There are over 5340 complaints on file for NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Dated between 2019-12-16 and 2011-12-05.
South Florida, FL
Complaint: Due to the hurricane I had damages to my car and home that I need extra cash for. I had a XXXX line of credit and my mother had XXXX. So we wrote my boyfriend a checking line of credit check so that we can use the funds to fix his car that was damaged and our home. I made a mistake and used my old XXXX check that I requested to close due to transactions I did not approve. I called navy federal and explained what happened. Agent said I can transfer funds instead of writing a check. We found out my boyfriends account was restricted so I transferred to funds to my aunts account. My mother and I could n't transfer it into our account because we 're getting ready to close on a house and ca n't have funds such as XXXX deposited into our account. So when we transferred the funds to my aunt account navy federal froze all our accounts due to fraud. My account, my mother, my boyfriend, my aunt, my brother in law and mother in law. I do n't understand how we can fraud our own accounts when we have almost everything with them and walk into the bank almost every week. They froze credit cards ... auto account ... XXXX ... everything. When I called to get everything straightened out I was treated like I did something wrong. The agent was no help at all. Also when we all went to the branch to talk to someone we were just shoved a fraud form to fill out without anyone really taking to use. They are not trying to help us fix something that is not what they say. We always try to get additional products with them by applying online and trying to move our services over. We tried to transfer money from our XXXX like we we 're told we can do but that caused all of our accounts to be frozen. Even after explaining the mix up with me writing a check connected to my closed account, they are not trying to listen and have caused a financial set back and stress.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
South Florida, FL
Complaint: I just joined navy federal through my niece And now I see all of our account have been frozen. XXXX my niece and my sister XXXX tried to use their checking line credit to do repairs and purchases and tried to write a check but were told that they used the incorrect check that belonged to a closed account. So my niece asked can she transfer the funds to my account since she could n't transfer it to hers or her mothers since they are getting ready to close in a house and ca n't have any credit or loan put into their account. She transferred the funds to be but shortly after all of our accounts were frozen. No call to use to confirm anything. They just closed everything down. I have an auto loan and credit card and checking account. How could they do something like this to our family? Especially my niece who always suggest navy federal to everyone.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Columbia, SC
Fee problem
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief
Chicago Heights, IL
Company closed your account
Complaint: Today on XX/XX/2018 my navy federal account was frizen without any notifaction!! No rmail no call. When i called i find out that because if XXXX XXXX XXXX there was a account with XXXX that would not be removed because it was so called verfied and accurate!! Thats was my second time telling XXXX XXXX I have never had a account with them and they have not sent any prove of signature or anything for this account. Just a letter saying verfied! I have XXXX kids and having my account frozen without any warning is very stressful and dangerous for a single mother who is already struggling! This was not the correct way to go about buisness for neither 3 companies
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Tulsa, OK
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Complaint: I have filed complaints with XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX against Navy Federal Credit Union regarding numerous misapplied payments and payments taken from the wrong account than what was given to the member service representatives. I tried to file another complaint with XXXX XXXX XXXX however they close it as a duplicate complaint even though it is not just a duplicate complaint it is an ongoing and reoccurring issue with XXXX. I would like someone else to address my issues. They are reporting incorrect information to the 3 major Credit Bureaus after I was told by their legal department that I did n't have to make a payment until the complaints were finished however that too was a lie on XXXX behalf. Access # with NFCU XXXX. After Numerous attempts to get the incorrect reporting resolved on all three credit reports XXXX XXXX does nothing to fix these issues just closes the dispute saying the information is correct. Their legal department advised me not to make a payment while prior investigations we going on however XXXX XXXX said that they do n't record calls in that department for legal reasons and that they have no record of say such XXXX XXXX XXXX was the party spoken to XXXX. They probably do n't record them to cover up their corruption. All three credit cards with XXXX XXXX need to have their slate wiped clean for all the misapplied payments and errors that XXXX XXXX has created. They also tried withdrawing funds from the wrong account to clear the negative amount on my checking account now they froze the account to where I ca n't do anything online even view statements or make payments on existing credit cards. I can only due that over the phone in which they charge me fees to do.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
College Sta, TX
Problem making or receiving payments
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Ayers, IL
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Glenarden, MD
Changes in terms mid-deal or after closing
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Columbia, SC
Complaint: On or aboutXX/XX/XXXX I open a bill consolidation loan with Navy Federal Credit Union loan number XXXX : I have refinance this loan on or aboutXX/XX/XXXX I consolidated 4 loans 3 auto loans as well as a charge off account of {$10000.00} credit card debt : Which has been charge off for over 1 or 2 yrs ago. with interest and fees from the charge off credit card debt : On or about XX/XX/XXXX I received a redress payment for only 2 out of 3 loans for about {$1500.00} from a settlement between Navy Federal and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for bad collection practices I guess : " Complaint '' My bill consolidation loan is due on the 12th of every month and since I have not made the payment for XXXX as of yet : Navy Federal Credit Union has been taking money from my saving account and checking account and applying it to my current loan : I am only 2 weeks behind on my current loan and Navy Federal is transferring small amounts of my money from my saving account to my loan : On XX/XX/XXXX {$38.00} was transfer from my checking account to my current loan without my consent : On XX/XX/XXXX {$18.00} was transfer from my saving account to my current loan without my consent : This has been going on for a few months now : I only discover the theft today on XX/XX/XXXX : I was not aware or was not notify that fees or collection fees would be transfer from my saving/checking account without my permission : To be apply to a current loan : My current loan is not 30 days past due or 60 days past due and has already been charge fees : I pray for CFPB help and relief one more time in this matter : Thank You
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Chula Vista, CA
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Charged too much interest
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lawrenceville, GA
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Ch Hgts, SC
Seized or attempted to seize your property
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Waynesburg, PA
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Cheverly, MD
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Complaint: A law needs to be passed where the collections agencies supply invoices to consumers that are on payment plans. Debt collection agencies are taking advantage of consumers that are trying earnestly and honestly to respectfully pay what they owe.
Is there a law in place where debt collection agencies, credit card companies, and banks should supply a consumer with an invoice monthly or at least quarterly as to what the interest is accruing on that payment plan? And most importantly when payment plans are established how are these companies able to take your payment and apply it all to the interest that is accruing since your payment plan payments are lower than the original contract or credit card payments.
The payment should be going towards the debt itself or at least half of it should be applied the debt and half towards the interest. When no laws or terms are set in place as stated above the consumers are stuck with the dilemma of being taken advantage of and abused into paying way more than whats sent to collect.
If a consumer defaulted on an account and couldnt pay, how in the world could they pay on a payment plan that is being charged monthly and or yearly interest and most importantly when they dont even know how that interest is being compounded if the agency or bank never sends you any receipts or invoices of payments received. The consumer doesnt know until he or she happen to call and inquire about the account balance.
Why isnt the law carried over like with a regular loan or credit card account that sends monthly invoices so the consumer as to payments received, so they will know whats going on with the account? Debt collectors so send invoices of any kind unless requested and this is wrong.
Debt payment plans/agreements of this kind are sure signs of being abused by price gaulging a consumers debt with unknown terms and how interest is being accrued.
Why isnt there a law in place to protect consumers on this issue? We are being taken advantage of by debt collection firms, banks, and credit card agencies. A lot of the debt collections laws that are in place are cosmetic, protecting the surface. We need in depth laws put in place asap.
Also see complaint # XXXX & XXXX, it was never resolved. Their response is not what the court drawn agreement says at all. NO NEED TO SEND TO NAVY FEDERAL, THIS IS A LEGAL, CFPB, AND OR FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ISSUE. I NEED LAW PROTECTING FACTS.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Carthage, NC
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Borough, CT
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Long Beach, CA
Talked to a third-party about your debt
Complaint: I went to the finance company on base and they told me I would have to pay the full amount right then or risk having my company commander finding all about this problem. They stated it was protocole to report to my Co. and let them know about my delinquency. They started to make calls to my HQ and informed my Co. about the balance on my dept, and it was now a default status and there was nothing I could do about it. I would have to pay the full balance today, or they would have no choice but to notify my Co about this, they would restrict my account to me, they would also need the vehicle returned to them right away and I would not be able to get it back. I would have very bad credit as a result of this problem, and it would take years to repair it. They wanted the money right away. I just did n't have the money amount they were requesting, almost {$6800.00}. They came to get the car picked up, and told me to start looking at my credit report, as the negative information should be showing up pretty soon. I was so very embarrassed they contacted my company commander, and those around me on base regarding my credit issues. I felt as if I could do nothing at all, helpless to help my situation at that point. As a result of this problem, I could not get further credit anywhere, and my credit rating actually went down because of this also. We would like the additional money to deal with this problem, and to address the loss interest we would have incurred as a result of my partial payment made that I lost due to it not being returned. I have paid credit agencies money to try to clean up my credit rating, but it still shows negative from the Navy Credit union, it seems like my money is not doing anything so far, just wasting away. I am asking for help to help restore my credit rating as a result of my NCU account showing negative. I just want it back to where it was prior to this loan. Nothing more. I will now have to have a credit monitoring system in place, as the government seems ca n't do it either. I just want the right thing done here. Thank you. XXXX
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Oxford, GA
Billing dispute for services
Complaint: I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payments on the dates below : NAVY FEDERAL CR UNION XXXX XX/XX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX and alsoXX/XX/XXXX I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Fort Washington, MD
Deposits and withdrawals
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Lewisville, TX
Transaction was not authorized
Complaint: This issue was discovered today XXXX2017. I reviewed my account online and noticed a charge of {$140.00} from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX, TX ) which I did not authorize. I called my Bank Navy Federal Credit union to ask that the charge be reversed. I was told that even though the funds had been pulled from my account I would have to wait for the charge to post. I told the bank I did not authorize this charge from XXXX and that this is theft. I concluded my business originally with XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX. My Insurance company XXXX procured a rental for me due to hail damage on my vehicle. I was charged a {$50.00} dollar deposit on my card which was returned a week after I returned the vehicle. I did not authorize the {$140.00} nor received any correspondence that these charges would be made to my account. I expect restitution of the full {$140.00} taken from my account without my permission. It continues to amaze me that companies are allowed to engage in theft without consequences. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance regarding this matter.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
San Diego, CA
Seized or attempted to seize your property
Complaint: From XXXX to XXXX, Navy Federal Credit Union threatened me with hundreds of letters, phone calls to relatives, robo phone calls at XXXX, kept seizing my assets in savings and checking account in order to make me a member " not in good standing '', threats to my commanding officer, and countless other tactics that caused emotional distress while trying to study for new career after serving in the military. I kept NavyFCU informed of my income status and made payment arangements. I even would deposit more than minimum required. Harassment got worse and worse despite being a customer since XXXX, and having several paid in full accounts including auto and signature loans fully satisfied with never a late payment prior to XXXX. Every letter said that it would be impossible to establish credit again. All accounts charged off after impossible payments were demanded. I was never litigated against, my car secured by loan was never seized. I doubled my payments ( even though I was n't financial able ) in order show that I was trying, but I was treated like a criminal.
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Marysville, MI
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with explanation
Crofton, MD
Debt is not yours
Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law Closed with monetary relief