There are over 5340 complaints on file for NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-05.
Rncho Domingz, CA
Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone
Complaint: Theres a double hard inquire from Navy Federal with the same exact date. Ive only applied for their credit card one time.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Galveston, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Shulerville, SC
Unable to open an account
Complaint: To whom this may concern, Im writing this complaint about navy federal credit union, I went to navy federal credit union in the month of XX/XX/XXXX to open a checking 'S and saving 's account with the financial institute at my local branch in XXXX sc, I was counseled by one of there customer service rep 's, he took my deposit only to come back to me saying an account was opened in my name in the year of XX/XX/XXXX, I then told the representative that I had no knowledge of an account being opened with them through me, he said that there was an outstanding {$500.00} balance on that account and then told me that he was unable to grant me membership at the time until it was cleared up, we both discussed that it was fraudulenty opened in my name at the time and was never done by me myself, he then stated that it was nothing he could do because of the time frame the account was opened, this is an unverified fraudulent acct and is making it hard for me to enjoy membership benefits with the financial institution, I called ( navy federal ) customer service number to see if anything could be done so I could begin to access my accounts and start utilizing memberships benefits, they also to me that they could n't verify due to time frame, this matter has become a burden for me and is very discouraging for something that I did n't do, I would like this to be deleted/removed from there systems so I can start utilizing memberships benefits with the financial institution, everyone with their company just keeps giving me the running around, Warm regards, XXXX XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hollywood, FL
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Problem with fees charged
Complaint: In XXXX I went into a Navy Federal Credit Union branch in The XXXX XXXX area and filed for a refinance for a XXXX XXXX XXXX that I purchased through them. I was told on the phone earlier in the month that I could do that by one of their agents. I was out of work and had been since XX/XX/XXXX and was starting to fall behind in payments. I was told this as a temporary solution to my financial problem. We went back and forth for a couple of weeks and then they decided to grant the refinance. They told me that I could n't get the refinance unless I give up the insurance that I had on my loan. Since that time I noticed that they are charging me {$29.00} assessment fees and increase Balance adjustments fees also {$29.00} during the month. This is not helping when it comes to paying off an account no matter what kind. We have discussed fees many times and I am tired of talking to them about this and need help. I am a long time customer and been with them for many years without incurring any problems until now.
Company Response: Closed with monetary relief
Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Complaint: I called XXXX to try and get XXXX hard inquiry off my credit report. They told me they was n't able to help me. I explain that I hard to hard inquiry that was 2 years old. Gave them dates on both. XXXX inquiry was XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX inquiry was XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Virginia Bch, VA
Funds not handled or disbursed as instructed
Complaint: Bill pay kept paying after I took back the authority they once had because I XXXX bill pay t6he credit union as told not to pay any more bills for paid bills knowing the fund had be directed to another bank and being told not but they charged more fees and paid no bills just collected more fees from my account. They was paying bills and not telling me but charge me fees the as if they paid bills. my credit is really messed up and they did nothing to assist me to correct it all though in their manual they were responsible for not getting the payment out on time the only thing they did was denied me credit for late payments that was on the report caused by them they denied me credit for what they did and or cause. Now they are expecting me to pay for bill pay intentional act call me every week and I tell the same thing get from bill pay. Charge me fees for returned checks they wrote knowing the fund was not there they just wanted to collet fees, I had to get out of their bill it was miss using my funds I have to get my credit fixed I can do anything including getting a jog I had a business because of the late payment canceled my money order sell and cut the machine off. They have done nothing to help me fix the problem they refused to give me a copy of letter the claim they sent credit reporting agency 's
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Dickinson, TX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Moore, SC
Overdrafts and overdraft fees
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Wdbg, VA
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Glendale, CO
Deposits and withdrawals
Complaint: On XXXX, I was supposed to have my paycheck direct deposited to my Navy FCU account ( checking ). My online account snapshot stated I had {$0.00} in Checking and {$0.00} in Savings. No other accounts were mentioned. On XX/XX/XXXX, I logged in to my account and it showed my direct deposit scheduled to hit the account. I called Navy Federal 2 ( twice ) times to ensure my funds would be available at midnight on XX/XX/XXXX. Both Representatives I spoke with, stated, " they would be available from XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX ''. When I logged on to my Navy Federal Checking Account at approximately XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, my account showed I had a balance of {$0.00}. Upon further investigation, my account stated that my ENTIRE direct deposit was transferred to a credit card. I called Navy Federal and they stated I had an unpaid credit card debt and the ENTIRE amount was used for " collection purposes ''. None of this information was given to me and I feel was mislead. I am a single Mom who had bills scheduled to be paid from my Navy Federal Account which is causing hardship on my life and that of my child. I have not had any garnishments from my pay or any Court papers stating that I owed money. I feel like I was fraudulently mislead and lied to by my Credit Union who took my entire paycheck from me from debt I have not been given information about and that was n't apparent on my online account. I have screenshots if needed!!!
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Problem during payment process
Complaint: On I had {$90.00} return payment. I had issue with my XXXX XXXX. Which did get resolved. I quickly called XXXX to let them know I had gym payment that came out twice but I was getting refunded for the amount. I spoke to rep name XXXX in ach. I had ach issue before and she help me handle that problem. Since the previous issue was correct. I did n't want this small things to become and issue XXXX advised that she would watch my account to see when the return payment would happen. On XX/XX/XXXX Monday I call and she stated it probably will be Wednesday before it show up. I advised I would be going out of town for work. I would try to deposit cash in ATM at a branch or non branch here in my town. I was n't advised that a deposit at non branch would take several days to post. On XX/XX/XXXX I deposit {$180.00} into XXXX checking which would cover the return amount plus add additional money to my account. I was n't as sued this and that caused an issue as well. OnXX/XX/XXXX I made a {$140.00} payment over the phone with a rep and the rep used the wrong account. I was very frustrated. As this was n't fault of my own but the represent I had funds in my account XXXX not XXXX. I 'm just truly frustrated. I was told after 3 return payment the method to use transfer is suspend. Now my account is suspend again after 2 payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Winton, CA
Account opened as a result of fraud
Complaint: I am writing this complaint to formally request a resolution of my fraud claim with XXXX XXXX XXXX. Ive been a victim of fraud and discovered the fraud when I tried to apply with Navy Federal Credit Union in XX/XX/XXXX online, the system stated that I already had an account with Navy Federal Credit Union and to call customer service. I called customer service and a representative stated that there was an account in my name opened around XX/XX/XXXX and is in default, which I wasnt aware of. Then the representative assisted me with opening a fraud claim, she then stated to me that someone in the Security Department will be contacting me.
On XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with XXXX XXXX in the Security Department, there was several questions which I answered, I then verified that the Drivers License number on file was incorrect. After speaking with XXXX XXXX, I then proceeded with a police report as well as an Identity Theft Report with Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ), I made a copy of my Drivers License and faxed over the ID Theft report, police report and Driver 's license to XXXX XXXX in the Security Department with Navy Federal Credit Union. I was shocked and upset that XXXX XXXX sent me a correspondence on XX/XX/XXXX and stated that there was no error. I felt my claim was convoluted due to the fact that I was n't complaining about an error, I was complaining about fraud involving my social security number and identity. To my understanding XXXX XXXX never investigated fraud because if he did, he would have found that it was n't me that opened the account in the year XX/XX/XXXX.
After receiving the correspondence from XXXX XXXX I called Customer Service and they instructed to write an appeal. I did so and faxed it to XXXX XXXX XXXX in the Security Department and received no response to my appeal. I have exhausted my resources to try to resolve this issue on my own. I am seeking fairness in this matter that I should not be prevented from banking with Navy Federal due to me being a victim of Identity fraud in XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Jacinto, CA
Debt is not yours
Complaint: In mid to late XX/XX/XXXX I visited XXXX, NY for about 3 days. When i returned home I noticed an amount of around {$1100.00} debited from my Navy Federal Credit Union checking account. I called the bank and reported a fraud claim with the assumption that someone had used a receipt or my checking card number to make purchases at a XXXX XXXX and an XXXX location somewhere in New York. The bank opened a fraud claim and quickly refunded my money without any issues. No other communication took place to my recollection. XX/XX/XXXX, without any notice, i saw a deduction from my checking account listed as Adjustment-DR {$250.00}. I notified Navy Federal of this. They stated that it was them who deducted the money but they could not tell me why is was deducted. They returned the {$250.00} since they could not tell me why it was taken. After a few days they called and stated that they found I had another checking account in XX/XX/XXXX that had a debt that was not paid off. I told them I had never had another account and had the same checking and savings with them for the last 15 years. They did more " investigation '' and returned with the story that my fraud claim in XX/XX/XXXX, 10 years earlier, had been denied. They stated that the bank was claiming the money they had refunded me in XX/XX/XXXX for the fraud claim as a " loss '' and needed to collect this money. Without any communication or notification they had processed an " adjustment-DR '' in the amount of {$250.00}. I had never been contacted in the 10 years prior about my fraud claim being denied. They said, if i wanted to appeal, I could send an email to XXXXXXXXXXXX which i did on XX/XX/XXXX. 10 years after my fraud claim. I received an autoreply stating it would be 15 days before I received a response from them. I was then told by XXXX, the associate helping me, she would put a 30 day hold on any other money being deducted from my account. I never any other reply from the initial fraud claim besides the auto reply. Then on XX/XX/XXXX I noticed another Adjustment-DR from my Navy Federal checking account in the amount of {$120.00}. I called Navy Federal and inquired about my appeal claim. They stated they never received it. I told them I had an auto reply that it was received and being processed. I was asked to resend this and call back immediately to make sure they received this new claim which they did and I received the same autoreply as in my first appeals email. I then went immediately to the bank and asked about the most recent adjustment-DR. I was directed to XXXX, one of the bank managers. She looked up my account and could see multiple notes made about this. She also mentioned that another deduction had been processed on XX/XX/XXXX " Adjustment-DR '' in the amount of {$910.00}. She also mentioned the claim had been closed by XXXX. She attempted to call multiple resources to inquire about this and no one could give her any information. XXXX and XXXX, the other manager, have been working on getting information on this issue They have been told the bank is still investigating the issue and has no information at this time even though the claim has been closed. There is no explanation as to why the claim was even opened or why they have taken {$1000.00} from my personal checking account. I have requested for this money to be returned until they can provide proof as to why it was taken. This request was denied. I am a single father of XXXX children ages XXXX, XXXX, XXXX. Over {$1000.00} was deducted from my personal checking account without notice, without reason, without any proof or explanation, and no representative has been able to provide me with any solid information for any of this happening. It has been 10 years since my initial fraud claim was supposedly denied which I was never notified of. The managers at my local branch have told me they usually close these types of things in no longer than 3 years and call it a loss. I have spent countless hours on the phone with Navy Federal, in the local branch all of which has affected my personal life both financially and personally with my children. It has cause stress, lost work time, and issues in my marriage due to the time and stress involved. Please help.
Company Response: Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error Closed with monetary relief
Cheverly, MD
Account status incorrect
Complaint: I am on of the people that was affected by Navy 's Improper Debt Collection which has affected my credit since it was done. I have called on a regular basis to see when Navy was going to pay me and fix the problem and have not received any satisfaction. It has been two years since you ordered Navy to pay and they have not done anything. Request that CFPB look back into the what Navy is doing and why they are dragging their feet in giving its customers relief. " CFPB Orders Navy Federal Credit Union to Pay {$28.00} Million for Improper Debt Collection Actions ''
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hon, HI
Problem using a debit or ATM card
Complaint: See complaints XXXX and XXXX. Company 's response did not resolve my issue - Navy Federal refuses to credit my account for the stolen debit card 's unauthorized transactions.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Garrett Park, MD
Complaint: I have an installment loan with Navy Federal, which I have had for over two years. I make monthly payments and occasionally, when I am unable to pay on the due date, I call and schedule the payment to be deducted from my checking account within 30 days of the due date. My loan payment is due on the XXXX of each month and my paychecks are deposited automatically to my account every two weeks.
In XX/XX/XXXX, we were unable to pay the loan within 30 days but I knew that I would be able to pay it on XXXX XXXX ( my next pay day ). On XX/XX/XXXX, Navy Federal deducted the XX/XX/XXXX payment ( {$1600.00} ) from my account automatically as soon as my paycheck was scheduled to hit my account. Then on XX/XX/XXXX, they deducted another {$3200.00} from my account automatically and applied it to the loan for the payment due on XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX. This was done without my authorization and without notice.
A brief search online reveals that this pattern and practice is rampant by Navy Federal and they routinely access their customers ' accounts to make payments on Navy Federal loans, advising that this was a term of the loan when we entered into the loan years ago. I have now spent 5+ hours on the phone with various representatives to try to have both the XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX payments reversed immediately. But the bank refuses to issue a refund for the XX/XX/XXXX payment ( today is XX/XX/XXXX ) citing that my loan is past due. Note - they deducted the XX/XX/XXXX payment from my account the day after the due date. It took me four hours to get them to reverse the XX/XX/XXXX payment, which again, they applied a full month before it was due.
I am on the phone with them yet again and it is unreasonable to expect anyone to have to spend over five hours resolving an issue like this. In addition, this is not the first time this has happened. I have scheduled payments with Navy Federal and their system would still sometimes go into my account and withdraw funds to pay a loan. I would expect that the bank would be required to notify customers BEFORE withdrawing funds from their account, even if the bank believes it is entitled to such funds. They can reach me by email and phone, yet I received no messages indicating that they were going to withdraw over {$4000.00} from my account in a 24 hour period.
Perhaps the most frustrating thing about this matter is that it appears that supervisors are unwilling or unable to ever get on the phone to assist a consumer. They are nameless, faceless and voiceless people, who send their responses through the front line representatives even when the decision being made is unreasonable and unfair to the consumer.
I ask that you look into this as soon as possible.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Decatur, GA
Account status incorrect
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Murray, UT
Problem making or receiving payments
Complaint: From XX/XX/XXXX - XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX have been making unauthorized debts from my checking account every month totaling what I believe to be a total of {$930.00}. I contacted both companies XXXXXXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX about the charges and they confirmed my verbal cancellation and my absence from the institution, they stated that a written confirmation was needed, which was not stated to me as I left the gym XX/XX/XXXX with the previous managers made aware of my cancellation. I contacted my banking institution Navy Federal Credit Union and they found the transactions and updated my bank account and billing information with the company without authorization. This was due to a previous incident with my identity being stolen and being issued several bank cards along with a new bank account number. Currently they are stating Regulation E which provides regulation of bank transfers. This however is not enough due to this account being updated by my bank Navy Federal Credit Union. My next step is to make a lawsuit involving all three parties Navy Federal Credit Union, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Arvada, CO
Billing problem
Complaint: I have a car loan with Navy Federal and honestly forgot to reach out to the bank after my loan was approved. Navy Federal advised me that I stated that I would go to the branch to pick up the loan after listening to the calls.
Navy Federal let the loan sit at the bank for over 3 weeks and did not contact me about the loan. They stated that it is not their policy to reach out to consumers on their loans. It seems a very bad business practice to just not contact a consumer about a loan. Life happens and sometimes a consumer can forget.
I am very upset that the blame is all on me and that Navy Federal considers this a normal business practice.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Hazlehurst, GA
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX a family member discovered that the home located at XXXX XXXX in XXXX, NC was not longer there. Through research I discovered that the city demolished the resident, but I was never notified. However Navy Federal Credit union was notified and never informed me. A employee at Navy Federal signed the return receipt and provided it back to the city, because I was never notified and did n't know problems existed, the property was demolished. The home was demolished at the beginning of 2017. After discovering this has taken place I spoke to the city inspector and after he looked further into the case that 's when I found out that Navy Federal was made aware and I was provided with a tracking number for the letter that was mailed to them. After discovering this I contacted XXXX XXXX and Navy Federal and told him everything that I have stated and I was told that I still owe the unpaid balance for the property even though it no longer exist and Navy Federal knew the property was going to be demolished and never told me. I also spoke to XXXX a supervisor and I was told the something.
Additional information : Navy Federal charged this loan off, but is still showing that I own the property and states that I 'm still responsible for the unpaid loan balance.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Bel Alton, MD
Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: On XXXX XXXX,2017 Navy Federal Credit Union Transferred {$710.00} from my savings account to my home improvement loan with out my permission and refused to put it back even after I told them the money was for personal things given to me by my lawyer to live on until about the XXXX of XXXX when my settlement comes in and I intend to pay off my loans in full.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation