There are over 11723 complaints on file for DISCOVER BANK. Dated between 2019-12-12 and 2011-12-01.
Credit card - | 4264 |
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose credit card or charge card | 2653 |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting | 1058 |
Student loan - Non-federal student loan | 792 |
Debt collection - Credit card debt | 565 |
Debt collection - Credit card | 541 |
Student loan - Private student loan | 391 |
Bank account or service - Checking account | 175 |
Checking or savings account - Checking account | 115 |
Bank account or service - (CD) Certificate of deposit | 111 |
Bank account or service - Savings account | 104 |
Consumer Loan - Installment loan | 102 |
Checking or savings account - Savings account | 97 |
Bank account or service - Other bank product/service | 96 |
Debt collection - I do not know | 83 |
Credit reporting - | 69 |
Checking or savings account - Other banking product or service | 42 |
Checking or savings account - CD (Certificate of Deposit) | 41 |
Debt collection - Other debt | 39 |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Personal line of credit | 34 |
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Installment loan | 31 |
Debt collection - Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.) | 31 |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report | 30 |
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC) | 28 |
Mortgage - Conventional fixed mortgage | 28 |
Consumer Loan - Personal line of credit | 19 |
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose prepaid card | 18 |
Debt collection - Non-federal student loan | 17 |
Mortgage - Other mortgage | 14 |
Student loan - Federal student loan servicing | 14 |
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit | 14 |
Debt collection - Private student loan debt | 12 |
Credit card or prepaid card - Store credit card | 11 |
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Domestic (US) money transfer | 11 |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit repair services | 9 |
Mortgage - FHA mortgage | 8 |
Money transfers - Domestic (US) money transfer | 8 |
Mortgage - Other type of mortgage | 7 |
River Forest, IL
Company Response: In progress
Barrington, CA
Company closed your account
Company Response: In progress
Privacy issues
Company Response: In progress
Plymouth, FL
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: In progress
Sebring, FL
Credit card company won't increase or decrease your credit limit
Company Response: In progress
Nappanee, IN
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Company Response: In progress
Trouble with how payments are being handled
Company Response: In progress
Debt is not yours
Company Response: In progress
Milwaukee, WI
Can't use card to make purchases
Company Response: In progress
Bueche, LA
Debt is not yours
Company Response: In progress
N San Juan, CA
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Company Response: In progress
Los Indios, TX
Can't use card to make purchases
Company Response: In progress
Jupiter, FL
Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Company Response: In progress
Tarzana, CA
Didn't receive advertised or promotional terms
Company Response: In progress
Los Indios, TX
Can't use card to make purchases
Company Response: In progress
Key Biscayne, FL
Debt was result of identity theft
Company Response: In progress
Bronx, NY
Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Company Response: In progress
Fresno, CA
Information belongs to someone else
Company Response: In progress
Natrona Hts, PA
Debt was result of identity theft
Company Response: In progress
Katonah, NY
Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Company Response: Closed with explanation
Debt was result of identity theft
Company Response: In progress
Madison Square Sta, NY
Can't temporarily delay making payments
Company Response: In progress
Pryse, KY
Notification didn't disclose it was an attempt to collect a debt
Company Response: In progress
Sued you in a state where you do not live or did not sign for the debt
Company Response: In progress
Pryse, KY
Notification didn't disclose it was an attempt to collect a debt
Company Response: In progress