asked to speak with a supervisor again. he said that I had already spoke with one and the answer is no. I asked him why was up raising his voice. he stated to me that I was lying on people and he said he was going to hang up so he did. I was treated very unfair by them. then after I had to beg people for the money to pick it up I had to pay addiontional fee on top of the money I had already paid td auto finance to get it back. after I paid td I had to call hide and seek recovery not know I had to make an appointment with them to get my car. they did n't want to release it. they wanted me to wait an additional day on top of what I had paid to be charged more money. I adv the lady I spoke with that I had no other way to come back to XXXX, texas if I did n't have a car. they finally gave it to me. I did n't appreciate how td auto finance handled their end. just because a person is down on their luck does n't give you the right to be rude. also they would n't provide me with any docs showing what I paid
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Brooklyn, NY

Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Old information reappears or never goes away
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Portland, OR

Trouble using your card

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Can't use card to make purchases
Complaint: I make regular purchases on this account for my business in the sums of $ XXXX {$2000.00} and have done so for a few years. I always pay my bill early so as not to incur fees. This time I paid a portion of my bill electronically through my bank on XXXX in the amount of {$1500.00} Please see supporting documents. On XXXX you will see ALLY put a " Payment Hold '' on my credit card for {$1500.00}. This does not allow me to charge that amount on my card as they state they have not actually " received the payment '' .. I called on XXXX to see why I could not charge {$92.00} for business and there was not enough credit available ( please see supporting documents XXXX. I was told that they do not actually have the money and the account is not paid and this hold will not be released until the XXXX of XXXX. I want to know what they are doing with my money and why when I pay my bill it 's no longer actually paid ( this is a new thing they are doing ). I also do n't want them putting credit " Holds '' on my payment so I accrue more interest.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Murray, UT

Getting a line of credit

Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan: Personal line of credit

Complaint: I had recently checked my credit, and had verified that it was in good standing. I was surprised that when I visited XXXX 's website, I was unable to finance a phone purchase, even though the price was so low. I was also shocked to learn that the bank had put a hard credit pull. This was not disclosed on the web site that I visited.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Arco, CA

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Application denied
Complaint: BEWARE OF XXXX XXXX 'S PUSHING THEIR CREDIT CARDS ON UNWARY CUSTOMERS! Speaking as such a customer as well as a consumer economist, I found that they claim instant issuance of a credit card, whereas my wife and I stood in line for a half hour, early in XXXX of XXXX, while our frozen groceries melted -- only to be told that we would get a letter in the mail, which took weeks to arrive! We had just moved to XXXX XXXX and Target declined to issue us a card for that reason, whereas we got cards instantly from XXXX and XXXX. Target store staff fail to mention the truth about their cards, making it seem that newcomers have no problem being approved, and that the cards are issued instantly -- which is a bald-faced lie. Try entering a Target store, and the " greeters '' corner you to push their cards, as do the checkout staff too. These high-pressure tactics lead unwary consumers to apply for a Target card, but be denied. FURTHER, writing to their corporate officers -- including XXXX XXXX XXXX and their top media staff -- does not even merit a response. Target does not even reply to customer service complaints, on their own comment form! Target top staff are high-handed, heavy-handed, and do not honor their own corporate responsibility statements. Target compounds injury ( by lying about their card issuance ) with the insult of non-response. Given their pious statements of respect for their customers and customer rights, this firm behaves abusively & does not deserve customer support. A full investigation of these abusive practices and misrepresentation is quite overdue! Ps. By way of background, I am a consumer economist who helped former XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX write the original CFPB legislation, and who also advised your first XXXX XXXX XXXX. I am proud to have helped the XXXX people by doing so.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Managing an account

Checking or savings account: Checking account

Problem accessing account
Complaint: TD Bank does n't allow external applications to access checking account, apps like XXXX pay, XXXX pay, XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, unless I visit a branch. Unfortunately I am a long haul truck driver and while on the road I do n't have the ability to visit the branch as readily available as others do, so I am prevented by the bank from accessing viable alternative payment methods that can enable me to save money on fees.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Incorrect information on your report

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Account information incorrect
Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) continues to report inaccurate negative information to the three major credit bureaus. On XXXX XXXX, 2017, I requested that XXXX provide the following information to validate the debt allegedly owed : 1- Agreement with your client that grants you the authority to collect on this alleged debt. 2- Agreement that bears the signature of the alleged debtor wherein he/she agreed to pay the creditor. 3- Any insurance claims been made by any creditor regarding this account. 4- Any Judgments obtained by any creditor regarding this account. 5- Name and address of alleged creditor. 6- Name on file of alleged debtor. 7- Alleged account number. 8- Address on file for alleged debtor. 9- Amount of alleged debt. 10- Date this alleged debt became payable. 11- Date of original charge off or delinquency. 12- Verification that this debt was assigned or sold to collector. 13- Complete accounting of alleged debt. 14- Commission for debt collector if collection efforts are successful. To date this information has not been provided to me.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Problem when making payments

Credit card or prepaid card: Store credit card

Problem during payment process
Complaint: On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, I made my payment online like I normally do each and every month. I was paying off the remaining balance of {$310.00}. Fast forward a month, I receive a notice that my payment never went through and I incurred a 30 day late mark on my credit report. I have asked Nordstroms to fix this reporting as this is their error and not mine. I confirmed with my bank that there was never a payment presented to them. I have not changed my banking information at all in a couple of years and i have never been late on this credit card or any other credit card that I utilize. This late mark is now causing me not to be able to purchase a new home.
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Greenwood, CA

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Chicago, IL

Incorrect information on your report

Vehicle loan or lease: Loan

Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response


Centre Island, NY

Getting a credit card

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Sent card you never applied for
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response



Incorrect information on your report

Credit card or prepaid card: General-purpose credit card or charge card

Account information incorrect
Complaint: I have a credit card with TD bank. All my payments in the past have been on time. I missed a payment but never got a bill of missed payment or a notice via mail. I got a call to pay the overdue balance which I did n't know about and I paid in full the entire amount owed not just the overdue amount on the card. I also enrolled in auto pay at the same time so as not to miss another payment. I saw my credit score had dropped by more than 60 points after this and when I reported this to the credit card company they said they could n't do anything about it. I had XXXX complete credit payments on time up to this point and I do not believe one payment missed which I did n't know about after 30 days should result in this consequence.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Weston, CT

Trouble during payment process

Mortgage: Other type of mortgage

Company Response: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response


Lewisville, TX

Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports: Credit reporting

Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Closed with explanation

Timely Response

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